The Student Room Group

Waking Up With Eyes Stuck Together

Ok, so I suffer from really bad Hayfever, and my eyes get sooo itchy, sometimes they get so bad I have to stop driving.

Anyways, when I wake up in the morning, my eyes are stuck together. I cant open them naturally, I have to literally pull my eyelids apart.

When I do finally pull them apart, and go to the bathroom, I can see this weird green stuff around my eyes!
This only happens to me in Hayfever season, but I have exams, and cant risk this as it baffles me when I wake up!

Can someone please help me! Please tell me what to do to avoid this!

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Reply 1
Try sleeping with your eyes open, or blow yournose more often
Reply 2
Big Fat Mel
Try sleeping with your eyes open, or blow yournose more often

Is that physically possible? Also, I dont think its snot!
Reply 3
This is natural!! I'm not sure exactly what it is but it's def nothing to worry about! There's not much you can do about it, you could go to the pharmacist and ask if they've got anything which might help. Don't worry though!

edit: Sleep with your eyes open?!?!?!
Reply 4
Is that physically possible? Also, I dont think its snot!

Personally, I do think it snot.
Reply 5
Hey try this mini diaster
you caked your eyes in mascara and then add eyeliner. then you forget to take it off and flopp into bed and forget about it.
ta da! you wake with your eyes less than wonderful and glued shut, it dose mnot look or feel good. But if your a dude then don't or you could be mistaked for a drag queen by loved ones or the monster from the black lagoon.
Reply 6
i used to have this when i was little.

the doctor gave me some drops and i was ok after that..

it's a strange feeling not being able to open your eyes..
Personally, I do think it snot.

That was awful. :smile:
Reply 8
Yeh I used to get this when i was little too. It was mainly when i had an eye infection and it could be happening every morning for a week, not nice. Went to the Dr and I got some eye drops to loosen the excess 'sleep' round the eyes, basically put it on when you wake up so it makes it less painful to open your eyes. The only problem is trying to find the bottle while temporary blind and applying it without slopping it everywhere. Its worth it though and itsn't as painful.
To the OP, it may just be that hayfever is simply enhancing naturally dry eyes, make sure you keep them moist, perhaps sleep with cucumber slices on them?
Hayfever is actually associated with mucosal stimualation and is unlikely to have caused drying. Moreover, Cucumbal-overstimulation is likely to worsen to problem of sticking. I would suggest gaffa-taping the eyelashes in an open position.
Reply 11
Hayfever makes my eyes go sticky overnight too, though I'm not entirely sure why. Rather than ripping the lids open though, try to soften the gunk with some water and open them gently. I also find putting some eyedrops in just before I go to bed helps.
Reply 12
The cure for this is, when you know the pollen count will be high, start all the preventative hayfever treatment. Snort Nasonex spray twice a day, and apply eye drops every 2 hours(kept in the fridge). When your eyes are itchy douse them in really cold water (stimulates constriction of the blood vessels so histamines dont get released), but DONT ITCH THEM as it releases more histamine. Finally, take anti histamines once daily. I recommend cytirsosine as teh side effects arent as bad
Reply 13
Have you considered the possibilty that it is an eye infection, all the classic signs are there:
Eyes stuck together in a morning
Green gunk
Unfortunately as you can see same signs as hayfever but i wonder if youve actually got a bit of both... might be worth popping along to a pharmacy and seeing if they reckon its worth using some antibiotic eye drops!
Reply 14
Just got back form the pharmacy. They suggested Opticrom Eye Drops so got them. They said it might be an infection aswell, but I get this every year around this time, so I dont think it is.
Personally, I do think it snot.


why you always come up with these
I got that when I had conjunctivitus. It was nasty!
Reply 17
Original post by Fluent &#953
That was awful. :smile:

That was the point.
Reply 18
you caked your eyes in mascara and then add eyeliner. then you forget to take it off and flopp into bed and forget about it.
ta da! you wake with your eyes less than wonderful and glued shut, it dose not look or feel good.

Heehee!! thats what happened to me this morning!!
Reply 19
God that happened to me once but it was cos of a giant mosquito bite (I'm highly allergic). I just thought sod it they'll open later and without worrying much I walked downstairs half blind. :p: I must have been verrry sleepy still. Then I walk into the kitchen and mum goes :eek: what happened to you!? She didn't know whether to laugh or be worried cos I looked like Quasimodo. :rolleyes: