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Reply 1
I went past a police camera van 2day. it was there as I came over the top of this little hill. When i 1st saw it, i noticed i was doing bout 33 in 30 zone, but obviously slowed down as i got closer.
Any1 hav any idea how far away u r b4 they pull the trigger or woteva and how much the 'discretionary' bit above the limit is?

if they are generous then if your up to 34-35mph you'll get done, but at 33 i'll think you'll be fine. if you were speeding they would have probebly followed you and gave you the fixed penalty notice.

you'll be fine... keep us updated! :wink:
Reply 2
In a 30mph you can legally go 34mph.
Reply 3
In a 30mph you can legally go 34mph.

Wrong, you can legally do 30mph. However they wouldn't pull you over for doing 33mph because they have to account for a 10% margin of error on the machine.
Reply 4
Camera vans are constantly recording video of the field of view (e.g two lanes of traffic) and then the operator is using a standard laser which they then trigger when something catches their eye, which marks the place on the video. This means they are always trying to look at the fastest moving thing because that means more ticket money :smile: Also this was like a year ago so don't blame me if this is outmoded technology.

Oh and for the ones on motorways where there is a van then 3 or 4 cameras on each lane where they send a cop car after you, you can get away with 80 to 85 but that could just be my speedo over reading. ^_^
Reply 5
Wrong, you can legally do 30mph. However they wouldn't pull you over for doing 33mph because they have to account for a 10% margin of error on the machine.

Therefore... you can go over the speed limit legally because of the error. Stop arguing pragmatics!
Reply 6
It's 10% + 2mph
Reply 7
Haha I win
Reply 8
In a 30mph you can legally go 34mph.

You didn't win.

30mph x 10% = 3 (+ 30) = 33mph. 34mph would be illegal.
And anyway, 33mph is still illegal.
Reply 9
First can I just say how sad you are for giving me bad rep for saying 'I win'. I'm not bothered about the rep but just LoL at you're reaction. You really need to grow a pair.

Secondly... 30/10=3 . 30+3 = 33 + 2 = 35... 34 lower than 35 = 34 LEGAL!

Crazy stuff that maths bs. And grow up yourself and learn to joke you great jessy.
Reply 10
Legally they can still pull you for doing 33mph BUT you can argue your speedo and/or their equipment is at fault for upto 10% so generally they wont bother trying to prosecute unless you're doing 10%+ over the speed limit. :smile:

EDIT: Dantanion if you check out the speeding forum you'll find a fair few people have got prosecuted for doing 35mph in a 30.
Reply 11
First can I just say how sad you are for giving me bad rep for saying 'I win'. I'm not bothered about the rep but just LoL at you're reaction. You really need to grow a pair.

Secondly... 30/10=3 . 30+3 = 33 + 2 = 35... 34 lower than 35 = 34 LEGAL!

Crazy stuff that maths bs. And grow up yourself and learn to joke you great jessy.

Firstly - why are you adding the two? Am I missing something?
Secondly - you can get done for 34mph like my brother was you bloody novice!
Thirdly - I just now can't wait until midnight so I can actually negatively rep you :mad:
It's 10% + 2mph

QFT nublet.

Do what you gotta do man! I can't wait til midnight and you can.. EAT MY ASS!

Novice! LoL just lol at you're last post. Read it and be ashamed.
In terms of being ‘caught’ by the cameras, there is a national guideline of 10% plus 2mph the leeway is there to account for the fact that some car’s speedometers might be out by a mile or two.

Taken from:

You're an idiot! See above proof!
Reply 14
Yes, but you are an idiot!

Lets say your speedo/their equipment is already out by 10%, you go 10% faster than what it says and you get a ticket!

Anything over the set limit is illegal. There is no argueing that, its a case of how they prove it.
stop saying silly things

Reply 16
And reading the article clarifies that its a guideline not a rule.
It's funny how I'm being called an idiot over pragmatics. Ok, you can LEGALLY go 30mph.
The OP's question was 'will i get away with it?'. The answer = YES.

Therefore you can get away with 35mph. End of story. Stop giving stupid lines of argument. You can go 35mph without fear of a fine / prosecution in a 30mph zone. Don't believe me? Read the article.

Oh, and negative rep me some more it makes me moist.

Idiots.. :biggrin:
Reply 18
If we're idiots why do you keep hanging around here - and if you hadnt noticed its you thats caused all the arguments not others!

I wouldnt be so confident in thinking you can go 35 in a 30, sorry.

Anyone breaking a 30 speed limit even by 3mph on their speedo deserves to be caught. End of.
Reply 19
WTF!!!! How is that a stupid line of argument!!!

So your going 33mph, say the speedo is 10% out, which is what they allow. Thats 33+3.3, so 36.3mph

The absolute limit is 35mph, so you get ticketed. And as L0RA says, that article is a guidline, not a rule...