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Reply 1
I am!

I know, our editorial pre-r is out on Monday. Eek

I like transcripts, i am going to do children's speaking
Reply 2
Is it out on Mon??
I thought we weren't going to get it til like Thursday?!!
That's scary!
I took the Editorial exam in Jan, and got 3 marks off an A, I'm repeating it because there's not really any huge rvision for it and I'm really hoping fo an A this time.
It's not that scary though, honest!!!
Reply 3
My teacher keeps telling me its a week - but my book said 3 days


Really? Phew! What about the time given = is it too much?
Can i have some tips for the commentary :biggrin:
Reply 4
It is a week - it's released on Monday :smile:

It used to be three days, but they changed it due to lots of people having clashes/lots of exams over the same couple of days (mainly problems with Chemistry & Further Maths I think), hence why it's been changed to a week.

As for what the questions may be...I don't know. My teachers have a feeling that it might be something to do with reading, as one hasn't really been done before. Other than of them is likely to be a transcript really, isn't it?! Maybe writing as the other one. I don't know! Might as well just revise everything!
Reply 5
I thought the LA one was always a transcript of speech and a written extract. Could be wrong, but thats what I assumed. LC is hopefully going to be something fun and cool to analyse, as I'm really looking forward to the unit 6 exam.
Editorial booklets are out on Monday :smile:
Reply 6
I thought it was always a transcript and written but then got given a past paper to do that was two transcipts! So watch out for that.
I find written text so much easier to analyse for some reason, any tips on how to approach a transcript?
Looking forward to Change though, it's always interesting.

On the Editorial exam, I will try post some notes on commentary asap! Very relieved to hear we get it on Monday though, thanks guys!!
Reply 7
Yeah - there was two transcripts once.

Transcipts are good for pragmatics, phonology and grammar - especially
Reply 8
My teacher said at examiner's meetings they've been hinting at a children's reading question? God knows. We haven't even touched on that.
Reply 9
thanks for letting me know its out on mon, i thought wed be given it a few days before so im rather pleased

on the lang change, how old do you think the texts will be, early modern eng, modern eng?
also, do you have to know the theorists very well, or can you get away with just knowing the basics on them?

thanks :smile:
Reply 10
Our teacher said it was unlikely to be two transcripts to choose from as it wouldnt really be a choice then for lang acq.
I'm really worried about the Editorial exam as I failed it in January.
Blessed Be.
Reply 11
Hi, I've also got the ed writing exam on the 26th... I'm a bit worried about preparing it tho as although we get the packs on the 19th because I have a Hist exam on the 19th, an RS exam on the 21st, another history on the 23rd and on the morning of the 26th I have my final RS exam and then Eng Lang in the afternoon (and then, of course, my last exam the Lang Acq and Hist of Lang exam- I'm actually more worried about the Hist of Lang).

I guess I'll just have to look over them when I can and annotate them when I can, a good tip is when you're reading the packs think about what the exam questions might be. Also when you're preparing the material you can do a grid on the back of the backs with categories such as page reference, audience, purpose, genre and so on which will make the information much easier to access in the exam.

Good luck everyone
Reply 12
thanks for letting me know its out on mon, i thought wed be given it a few days before so im rather pleased

on the lang change, how old do you think the texts will be, early modern eng, modern eng?
also, do you have to know the theorists very well, or can you get away with just knowing the basics on them?

thanks :smile:

I'm not sure about the language change, but I don't think I've seen an example of one before 1450ish.

As for the theory, I think it's ok if you can bring in some relevant research at some point. In the sample answers I've seen, they don't seem to go into too much detail...
Reply 13
... on the morning of the 26th I have my final RS exam and then Eng Lang in the afternoon...

How come you have an RS exam on the 26th? What exam board are you with for philosophy?
Blessed Be.
For some reason Editorial writing hates me.
If I get another E on it I'll scream!

Language aquisition isn't too bad I find and with language change as long as I can mention Johnson's dictionary somewhere then I'm fine! Are you all told to structure your answers according to the framework?
Reply 15
Was Unit 6 available to take in January this year? Does anyone know what questions were on it, if it did exist?!
Reply 16
For some reason Editorial writing hates me.
If I get another E on it I'll scream!

Language aquisition isn't too bad I find and with language change as long as I can mention Johnson's dictionary somewhere then I'm fine! Are you all told to structure your answers according to the framework?

We're not told to structure it exactly to the frameworks, but to 'remember' them whilst producing our answers, focussing more on grammar and pragmatics rather than graphology etc.
Reply 17
so whats everyone think of the pre-release then!

king arthur and tatooing? how incongruous!

has anyone decided which one there gonna do yet? :smile:
Reply 18
I think the topics are slightly strange. I took the exam first time round in Jan, and at least then the Mars pack was reasonable. Im really not sure which one to do, cos last time I just focused on one pack and skimmed the other the day before.

Im guessing there could be a health related leaflet or something related to the tatooing and some sort of children's pack on King Arthur. Well they're my guesses anyway. I'm just really hoping for something related to children, because I find them alot easier.
Reply 19
So it's out!!!

What are people thinking? I think the King Arthur will be a more accesible question in the exam, because people will be put off by the historical info. In January, lots of people prefered the Bessie texts but the questions on Mars were much easier.
I agree that a children's text would be god for Arthur, not sure about tatooing- the texts are from a website and articles really.
Any ideas?