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What is the best way to get rid of paranoia?

For example, I always think random people in the street are looking and talking about me. Even though 99.9% of the time they are not. Another example is I've been reading through topics about tight foreskins, so I immediately got into a state thinking I had ''phimosis'' and other problems down there, when it's more than likely that I haven't. The BBC Teen website said that not every male can fully pull back their foreskin when erect, so it's me being paranoid again. I'm going to do the stretching method when I get a bath later anyway so less about that.

But my paranoia sets off nowadays at the smallest, smallest of things and any ways to cure it would be fantastic.
Reply 1
I think most people live with some degree of paranoia. It depends a lot on your self confidence I think. I'm a bit self conscious, and as a result always think people are talking about me.

It's a hard thing to target, because it can be cuased by so many things. But possibly a good starting point would be to maybe work on your confidence levels. Do you have any hobbies or interests? For example, if you liked basketball, you could improve your skills by maybe joining a team, and this could give you mroe faith in your abilities and make you feel better about yourself.

The foreskin issue doesn't sound so much like paranoia, as paranoia generally is relating to people rather than entities. Do you worry about having other medical issues too? If you worry about a few things like that then you're probably a slight hypochondriac. Not a lot to worry about- lots of people are scared of medical conditions. I'd only say it's a problem if it's taking over your life and you can't relax, or it's stressing you out particularly. Then I'd visit your doctor, who might be able to help you.

Good luck! :smile: I hope you feel better.
Reply 2
I think most people live with some degree of paranoia. It depends a lot on your self confidence I think. I'm a bit self conscious, and as a result always think people are talking about me.

I am self conscious to, I just need to work on my confidence I think.

It's a hard thing to target, because it can be cuased by so many things. But possibly a good starting point would be to maybe work on your confidence levels. Do you have any hobbies or interests? For example, if you liked basketball, you could improve your skills by maybe joining a team, and this could give you mroe faith in your abilities and make you feel better about yourself.

Thanks, I will have a think about doing something like that.

The foreskin issue doesn't sound so much like paranoia, as paranoia generally is relating to people rather than entities. Do you worry about having other medical issues too? If you worry about a few things like that then you're probably a slight hypochondriac. Not a lot to worry about- lots of people are scared of medical conditions. I'd only say it's a problem if it's taking over your life and you can't relax, or it's stressing you out particularly. Then I'd visit your doctor, who might be able to help you.

When I hear about medical issues, especially to do with the body. Such as the foreskin issue, I immediately think I have got it. I am terrified about going to a doctor, I don't have much of a close relationship with my dad - I am 16 btw - but my uncle, who I used to be really close to have testicular cancer and had a testicle removed, and at the moment he seems the ideal person to ask about the foreskin issue etc even though he may not have had it himself, I'd feel comfortable talking to him about it etc.

Good luck! :smile: I hope you feel better.

Reply 3
I always read the symptoms and think I've got the condition. :smile: Sounds exactly like hypochondria.

Talking to your uncle would be a great idea- whoever you feel comfortable with, and whoever can put your mind at ease. It's easy to get really worried about medical problems; I get bad headaches, but once you rule out the serious things you'll feel a lot better about it in general. :smile:
the best way is to learn everone has the same problems as you do. you're not alone. once you learn that youll be more confident