The Student Room Group

I have just stuffed myself :mad:

I feel so pissed off right now cos I just had an argument. I usually try to eat healthily and I am not grossly overweight or anything.

But just now I ate
*two packets of crisps,
*five bowls of this rice stuff (which was the only stuff I could find in the fridge),
*two eggs,
*a big bag or marshmellows (I only usually eat these at barbecues when I try to toast them on the fire)
*one ice cream bar
*a fizzy drink (I hardly ever drink fizzy drinks- normally I drink water, sometimes fruit juice)

And now I just feel even more pissed off for stuffing my face and feeling like I cant even walk anymore. Damn. I didnt know my body was capable of eating that much :/ How the hell will I shift this excess crap out of my body tomorrow?

I dont normally stuff myself like this when I feel down btw, maybe the odd chocolate bar or something- but never THIS much.

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Reply 1
Just eat healthily tomorrow.
You can't do anything (sensible) about it now.
Maybe go for a walk in a bit or something?
Reply 2
Doesn't sound too horrendous to me. No point in beating yourself up about it now, be aware as you are that emotions can control your eating and be more careful in future
Reply 3
i too today have treated my body, not like a temple, but like a public lavatory. i just went for an hour's run and now resemble a sort of sundried tomato colour and i probably havent even burnt off a quarter of what i have consumed.
here's my plan of attack (as the Bikini Season is upon us, you know)

Tomorrow's consumption: Lemon tea
i too today have treated my body, not like a temple, but like a public lavatory. i just went for an hour's run and now resemble a sort of sundried tomato colour and i probably havent even burnt off a quarter of what i have consumed.
here's my plan of attack (as the Bikini Season is upon us, you know)

Tomorrow's consumption: Lemon tea

FFS. Eat properly. 3 meals, no snacks, proper sizes.
had you actually eaten enough during the day? if something stresses you out in the evening your gonna find you'll eat more if you hadn't been eating properly that day
Reply 6
Yes, I ate a normal breakfast and a normal lunch. I wasn't hungry a single bit after the argument. I was eating away thinking "Im not hungry at all right now...but damn I so pissed off".

Do you think swimming or something tomorrow would be enough to compensate this? What do others do when theyre feeling down? I need to find another way to deal with my emotions..
Reply 7
I don't eat properly full stop, i eat ****e every day and very rarely eat healthily. Im still fine, 9st1oz for a 5"10 guy, size 30 waist im not doing too badly.
U Fat Cow
Reply 9
i too today have treated my body, not like a temple, but like a public lavatory. i just went for an hour's run and now resemble a sort of sundried tomato colour and i probably havent even burnt off a quarter of what i have consumed.
here's my plan of attack (as the Bikini Season is upon us, you know)

Tomorrow's consumption: Lemon tea

If you don't have a regular fat intake your body will store what fat it gets, so starving yourself isn't likely to help, sorry.

And there's no harm in pigging out now and again!:smile:
Lemon tea? starving yourself is not the solution, whats done is done and you can only put that day behind you. You will be pleased to to hear that over eating for one day will not tend to be notiecable physically.

Just make sure that from now on you are more sensible with your diet.
don't worry - it seems to be mostly carbs and unless you were consistently eating high-carb ( probably were, actually)... then current evidence suggests that there will be VERY little de novo lipogenesis at all. Youll get suppressed fat burning for a while and preference for carb use, with increased metabolism to show for it.

Use it - tomorrow remember how you ****ed up today and make it work. That doesnt mean eating nothing, btw.
Reply 12
i too today have treated my body, not like a temple, but like a public lavatory. i just went for an hour's run and now resemble a sort of sundried tomato colour and i probably havent even burnt off a quarter of what i have consumed.
here's my plan of attack (as the Bikini Season is upon us, you know)

Tomorrow's consumption: Lemon tea

Doing stuff like that isn't going to make you thinner, and will in future, cause you to be fatter as your metabolism is going to adjust to suit, so then when you eat normally you'll be a right porker.

Just do exercise, then you'll lose fat, not eating makes you lose weight in muscle and water loss, not fat. You'll just be 'skinny fat'
Just think to yourself, I overdid it today but that's alright because I'm not going to do this again.
Tmr just eat mainly fruits and vegtables, drink lots of water and exercise for an hour or so.
Don't beat yourself up over it cos it really doesn't help anything!! Good luck.

Today I ate a cheese sandwich, a bowl of soup, and 3 tangerines. And that's it. And the soup I had to force down myself because I haven't been hungry all day.

I'm equally pissed off. :frown:
its ok to gorge once in a while :biggrin: just remember to exercise.. and chill
you know, its not that hard. just don't eat **** like that.
Reply 17
A one off occurence like that will not do you much harm in the long run, I don't think. I read somewhere that you need to consume 3000+ calories more than the 2000/2500 you need in one day (women/men respectively) to put on 1lb of weight (450g), and I don't think you've eaten that much- maybe 2000 calories worth.

Take care
dont get so worked up over it, its not a big deal. have u got time to maybe start a sport? cause if you play a sport you naturally start to eat healthier because you wont be able to get through the day without getting the energy from healthy food.

also, its really mostly just habit. my parents dont buy junk food, its just not a polish custom, and ive never had the opportunity really to eat like that. so maybe when you go out shopping dont buy too many unhealthy snacks? i mean we do have chocolate and cookies at our house, but thats about it.

also, if u drink water, that usually fills you up, so always have water next to you.
Reply 19
A one off occurence like that will not do you much harm in the long run, I don't think. I read somewhere that you need to consume 3000+ calories more than the 2000/2500 you need in one day (women/men respectively) to put on 1lb of weight (450g), and I don't think you've eaten that much- maybe 2000 calories worth.

Take care

So to put on weight you need to eat at least 5000 calories? Surely that would mean that hardly anyone would ever put on weight?