The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i did a few months back but then i just totally changed my view on everything
and like i do need a levels, i got depressed this year so it ****ed them up and this coming up a2 year im gonna have to work twice as hard as im resitting all my as exams in order to get the grades i should be getting.
Reply 2
I figure i can give up in a week and a half after the exams are done.. and lose the will to live...
I wish I could not care.
Reply 4
I need the A-levels to get into uni, but i'm having a serious case of really not caring at all, seems that way with all my friends too. Everyone knows they need to work, but no one seems to want to or care what happens if they don't, how does everyone else feel about this?
Reply 5
i'm feeling exactly the same, i dont know why but i cant be bothered. I know that a levels are important but ive become even lazier this year than last, and couldnt care less about the exams at the moment. im leaving this year too.
has anyone else given up on exams and school and just doesnt care anymore? im in yr 13 so leavin but i cant be arsed with exams as i dont need A levels and am gonna fail anyway?

Sounds like you might need a break from education. I felt the same way as you during my A levels and my grades came out pooey as a result. Do the exams though, you may regret it later on in life.
has anyone else given up on exams and school and just doesnt care anymore? im in yr 13 so leavin but i cant be arsed with exams as i dont need A levels and am gonna fail anyway?

I do care, but I can't bring myself to focus. A lot of my friends have finished their exams now and keep calling me reminding me that they're "going out clubbing tonight" etc which is really putting me off. Only a week and a half left now though. Also, on top of that, I'm now having doubts about my uni choice, so I'm finding it difficult to focus and work for something which I'm not sure is what I really want.
Reply 8
**** no.
To do so would be extremely weak and pathetic not to mention completely illogical. There's no point doing a year's worth of work and then not getting the appropriate reward.
To give would be 'letting the bastards grind you down' in the extreme.
Reply 9
**** no.
To do so would be extremely weak and pathetic not to mention completely illogical. There's no point doing a year's worth of work and then not getting the appropriate reward.
To give would be 'letting the bastards grind you down' in the extreme.

Says someone who clearly just follows "the system" without really considering why.

If you don't want to do something, don't do it, simple as that. It would be weak and pathetic to do something just because it's seen as the right thing to do.

I think a lot of people take this view because school itself is to long, you learn too much stuff you have no interest in and will never again need, and it lasts about 2 years too long, added to the fact that in a lot of cases, people know they will get into uni even if they miss their offer, you get a lot of people not caring.

A-levels are insanely boring for able candidates, a good teacher could get someone a decent a-level grade in most subjects by teaching them what they actually need for the exam, in under a month.

I'm confident I could've started a university degree at least 1 year ago, and knowing that I'll never need any of the stuff i'm doing now just makes it feel drawn out and pointless.

It feels like anyone can get 3 A's if they're willing to put the work in, rather than having any actual knack for the subject.

The current school system - :nn:
Reply 10
It's a waste. If you choose to **** the school system then do so. But have the sense to do it in September before you've wasted another year of your life doing work.
Unless you are droping out to go and found the next microsoft then dont, if you fail or do badly exam grades will follow you through life like a curse.
Reply 12
Its easy to say whats the point of all this etc etc and you just cant try any more, but look at it in the scheme of things. Its such a small proportion of your life and then it's over for good. When you look back you'll think, f**k, why didnt I just buckle down for those two months.
this is the climax of like 13 years of school education, you cant throw it all away because your going through a bad spell.
Just force yourself or you'll regret it later on.
I have 4 exams this week, most of which are going to be terrible, but im still gonna try my hardest for them otherwise ill be letting myself down. And nowadays, everyone looks at a levels, or lack of to some extent, even if your applying for sainsbury's.

Why give up? After 13 years why would you not just try?