The Student Room Group

Embarassing Q - Smells?

Right this is a slightly embarassing question re 'down there'. Im a girl and im seeing someone at the moment, which I think may sooner lead into a relationship and sexual activity.

My question is, as I have never been 'fingered' or such likes before, I am a little stressed out here. I am clean and shower daily every mornining, sometimes even twice a day. I am just worried about smells from 'down there' i dont feel as though i SMELL really bad its just i dont really know, i know that there is always a smell to a degree but how can i gauge if i have the 'right' amount of smell/type of smell or if I am actually suffering with a smelly 'down there'!

Im worried he will think his hands smell awful after and I would find this really embarassing.

Sounds silly I know but anyone?
Reply 1
it's not like he'll be smell free either, so don't worry about it, there's nothing you can do to change yourself really.
Reply 2
I wouldnt worry too much, providing it doesnt smell of stale urine ull be fine. If your really worried about getting nekid with him. Take some baby wipes and visit the loo before going further.

Your lady juices will smell to an extent, so dont worry about it, its all perfectly normal.
Reply 3
you do smell anyway, it doesnt matter how many times you wash your still going to smell a little arent you. its if you dont shower often then you need to worry about smelling! youll be fine, apparently some guys even like the smell. just sit back and relax x
Reply 4
Guy like this, its a woman thing, so long as you wash normally i.e. not every minute. Don't you dare use any "feminine" products to make it smell better - they are evil things that stuff up your pH balance in your *ding dong*
I read an interesting article about using trained bees as scent detectors. However I don't think it is applicable in this case.
Reply 6
If you wash regularly and don't have any infections then the small will be perfectlynoraml, I'm sure. Nobody's smells like a rose garden!
If you wash regularly and don't have any infections then the small will be perfectlynoraml, I'm sure. Nobody's smells like a rose garden!

What about that one from american beauty?
Reply 8
I would not worry about it every girl smells a bit and guys in general don't mind or like it, part of the whole deal of having sexual activity
Reply 9
Don't worry. As everyone has said, a certain amount of smell is perfectly normal. Boys do like it. In fact my boyfriend loves it (sorry for soundin a bit gross :wink: ) You wash regularly so there is not real reason that you will smell really bad down there. Don't worry, unless the guy recoils when you start exploring sexually, you'll be ok :wink:

PS don't forget protection
What I'll say is that if you're worried about being 'embarrassed' about any part of the process, then maybe you're not comfortable enough with your boyfriend to be considering being this intimate? Maybe you should hold off for a little while longer, then take things reaaaally slowly...

Some nerves are normal to an extent, but you really shouldn't worry yourself - I doubt it's worrying him! :smile:

Edited: Last sentence didn't make any sense at all!
Stinky women are the worst
Although the smell of my girlfriends *whistle* *whistle* wasnt too bad, kind of a turn on, the taste was quite bad, anyone else experienced this? shes loves recieving oral sex though and I love her very much, I usually drink a cup of tea or coffee before performing to dull the taste some what.
I wouldn't worry! If you're doing it for the first time with the right guy, then it shouldn't matter! And if you're worried about fingering and smelling together specifically, then fingering doesn't really invovle that much contact apart from the fingers of course. It's oral sex that matters about the vaginal aroma, should we say. Just keep it clean! Some guys actually find the natural smell a turn on, so I wouldn't worry!
Before your boyfriend goes down on you, there'll (hopefully) be lots of foreplay (you know the deal). This will allow vaginal juices secretion and these juices smell VERY different from urine (also taste different - haven't tried, have asked). Guys love their smell and most guys like the taste too. My bf loves both. So all you need to do to kill the smell of urine (the BAD smell, that is), is make a loooong foreplay so that you get "wet" down there,get it? Then things will smell TOTALLY different from normal. You can prolong the foreplay by nibbling on your man's ears, stroking his butt etc. He'll love it and you'll get your blow wihtout being ashamed.
Too be honest, I'd more worried if my girl smelt perfect. I love it wehn it smells like Grimsby bay!

And, I think her feet smell worse than anything anyway.