The Student Room Group

confused-can you help me!

im 16 and until now ive been undeniably straight always only been attracted to boys (im a girl).even at the moment there is this one boy who im not with but who i practically love.but recently theres this one woman who i see nearly everyday coz she a teacher at my school and i think shes atrractive.i dont proper fancy her or anything like that and shes the only woman who ive thought of like thta.shes young and blonde.
so does this mean im bi or is it just that i think highly of her?help please im confused!
Reply 1
Nah, don't worry about it. Lots of girls get a crush on one of their female teachers. Apparently its a lot to do with them being a real role model, perhaps one of the first women you can really relate to in real life past your mother. As you put it - you just think highly of her, and it's not hard for those feelings to be confused with feeling something more. :smile:

Just enjoy any time you might spend with her - clearly she must be nice enough, seeing as you think so highly of her - and know that it will likely pass soon enough. :smile:
Thinking some of the same sex is attractive doesnt make you bi..
Reply 3
thank you i just wanted to get some opinions !if anyone else could comment id be grateful!
i doubt ur bi.

if u were u would start subconsiously thinking about and other girls.

Like when ur out in town, and u see a fit guy, you may start seeing a fit girl, lol. if that makes sense.

Seriously, i wouldnt worry about it.
