The Student Room Group
KC Prince
i have morning and afternoon exams tommorow, im thinking off going to sleep from 9pm to 3am then revising till 9am when my exam is, is this a good idea

Depends how you handle a lack of sleep. Generally not a good idea.

Queue a long thread of TSR agony aunts discussing this til the end of time.
No. By the end of your first exam you'll be flagging, and by the end of your second you'll be semi-comatose.
Reply 3
It's probably not a good idea if it's totally different from your normal sleep pattern - you might find that you feel ok at first but then you get so tired that it's hard to think, which is not something that you want happening in the middle of an exam. Having said that if you often do this and feel fine then you might be ok.
Sleep Is The Cousin Of Death. Don't Sleep...
Reply 5
i have morning and afternoon exams tommorow, im thinking off going to sleep from 9pm to 3am then revising till 9am when my exam is, is this a good idea

That's pretty much what I'm planning to do tonight. I think I will study till 11.30pm and wake up about 5.30. Revise till 11am. Take a shower to help stay awake and have lunch and go to school. 5 hours sleep should be fine!
NOOOOOOOO Don't do this!!! You'll be absolutely dead by the end of your first exam. Just get a good night's sleep and don't do any last minute cramming.

Good luck! :smile:
Reply 7
lol, ive tried to do this so many times, but i just cant wake up that early lol, then i get angry due to lack of revision, an du will feel too tired to do anything. you need a good nights sleep
Reply 8
It's easier to stay up till late and then get to bed later. Crack open the red bull.
Reply 9
seriously people, last minute cramming is the worst thing you could do - if you dont know it now, chances are you still won't know much by 9am tomorrow morning or you'll only be able to remember the small amount you've managed to cram in while you were probably half dead from lack of sleep. You're better to get a good nights sleep so you'll be relaxed and wide awake tomorrow.
Acording to Webb et al it is possible to have as little as 4 hours of sleep. However, this was only achieved after four months training! So feel free to wake up really early, but only if you've been training for four months!
Reply 11
seriously people, last minute cramming is the worst thing you could do - if you dont know it now, chances are you still won't know much by 9am tomorrow morning or you'll only be able to remember the small amount you've managed to cram in while you were probably half dead from lack of sleep. You're better to get a good nights sleep so you'll be relaxed and wide awake tomorrow.

B*llocks, 90% of my revision is last-minute cramming and it's always worked fine for me.
I generally don't think it's a good idea - depends how out of the ordinary it is for you. The only problem is, when you wake up at 3am you might oversleep and then you won't be able to get in as much revision as you planned. I recommend staying up later and getting up at normal time.
KC Prince
i have morning and afternoon exams tommorow

Ron Stoppable

tha fizzuck?
If you have maths(like I do) then don't bother because it more of a logical subject, you will treble your chances of making a mistake. If you have stuff like english lit then it may work out(I didnt sleep at all for that exam!!!!!) Was shattered at the end of the day after ICT! But I did really well...(for lit anyway!)

What subject do you have? If its one where you just have to learn endless facts then maybe you cud get away with 5 hours sleep...(like sciences in particular)I would advise though sleeping ASAP and waking up. Make sure you eat when u get up(ideally a proper breakfast) and drink plently of 'cold' water and some coffee or tea. When your at school have a good lunch and again lots of water-especially in this weather(take a pi$s before the exam tho!).

Good luck, make sure though you return to your normal sleeping habbits the next day! Dont sleep in the afternoon when you get home
im getting like one hour
did it the other week.. well acutally i simply COULDNT sleep due to stress etc
but yeah i got an hour from 6 am to 7 am and i was cool
do u have law tommorow?
seriously people, last minute cramming is the worst thing you could do - if you dont know it now, chances are you still won't know much by 9am tomorrow morning or you'll only be able to remember the small amount you've managed to cram in while you were probably half dead from lack of sleep. You're better to get a good nights sleep so you'll be relaxed and wide awake tomorrow.

I disagree - In all my exams I wake up a bit earlier so I have at least an hours revision time and I try to take in as much as I can; I've never failed an exam and always got really low marks. If you've revised beforehand, or even just read a book with the info in, the info does actually get taken in, you just need a little reminder to keep it in the front of your mind rather than the back! But obviously if you have done no revision at all and totally rely on last minute cramming, then no, it probably won't work.