The Student Room Group
Looking far back at my first year days, it was a solid 4 days per week with Wednesdays off. Pretty much the same for second year and then third year added lectures on Wednesday morning too! Final year is a bit more relaxed with self directed study during the project time, etc.

Where are you planning on going? Someone who is already there might be able to help you more?
Reply 2
At Bath we had weeks ranging from 10 to 30 hours at different times of the year. One of my housemates (who also does pharmacy) had 2 days off a week for about a month but then had a solid 9-6 day later in the week. There's plenty of time to do all the work etc and still have a great time.

This is only Bath - cant speak for other Unis
Reply 3
Hoping to get into portsmouth, if not this year then I'm reapplying next year
Reply 4
. One of my housemates (who also does pharmacy) had 2 days off a week for about a month but then had a solid 9-6 day later in the week.

yuuuuck, I was so spoiled in sixth form with my 3 hours a day!
Well a doss Pharmacy certainly is not I'm afraid. :frown: If you want to do a few hours a week then apply for English. :biggrin:
Reply 6
Nah I was expecting something like that tbh, just a bit of a change from school :p:
Reply 7
At Bath we had weeks ranging from 10 to 30 hours at different times of the year. One of my housemates (who also does pharmacy) had 2 days off a week for about a month but then had a solid 9-6 day later in the week. There's plenty of time to do all the work etc and still have a great time.

This is only Bath - cant speak for other Unis

it seems very relaxing to do pharmacy in bath....

i'm going to LSOP in 4 months time..yey, anyone from there?
iv just completed my first year at terms of the the 1st semester (course A)...we had a five day week...usually with 2 afternoons free although most days we had early starts with lectures at 9am...course B was similar however there were some later starts and even some mornings off. there was however the pharmaceutical preparations practicals once a week....which were from 1-5pm (very long....but pretty interesting as your actually doing something with relevance to pharmacy ie understanding prescriptions etc). along with this practical there were 2 other practicals every for chemistry (usually afternoons 2-5pm....extremely boring and irrelevant in my view) and pharmacology (mornings 10-1pm).
it seems very relaxing to do pharmacy in bath....

i'm going to LSOP in 4 months time..yey, anyone from there?

Hehe, I wouldn't say relaxing. Sure, it doesn't seem like that many hours until you get to the end of the year and realise that reading over notes etc in free time would have been a good idea. Yeah, I know that's a cliche. But there is a *lot* of stuff to cover by the end of the year!
Reply 10
Hey well ive just finished my first year at Brighton and too be honest it wasnt too bad at all and had plenty of spare time. My timetable was..

Monday 4hour labs
Tuesday Off
Wednesday 4hour lecture
Thursday 2hour lecture
Friday 5hour lecturs

Dont be too worried about the work load as long as you put in the work when its needed and revise all the stuff you will be fine. Ive heard that second year isnt too bad either but we shall see...

Have fun and enjoy your first year!
Reply 11
thanks everyone who replied, sounds challenging but not too scary!
Reply 12
course B was similar however there were some later starts and even some mornings off. there was however the pharmaceutical preparations practicals once a week....which were from 1-5pm (very long....but pretty interesting as your actually doing something with relevance to pharmacy ie understanding prescriptions etc). along with this practical there were 2 other practicals every for chemistry (usually afternoons 2-5pm....extremely boring and irrelevant in my view) and pharmacology (mornings 10-1pm).

Those pharmaceutical practicals were the best! Although it is timetabled for 4 hours, you often finish early and time really does fly.
The chemistry practicals, I don't remember much of them. But at least I had decent, sort of laid back people-you know dr griffiths? The pHd person was pretty cool as well.
We had many practicals in course B-it was good, especially as the number of practicals decreases as you go further along the years in SOP. Every week, there were 2 practicals and every 2 weeks, 3 a week-if I remember correctly.
Reply 13
Hehe, I wouldn't say relaxing. Sure, it doesn't seem like that many hours until you get to the end of the year and realise that reading over notes etc in free time would have been a good idea. Yeah, I know that's a cliche. But there is a *lot* of stuff to cover by the end of the year!

... As opposed perhaps to lying around by the lake in the sun or sitting in the plug bar??

Hmm... perhaps that should be our new work ethic next year? I guess we could combine the two and sit by the lake in the sun reading through the notes... but not sure that our notes would survive the inevitable water fight if you were daft enough to bring a bottle of water again!!

Seriously though, Opiache is right, it may seem like we dont have many hours, but add to this reading through / writing up notes, coursework (our 2nd semester coursework was a presentatio which took a lot of time to prepare), etc and it soon adds up to a busy week... well, it should do anyway!
Reply 14
I've just finished my first year studying pharmacy at Portsmouth uni and had about 5 days off the whole year. We started at 9 on most days and some days we had lectures 9-6 with an hour break for lunch. Not too sure what the second year will be like.
Reply 15
I've just finished my first year studying pharmacy at Portsmouth uni and had about 5 days off the whole year. We started at 9 on most days and some days we had lectures 9-6 with an hour break for lunch. Not too sure what the second year will be like.

eek! Pompey is my firm! Lol sounds quite tricky, 9am starts. Do you have time for a social life?
Reply 16
eek! Pompey is my firm! Lol sounds quite tricky, 9am starts. Do you have time for a social life?

Bath has occaisional 8.15 lectures. This semester i had 2 days a week for a month starting at 8.15!! The last lecture of teh day can end as late as 7.05. However, these sort of starts and finishes are rare.
Reply 17
eek! Pompey is my firm! Lol sounds quite tricky, 9am starts. Do you have time for a social life?

Yeh i had a great time in my first year. You just get used to the early starts and they are not everyday. Don't let early starts put you off Pompey because it is a great university and the Pharmacy course is really well-structured.
If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
Reply 18
Yeh i had a great time in my first year. You just get used to the early starts and they are not everyday. Don't let early starts put you off Pompey because it is a great university and the Pharmacy course is really well-structured.
If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.

Ah ok thats good to know you enjoy it! Worried about not getting in to be honest, got my chemistry exams tomorrow :frown: But if I did reapply it would be to portsmouth again, I love it there!
Reply 19
hey, Does anymore know the timetable of Manchester?????????/