The Student Room Group
Reply 1
That's ... a pretty general question
Reply 2
Usually guys are pretty straightforward, although you need to drag everything out of them first. Of course, everyone lies sometimes.

Silly questions really, why do you ask?
Reply 3
Girls do that too. I generally avoid awkward questions but I know friends who say one thing and mean another. I'm sure that guys are the same.
Reply 4
they do, like 'oh yeah, i will go on holiday with you, but really, i'm going on holiday with my best friend to sweden and i've made sure our holidays clash so i can't go on both'.

my bf is an *******.

i don't think all guys do it, but some do. depends on the bloke.
Reply 5
they do, like 'oh yeah, i will go on holiday with you, but really, i'm going on holiday with my best friend to sweden and i've made sure our holidays clash so i can't go on both'.

my bf is an *******.

i don't think all guys do it, but some do. depends on the bloke.
Aww hun.. :hugs:
Reply 6
Say one thing and mean another?

And if so, what sort of guys do this? x

No, no one ever does this. Humans are always really straightforward and tell you exactly how they're really feeling.
Reply 7
they do, like 'oh yeah, i will go on holiday with you, but really, i'm going on holiday with my best friend to sweden and i've made sure our holidays clash so i can't go on both'.

my bf is an *******.

i don't think all guys do it, but some do. depends on the bloke.

Your bf sounds like THE MAN
Reply 8
they do, like 'oh yeah, i will go on holiday with you, but really, i'm going on holiday with my best friend to sweden and i've made sure our holidays clash so i can't go on both'.

my bf is an *******.

no bitterness there?!
That should be DA MAN surely.
Reply 10

Wait... does that mean no? Or perhaps I really meant it.

Or maybe im double bluffing.

When shall the deciet end?!?!
Reply 11
But seriously... that is a bit of a general question with a huge steriotype.
Yes it's called lying.
Reply 13
hahaha! guys are usually less cryptic than girls on average, we don't have that telekinesis power girls have :p:
Reply 14
Say one thing and mean another?

And if so, what sort of guys do this? x

I thought it was a human trait..
Reply 15
Obviously some guys do, and so do some girls. T'is only human nature. I'm sure you knew this already.

EDIT: Cheers Nuheen.
Yeh it's human nature.
Everyone's got different ways of expressing themselves, that in the end we may end up wondering what they mean.
Emotions, hormones, it's all in the game.