The Student Room Group

OASC and Aptitude Test Scoring

Hi All, I know this has probably been posted somewhere before, but I hope you'll forgive me! :rolleyes:

I've just ben to OASC and I have received my report. Does anyone have a concrete knowledge of what the scoring system is for both the actual assessments and the aptitude tests? Any boundaries for the Aptitude Tests would be an extra bonus! ^_^

I spent quite a large proportion of my time before OASC studying this forum and It's definitely cool to have so many knowledgeable people in one place!


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Reply 1
As far as I know is isn't public information. You have to score above 112 to pass for pilot, that much I know.

What branch specifically?

The scoring system for the overall mark is 1-5 I believe. Although I hear rumours it used to be 1-7.
Reply 2
I'm not 100% sure what the top-end limit is for aptitude scoring (eg 'you scored x marks out of a possible y'), but I got 169/170 for all the non-aircrew branches, and I think I remember being told in my aptitude review that the top end is 180. Don't hold me to that though, as it would make more sense if it was out of 200.

Hereth ends the shameless self-pimpage
Reply 3
The top mark is 180 I believe. :smile:
Reply 4
180 is the top score. All pass marks are 100 bar pilot which BH correctly stated as 112.

The board grades are now rated as 1- to 4+.

Most of it is not pulic info im afraid.
Reply 5
As far as I know is isn't public information. You have to score above 112 to pass for pilot, that much I know.

What branch specifically?

The scoring system for the overall mark is 1-5 I believe. Although I hear rumours it used to be 1-7.

Cheers guys, that was a pretty quick response.

I don't actually have my report to hand, but I think I got 146. I know I passed everything on the list which was nice. ^_^

I got pretty much straight 3s which was rather disappointing, I need to go back another time to have my fitness redone because I dropped out early on the MSFT :frown:

I'm just basically spending all my time now training up for the fitness test so I can ace it and show that I really want this! :smile:

Has anyone recently gone through OASC and done the new aptitude test? they gave it to us as a trial (i.e it doesn't count towards our final score).

It involves you being in charge of an airship-type delivery company, you are given a load of information on seperate panels which you call up and dismiss with the coloured keys (fuel consumptions of aircraft, airspeeds -with and without packages etc, weather effects) and you then have to use mental Distance, Speed and Time combined with the provided info to calculate various fuel requirements, times and speeds, and angles of travel. Its almost a cumulation of all the previous aptitude tests combined with the planning exercises! Sounds easy enough, but you are only given 60 seconds to do each question!

I struggled a lot with it initially (mainly because I had spent the previous 6 hours doing all the others and I was knackered) but I got into the swing of it eventually. The whole test lasts for about 15 minutes.

Reply 6
erm, sorry about the multi-post, my browser did something funky when I clicked post!

and if nobody noticed, then you aren't reading this message! ¬_¬
Reply 7
Oh the second page (I think) Where at the top it marks your motivation, commitment, etc the marks are out of 10. :smile:
Reply 8
Interview page i think your right BH the top is out of 10, Phase 2 out of 5 with 2 being fail and 3 pass with 4 good pass, never come across a 5 but i guess its out of 5?.
Then you get a mark with a plus or minus as your final boarding score

Schleigg straight 3's on the phase 2 bit is actually ok! it means you were demmed ok in all areas, first time round I didn't have a single 3 on that matrix all 2's and a 1 :redface: made a bit of an effort in that area this time though.. :smile:

I had that new one too as a test, it was v hard i didnt like it!
Reply 9
p.s Schleigg you didnt say if you passed or not? which OASC were you on?
Reply 10
Hey Schleigg, I was up at OASC 16-19th of may and got my report a couple of weeks ago. I remember that trial test, took me a while to figure it out too, everyone came out praying it was the one that didn't count! I thought ours lasted about 45 minutes though, 3 questions of 15 each or something, maybe I was hallucinating because it came right at the end and I was pretty mentally tired. What dates were you up there? There were a couple of guys dropped out on the MSFT on my intake who were pretty bummed as they'd passed everything else. Real shame as its something you can work hard on before IOT anyway.

