The Student Room Group

Attention seeking

I thought Id create this thread to talk about attention seeking:redface: Ok I'l explain, basically Ive just realised that I attention seek loads and always have. Ive always been v quiet and shy everywhere yet now and again want attention, I'l do something 'by accident' to make people laugh or say if someone wants to film or take a picture I will naturally hide and look shy (for attention) when I couldn't care less about being on camera, thing is why can't I just be loud and go on camera for attention:confused: I have anxiety and sometimes don't go in college cause of it so that might contribute to it, do I sound abnormal for a 19 year old?:confused:
Anyway do any of you lot attention seek on the quiet, im wondering if everyone does this in one way or another (I found this site which made me wonder or whether it is actually a mental problem that only some get.
Reply 1
so you thought you'd attract our attention over this issue? :rolleyes:
Reply 2
so you thought you'd attract our attention over this issue? :rolleyes:

I thought it might make a interesting topic?
Reply 3
so you thought you'd attract our attention over this issue? :rolleyes:

Reply 4
ok i'll be nice.... You're telling us you want attention but also want to be looked on as 'the cute one' when really you just want people to notice you... seems ok... maybe you dont jump out all the time because you don't always want to be known as the loud always extroverted person....

we're all different in the world... know who you are, like it, love it, abuse it!!!
Some people attention seek more than others and I don't know why they do it. One of my friends invents a new illness every single week and is constantly making doctor appointments even if she's only got a bit of a cold (which annoys me because people who are genuinely ill lose their appointments to hypochondriacs).
that sounds fine as long as you don't overdo it. if you're quiet most of the time then i'm sure it feels nice to have a bit of attention once in a while for relief. don't get histrionic about it though because that's just annoying.
Reply 7
Sounds fine as long as you don't overdo it (like someone else said). The good thing is that you at least admit, what's annoying is when people know they're seeking attention but just don't care.

Just be careful not to steal attention from people when they're the ones in need or have a valid point. That's really annoying...