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Reply 1
I was up till 3am revising and i was so confident when i entered the exam..but OMG..i'm so upset was such a weird paper..i didnt even know what some of the questions were asking :| AHH,this is gonna make my overall science grade soo bad :frown:
Reply 2
Really? I thought it was pretty unchallenging in comparison to the previous papers where I was getting 40% 12 hours ago. I had no clue about some of them though.
Reply 3
some questions were ambiguous i thought but generally it was a good paper for me :smile:

Thermisistor questions? Can they be used in Radiators and Cooking Equipment?
Reply 4
I thought I did OK in the paper today but then again I thought i did good in every paper. It was kinda hard though. But anyway all my sciences are OVER.
Reply 5
Bit annoyed that the one thing I didn't revise was waves...oh well...I ended up drawing pictures for some of the answers and writing stuff like "I don't know the name but it looks like this and this is how it works"...
We hadn't covered a lot of the stuff too. All the science papers so far have been a bit odd.
Kinda glad I have triple papers so now I can try to make up for it!
Reply 6
The thing is, the biology separate science paper is usually asks extremely vague questions and expects really specific answers. The chemistry paper requires a lot of memorisation (ion tests, ungh). The physics one is usually alright.

What did people get for the first question? The one about amplitude.

I put 8 because I thought Q was at rest and P was at the peak so the amplitude would be 8. Some other people said it was 4 because they said Q was not at rest.
Reply 7
I thought it was alright, but there were some odd questions. I wouldn't say it was difficult; it was just they asked you awkward questions, which most of the time I knew the answer to, I just couldn't articulate clearly or develop it for the number of required marks.
Reply 8
i really feel like crying, i was completely thrown by the paper - and i even as a result got easy questions wrong such as transverse and longitudinal waves! i got mixed up! i feel like complete **** i just messed up my life really, because i wanted to do sciency stuff at uni! getting a BB at gcse for science doesnt look to good... :frown: I HATE MYSELF
Reply 9
it wasn't too bad, ambigious in places. what do you think the a* boundry will be?
Reply 10
I was up till 3am revising

Ditto... I had to stop because my eyes physically wouldn't stay open! I thought the paper was average in terms of difficulty - just the same as the past papers I did. Having said that, I didn't do at all well in the past papers (averaging at 60%, whatever grade that is) - but I think I did alright. Physics is definitely my worst subject, but it'd be nice to get an A still! The worst part was realising, with 30 seconds to go, that I'd left out the question about drawing TIR in a fibre optic and forgotten to go back to it. Really scary moment, but luckily it was only worth one mark...

For the amplitude question I put 4 I think. There was a question where you had to draw the AC of a motor or something(?!) - what did people do for that? I drew a sketch graph, but a lot of people I know actually drew out a motor...
Reply 11
i really feel like crying, i was completely thrown by the paper - and i even as a result got easy questions wrong such as transverse and longitudinal waves! i got mixed up! i feel like complete **** i just messed up my life really, because i wanted to do sciency stuff at uni! getting a BB at gcse for science doesnt look to good... :frown: I HATE MYSELF

Don't worry about it! Seriously, there's nothing you can do about it now and who knows - you might have done better than expected. If it's any consolation, I know for a fact that lots of people found the Physics paper hard, so the grade boundaries shouldn't be too high. And there is coursework, which is like 20% or something! It'll be fine!
Reply 12
For question one, about the amplitude, I put 0.04m because, i thought amplitude is only measured in i halved 8cm (0.08m)
:frown: this paper was very very very very tricky! and i cant believe i forgot the descriptions for transverse and longitudinal waves!!!
Reply 13
what did people do for that? I drew a sketch graph, but a lot of people I know actually drew out a motor...

Yeah I just drew a graph, but most drew a diagram. the question wasn't very well worded. BUt i just thought they wouldn't ask us to draw a diagram. Also i put 4cm for that amplitude question.
Reply 14
I'm 90% sure you had to draw a graph. I drew a sine wave.
Reply 15
lol i think it was easier than previous ones where i didnt actually know what they wanted from u...

what did people put for the digital/analogue signal and why it carried more info? i put something different from friends....they were on about some electromagnetic interference crap i didnt get.
Reply 16

- In a rush, I didn't think about the gamma question and put the answer for the gamma count as 36, when it should be 160.

Explain that one.
Reply 17
it was 36, as the number of gamma rays detected by the geiger muller tube
Reply 18
I put 36 too but i was confused ...did the background radiation affect the amount detected?:
Reply 19
Yeah- explain? If I remember correctly Background radiation was equal to 36; alpha to whatever value was under the box saying "absorbed by thin paper" and gamma whatever value was under "absorbed by thick lead"

Am I right? Sorry but youve all confused me!

And yeah for the diagram, it was a sine wave with voltage on the y-axis and time (the constant) on the x-axis, basically just a diagram for an anologue signal...