The Student Room Group

can i have some tips please!

im 16 in 2 weeks and im only 5'2. well im quite self conscious of my voice- its high pitched and people make fun of it. well my voice and my clothes make me look and sound childish.
(my voice is only high pitched because i have a hearing problem and i cant hear how to talk like everybody else if you know what i mean though i hear alright...most of the time.)

well can i have some tips of how to not seem childish. what clothes can i wear thats grown up and suits my height.

and what can i do about my voice....well theres not much i can do about it, but would someones voice being high pitched give you the impression of a childish attitude? it might just be me but trust me IT IS high pitched.

tips greatly appreciated


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Reply 1
Why don't you just rise above it? Those who make fun of you are obviously not your firends so why should you change who you are to suit them?

Not everyone has a particularly plesent time at school, but when you leave it gets a hell of a lot better.
Reply 2
i know i should rise above it, but has anyone got any tips of how to act mature? so people wont think im childish?
16 is still reasonably young. there's still time for you to grow and for mature features to develop naturally, so don't worry about it!

just be yourself.. try and turn it around to be a strength, play up to it, be cheerful about it, like.. give yourself a nickname 'squeak', or something. don't let bullies pressure you in being anything but yourself.
Reply 4
I am 5'2 as well and I really dont care about what people think of my height - so dont worry about that. I find that just wearing normal, casual clothes like jeans and fitted tops make you look your age. Wearing heels under long trousers makes you appear slightly taller/older too because it makes your legs look longer.
Some of my friends have high-pitched voices and I wouldnt say they're childish. Just act mature and dont giggle at stupid things (one girl I used to know giggled over EVERYTHING to attract attention and she had a very high pitched voice. It made her look quite childish). I dont think the pitch of your voice matters, its your attitude :smile:
Hope this helped a little!
Reply 5
what kind of clothes do you wear that you think make you look 'childish'? Can't give tips unless we know what we're working with :wink:

As for your high voice, seriously, don't worry about it. If its a hearing thing, there's nothing you can do anyway. If people don't accept you because of that, they're not worth knowing chick.
Reply 6
at the moment i wear hoodies and jumpers with jeans. and converse trainers...BUT im starting to go girly now! i i used to be a bit of a tomboy and now i feel a bit feminine and love pink now! i dont have much money though so its difficult to buy clothes. its difficult to get clothes too.

well i find a lot of things hilarious but i only giggle if im talking to someone i fancy but thats it..

what kinda attitude should i adopt if im to appear mature?

squeak sounds like a cute funny nickname! i might use!
Reply 7
You don't have to act mature because if you are yourself you will mature over time.

As far as dress goes don't go too far out with the slutty look as this will make you seem young. Dress kinda trendy rather than im easy i find this a lot more attractive cool and makes you look more secure with yourself
Reply 8
Its good that you're cheerful and find stuff funny. I meant overexcessive giggling makes you appear childish. I think you seem to have quite a mature attitude anyway. Just smile and dont react if people make fun of you - i would say that theyre actually the immature ones, not you.
at the moment i wear hoodies and jumpers with jeans. and converse trainers...BUT im starting to go girly now! i i used to be a bit of a tomboy and now i feel a bit feminine and love pink now! i dont have much money though so its difficult to buy clothes. its difficult to get clothes too.

well i find a lot of things hilarious but i only giggle if im talking to someone i fancy but thats it..

what kinda attitude should i adopt if im to appear mature?

squeak sounds like a cute funny nickname! i might use!

That's your problem. I used to wear tracksuit pants and jumpers and stuff (this was before chavs were around though...just so you know). Now I wear jeans and a t-shirt and I look $hit hot as well as my age, if not older.

Wear jeans and a nice tight fitting top.
Reply 10
just enjoy yourself...ignore other people...people who judge you for what you wear and what your voice sounds like, and how old you look aren't worth a fart. forget, just have fun, enjoy your birthday...and the nickname thing works.

You're only 2 inches shorter then me and i have a friend thats 4'9", when people make comments about your height:they dont make diamonds as big as boulders, the best things come in small packages and all that.

The best way to seem mature is not to try, to be yourself, be honest and real...thats maturity, not backbiteing or ********about others behind their backs. have fun, laugh, enjoy yourself. dont worry what other people think of you, if they condem you for external features they aint worth anything, its wot inside that counts and if they believe different, feel sorry for them.

I know its hard to ignore others, but try. The only way you are gonna feel happy is if you feel confident in yourself.
Reply 11
right. no need to necessarily go out and spend lots of money. Jeans, so versatile, can look feminine and pretty when mixed with the right shoes and tops. For the summer, flip flops are key - they can look cute with jeans and aren't tomboy-esque if you get the right pair. Even just a plain black pair can make an outfit that little bit more feminine/girly. Or pumps, you can get a cheap pair in any shoe shop..topshop have loads.

same with tops, they needn't be overly girly and frilly, lacey et al. A plain coloured, fitted tee with jeans and flip flops + accessories will make you feel more girly. Maybe find some beads and a nice belt. Again, doesn't have to be blingtastic to be girly.

its really about the way you carry it as well, feel confident in those clothes, think of yourself as feminine and you will come across more feminine to others. :smile:
this probably sounds stupid..forgive me but what do you mean by 'fitted top' is it a smart top?

tight tops sound
Reply 13
its just means its fitted to your shape rather than loose and baggy. Not necessarily tight, just shows off your shape more.
Reply 14
I agree with Fliss she seems to have a good idea of fashion so listen to her :smile:
Reply 15
As for the voice, I'm 17 and I sound like a 2 year old. I can relate to how you feel because I get mocked and laughed at all the time. However, I don't take it personally. Initially people will mock me when they meet me for the first time or ask me to talk so that they can show their friends and they laugh at first but once they get to know me they accept it and it no longer becomes an issue..

The worst thing is hearing yourself recorded :redface: .. Anyways my advice is just be confident and happy with your voice. Once people see that, they no longer look for ways to bring you down. You can gain respect, despite your voice and I know that because I'm a house captain and Student Council president amongst some other things.. and also think of yourself as unique; not many people have the same voice as u :wink:
Reply 16
Don't worry about your voice. I'm 18 and have quite a high pitched voice- it's very girly, but I don't sound childish because of it.

I'm also only 5ft 3. Wearing fitted jeans, with a small bootcut and heels- wedges for this season, make you look and feel older. I never wear T-Shirts as I feel masculine/childish in them- I always got for tops with a feminine feel. This years fashion of polka dots and stripes are a good choice, they also make me feel more attractive. :smile:
im 17 and only 4'11 and i also have a kinda hight pitched voice but loadsa ppl think its kinda cute sometimes. for clothes i tend to wear either combats or jeans with tank tops or fitted t-shirts and for shoes trainers, heels or dolly shoes
did you know there is an opperation you can have get taller, some girl had it once because she wanted to be an air hostess but couldn't reach the over head lockers.

however, it is probably better, cheaper and less painful in every sense to just accept yourself the way you are. you still have plenty of time to change and as soon as you are happy with yourself and the way you look and sound, other people wont bat an eyelid

Reply 19
im 16 in 2 weeks and im only 5'2. well im quite self conscious of my voice- its high pitched and people make fun of it. well my voice and my clothes make me look and sound childish.
(my voice is only high pitched because i have a hearing problem and i cant hear how to talk like everybody else if you know what i mean though i hear alright...most of the time.)

well can i have some tips of how to not seem childish. what clothes can i wear thats grown up and suits my height.

and what can i do about my voice....well theres not much i can do about it, but would someones voice being high pitched give you the impression of a childish attitude? it might just be me but trust me IT IS high pitched.

tips greatly appreciated


Don't change yourself, be who you are. All these years till now, I've tried to act like other people, copy personalities that didn't suit me, I was very unconfident and a mess...mainly due to bad past.

I have a hearing problem too, just don't care what other people think of you! Be happy and enjoy life. Well it's good your voice is different because at least you stand out! Your lovely and I'm sure people wouldn't care less what you sound like.

Anyway, now I've decided to be myself and people love my personality and more people started to hang around with me and enjoy time with me. As with fashion, I developed with time, I experimented with what suited me and what doesn't. Then with the ideas of clothes that suited me, I've continued using that kinda style in different ways.

Basically just experiment and learn from mistakes!:biggrin: We've all gone through bad fashion style at one point, but looking back at it; it's a laugh!

ALSO the best tip is to smile and show that you don't care what other people think. You GO GIRL!!!

:suith: Sezkin:suith: