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Normally 70-80 for A but they totally vary
Yes, usually around 75%. Last year's was 72% I think, this was a harder paper in my opinion. Aim for 80%+ and you should get an A. :smile:
Reply 3
To be honest, there's no reason to not get 100% in additional maths. Everything is pretty straightforward. I can see losing a few marks in section B if they phrase stuff badly (like they always do for binomial probablity) and you might lose a few marks if you're just naturally bad at something (like 3D trig + bearings for me) but besides that, it's a joke.

We covered the entire course (besides integration) in 1 term at a fairly relaxed + enjoyable pace.

I don't see why we couldn't have just done AS maths instead.
To be honest, there's no reason to not get 100% in additional maths. Everything is pretty straightforward. I can see losing a few marks in section B if they phrase stuff badly (like they always do for binomial probablity) and you might lose a few marks if you're just naturally bad at something (like 3D trig + bearings for me) but besides that, it's a joke.

We covered the entire course (besides integration) in 1 term at a fairly relaxed + enjoyable pace.

I don't see why we couldn't have just done AS maths instead.

I agree, we did the GCSE and Ad Maths courses simultaniously and because we were the first year who ever did it, my teacher (who suggested it) wanted the Ad Maths results to be spectacular so she could keep teaching it, so she taught NOTHING BUT Ad Maths in the whole 2 years.:rolleyes:

Because of this everyone has no clue about the GCSE work and is going to miss the A*, but of course that doesn't matter as long as everyone has 100% in Ad Maths:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Yeah, a C in Additional Maths is better than an A* at GCSE. Even though our course is far far shorter and much simpler (if you're good at algebra).
Reply 6
Doesn't AdMath just pale into insignificance? It's only worth 20 UCAS points, and a whole set of A*s at GCSE would be a bit more impressive. Especially if you are doing Maths A-levels, in which case it's rather pointless! Oh well.
Reply 7
Thanks!! I agree, I'd much rather have done AS a year early or something, but I've been talking to friends in the year above and doing ad maths makes the AS year of maths so much easier! It's basically all the same stuff with a few additional things which could probably be taught in a few lessons or so!
Yeah, let's face it, it would be nice to do AS maths a year early (my school doesn't have a sixth form so I don't think this would have been possible for me), but I should find next year a doddle so it doesn't really matter to me anyway :smile:
Reply 9
Anybody know where I can find a list of topics and revision sites for ocr add maths? We've been taught mostly just GCSE maths, so I've got loads of revising to do before thursday, and not much help.

Cheers :cool:
Reply 10
just wondering if anyone knows what these are? I've heard that 70% and above is an A but i'm not so sure, thanks!!

It is. I thought it was 70% for an A grade in Additional Maths and once I checked, I was right.
Reply 11
To be honest, there's no reason to not get 100% in additional maths. Everything is pretty straightforward. I can see losing a few marks in section B if they phrase stuff badly (like they always do for binomial probablity) and you might lose a few marks if you're just naturally bad at something (like 3D trig + bearings for me) but besides that, it's a joke.

We covered the entire course (besides integration) in 1 term at a fairly relaxed + enjoyable pace.

I don't see why we couldn't have just done AS maths instead.

Are you really good at this. Even if you are good at something, you should always revise on the topics you're not good at. ok?
Reply 12
Anybody know where I can find a list of topics and revision sites for ocr add maths? We've been taught mostly just GCSE maths, so I've got loads of revising to do before thursday, and not much help.

Cheers :cool:

Well... there is always the OCR website. Also , you could also buy or download previous papers for extra confidence. What year are you doing your paper?
You do realise that this thread is VERY out of date now...the exam was over 6 months ago now! Well, actually, 18 months if this is from 2006 =).

I did this course and like most people here I would've prefered to do some AS modules instead-like C1 and C2 in lessons, possibly being taught S1 outside lessons so this year we could just go straight to A2, or Further Maths AS.

As for the boundary, it's usually somewhere in the 70s. For 2007 it was 70 I think, and 2006 it was 79, though that was an easy paper relatively. It really does depend though-the difficulty seems to alternate. One year it's easy, the next it's hard. SO people doing it next summer, 2008, should get an easy paper.

And Swayam, you're talking nonsense when you say there's no reason not to get 100%. Have you SEEN the 2007 paper, especially the last question? Cos I have yet to meet someone who managed to do it. And that was 10 marks! Yes, the content's easy, but sometimes the questions are pretty much impossible.
Reply 14

And Swayam, you're talking nonsense when you say there's no reason not to get 100%. Have you SEEN the 2007 paper, especially the last question? Cos I have yet to meet someone who managed to do it. And that was 10 marks! Yes, the content's easy, but sometimes the questions are pretty much impossible.

No, I haven't seen the 2007 paper. I wrote that in 2006 before I had actually sat Additional Maths myself and I did end up with 94%. Someone in my maths class ended up with 100% and lots of people got 95% or more. I don't know if the 2007 paper was especially difficult but I still stand by what I said then; there's no reason to not get 100% in Additional Maths and, now that I'm doing A2, I'll go on to say that there's no reason to not get 100% in any Maths module at A-level either (at least out of the 12 I'm sitting).


To elaborate, have you SEEN the 2006 paper? The first question was like the most basic question I'd ever seen.
Yes, I have seen, and done, the 2006 paper. Admittedly I didn't do too well on it-not as well as I would've liked, but that was mostly due to stupid mistakes and forgetting how to do 1 or 2 things, but whatever, that's not relevant. I'm not saying it's not possible to get 100%, and I'm sure that a lot of people could, and do. It's just that it seems as if you're saying that everyone that takes add maths should get 100% if they've been taught all the content. If that's what you're saying, then I somewhat agree, but that can also be applied to many other subjects too. Perhaps not as easily, especially with essay subjects such as English Lit etc, but it could be applied to sciences, however the markschemes (especially in bio) are so specific you mightn't get full marks cos you missed out one or two words.

And now I guess I'm somewhat contradicting myself...basically, I'm trying to say that you can't expect everyone to get 100%, which is what you're implying.
Am I the only one who can't get my head around Additional Maths at all?

I'm not really been taught, but people keep making it out to be a breeze. :s-smilie:
Although I got an A in it, I wouldn't call it "a breeze". I found it really hard to start with, and then it just...clicked, really. We spent quite a lot of time on it-about 1/2 of the first term then basically up to the Easter hols, then we just did loads of revision and past papers. When you learn new things, read over your notes, do practice questions, and eventually you'll get the hang of it. And remember, it'll make Maths AS a LOT easier, if you take maths that is, seeing as you would've done the majority of C1 and C2...I do the MEI course and from C1 and C2 there's only sequences and series, logarithms and some trig that wasn't covered in Additional Maths. And it also covered some of M1, but we're not doing that.
Reply 18
SO people doing it next summer, 2008, should get an easy paper.

That's good 'cause that's when I'm doing it, but I'm finding it really hard - anyone know any good revision sites for it? Where it actually tells you what the hell to do?
Reply 19
I really need revision sites 'cause I dunno what I'm doing with this course. please people