My overall was a 3+, so I'ma aiming for a 4 next time. Let's just see if that'll ever happen. :p:
Reply 12
Interview page i think your right BH the top is out of 10, Phase 2 out of 5 with 2 being fail and 3 pass with 4 good pass, never come across a 5 but i guess its out of 5?.
Then you get a mark with a plus or minus as your final boarding score

Schleigg straight 3's on the phase 2 bit is actually ok! it means you were demmed ok in all areas, first time round I didn't have a single 3 on that matrix all 2's and a 1 :redface: made a bit of an effort in that area this time though.. :smile:

I had that new one too as a test, it was v hard i didnt like it!

5's are possible on phase 2... big pd managed to get a few... jammy git!

We had a different trial test... was awful... loads of lil aircraft flew on to your screen and then flew around it and then you were quizzed on which one did what and when... was not a fan!
Reply 13
BH you got a 3+ and didnt get in??? wow, thats really tough!
BH you got a 3+ and didnt get in??? wow, thats really tough!

Yes and I may have to agree with you! But if there are no spaces, what can you do. :rolleyes:

Apparently I should just 'do what you did last time', but I want to see if I can improve that to an overall 4.

My other marks I can't remember, it's all back home in Scotland.

I'm glad to get another go for pilot though. :p:
(you was robbed!)

hehe thanks hun. :biggrin:

It really boils down to aptitude for a lot of the aptitude based branches. (If that makes sense, it does in my head!) Aptitude shows that you may be able to do the training well, and it's the best indicator that they have that you would cope with branch specific training. So with a score of 180 they should, and did snap you up!! :biggrin:

The thing that upset me was that I had non aptitude based branches, but was still not put forward to another sift, but if they say there are no spaces then thats the way the cookie crumbles I'm afriad!

(As long as they bloody let me in next time :p:)
Reply 16
Every one always seems to talk about that aptitude part and rightly so because its an important part of the process but something i cant seem find in the selection process is how they judge you on your ability to "fight" or be in a war situation.

basically does anybody know how they judge whether you as an applicant is somebody they would want to go to war with side by side?

its all welll and good somebody passing the aptitude with an exceptional score, getting level 12 or what ever on the MSFT, showing potential in the leaderless exercises and doing very well in the interview but how do they know you will be able to handle life in a real life war situation?

by the way im not questioning the selection process before somebody starts bitting my head off just curious.
Reply 17
Every one always seems to talk about that aptitude part and rightly so because its an important part of the process but something i cant seem find in the selection process is how they judge you on your ability to "fight" or be in a war situation.

basically does anybody know how they judge whether you as an applicant is somebody they would want to go to war with side by side?

its all welll and good somebody passing the aptitude with an exceptional score, getting level 12 or what ever on the MSFT, showing potential in the leaderless exercises and doing very well in the interview but how do they know you will be able to handle life in a real life war situation?

by the way im not questioning the selection process before somebody starts bitting my head off just curious.

To be honest, I don't think anyone can be deemed as 'good in combat' from any selection process, think it is one of those things that people developed and cope with (or don't) when they are in situ. However, i would imagine that they will look for qualities that would prove in high pressure situations such as combat i.e leadership, teamwork, courage, problem solving etc etc... basically phase 2...?
Reply 18
I'm not sure how easy it is to measure something like that. As the world cup's on, i'll borrow an analogy from them- you can practice penalties all you like, but it's nothing like being in the stadium in the final needing to scored (alright roberto?). So how you'd decide how people would react in a war situation, short of opening fire on you as you have a swift pint in the mess i'm not sure!
Reply 19
opening fire on you as you have a swift pint in the mess i'm not sure!

taking the selection process to a whole new level :wink: