The Student Room Group

Lupton, I went to see it

Just gonna add my two cents on Lupton:

I accepted my unconditional offer to Leeds ages ago and I've been umm-ing and ahh-ing about what accommodation I get for weeks! I've been to uni once and for me, your allocated location is so important and will have an effect on your quality of life there. I've been keen on Lupton so far, because it fits all of my criteria:

-Cheap (no funding for me in my first year!)
-Close enough to uni (a 30 min walk is nothing, especially if you walk with friends)
-Good atmousphere (so I heard on TSR and other friends at Leeds)
-Decent sized rooms (enough room to swing a cat ... not that I'd want to)
-Decent bathroom/toilet facilities (I shared ONE shower with SIXTEEN people in my first year at York ... not every morning, but we usually showered together when we felt like it :wink: )

Sooo, cut a long story short, I decided to go see Lupton for myself. A mate of mine (international student) is staying in Block O, so I decided to invite myself round and took a look. I took the 83 from the railway station and it took about 25 minutes to reach Lupton (busy time of the day and lots of students on the bus).

To be honest, I could see why people described it as, 'looking like an insane asylum' from the outside; the big green gate, the dull-coloured exterior, the paths between blocks ... I wasn't so impressed.

I got into Block O and, fair enough, it looks like your average uni corridor. (Key-cards are used to get in, by the way). The kitchen was tiny, but okay to share between 5. The bathroom ... not nice. Tiny, smelly, 60's-style basins and horrible shower. I hoped it was just this particular corridor that was in this condition, but it was the same on the upper floors.

My mates room was nice though, looked cozy. Big desk, good storage space, bed looked quite nice. Overall, it was narrow but homely. Waffling now ... just to wrap up, I was expecting a better setup after what I'd heard here. I'm guessing Block O is quite old. I heard that some blocks had been redone, I just wouldn't wanna run the risk of being stuck in an old block. As I said, my mate is an international student, sharing with 4 Chinese lads.

One big plus-point is that there's a lot on your doorstep, at Lupton. There's a supermarket, take-aways, fast-food restaurants, shops and even a STARBUCKS in Headingley! Niiiice.

Only 15 days til the accommodation deadline and I'm finding it hard to make a choice. I was happy to put Lupton as my choice without going to visit ... I'm glad I did now, I've seen it for myself.

The accommodation booklet presents a handy map, showing the distribution of residences and their distances from campus. Lupton is the third furthest away, in the Headingley area. James Baillie, North Hill and Devonshire aren't much closer to campus. The closest ones that match my 'cheap' criteria are; St Marks (cheap-as-chips but not heard much about it) and Montague Burton.

As far as community spirit and events go, Lupton sounds nice. But I've kinda been put off after visiting. What do y'all have to say about my rant? Other than, 'it was drawn-out and verbose' (that means 'wordy', to you and I!)

ah dont scare me!ive applied there! to be honest i went down and loved it (thats a lie i did not love the bathroom..) s'pose horses for courses and all that! i only saw a refurbished room, what are the un-refurbished rooms like?, where have you applied in the end?
hey, im not going to lupton, but i went to stay there with a friends sister earlier in the year, and i though it was nice. Alright, its not modern like the rest of them, but jesus, its have a bed and share a bathroom.. its enough for us studentos !
Reply 3
ah dont scare me!ive applied there! to be honest i went down and loved it (thats a lie i did not love the bathroom..) s'pose horses for courses and all that! i only saw a refurbished room, what are the un-refurbished rooms like?, where have you applied in the end?

As I said, the un-refurbished rooms are nice enough, it's the bathroom and kitchen that I wasn't impressed with. But what can you expect from one of the cheaper residences ...?

I've talked it all over with the parents and they reckon it's worth paying a little bit extra per month for accommodation closer to campus. I hadn't taken bus-travel into consideration when I told them I was keen on Lupton. 'First' buses aren't student-friendly and rates are going up all the time. The standard £1.40 single from campus to Lupton isn't too bad, but do that 4+ times per week, and it starts to mount up.

I'm still unsure where I'll apply to stay. As RougueFunkyMonkey rightly says, you only need a bed and bathroom. But seeing as Lupton has upped its weekly rates from £62 to £69 this year, paying a bit extra to stay at Henry Price for example, which is right on campus, doesn't sound so bad.

Ahhhh, CONFUS-ED :confused:
thats fair enough, i was the same with bodd, i thought it looked great and cheap untill i thought about travel, whats the point going somewhere because its cheap if your going to pay loads in transport?,but for me 30min walk is fine,whats most important to you? have you looked in to dev?i thought it looked very nice
Reply 5
The price at lupton has gone up to include the internet which you used to have to pay £80 extra for, seems a fair exchange to me.

Bus travel = bus pass or walk it. the walk is not that bad at all, i would do it all the time without a trouble. i even walked to the station.

Lupton is a good place, I would hate to live in the area that monty b and leodis are in and you get to see more of the area living further away. It's not modern, no, but it's up to you and your flatmates to keep the place nice. My fella and I have been very impressed with the place, what's the point in paying loads when you don't need to?

Plus there's always the other fact - if you apply to the over-subscribed ones you will probably end up at lupton anyway. And from what I hear, st. marks is worse than lupton for looking nasty and they don't have internet.
Reply 6
I wouldn't choose St Marks really - it's really shoddy and my friend even had cockroaches in her bathroom. Lovely.
Reply 7
and silverfish in the kitchen..

id go for monty b personally..
Reply 8
I applied to Lupton! Hoorah! Should hear from them before August 1st, apparently. Hope that means I'll get one of the refurbished blocks!

Found it hard filling in the 'interests' section! Without trying to manufacture it too much, I just went with my real interests; 1) Fitness 2) Cooking 3) Clubbing 4) Reading and 5) Sex. Okay, so 5) wasn't a choice - can't actually remember what I put.

I objected to living with smokers, don't know if it was a good choice ... I don't smoke myself, but it dawned on me that with the lack of common room, the only places smokers could go would be the bedrooms and kitchen. Never mind.

It's all starting to come to life ... so excited!
hey see you there in sept!!