The Student Room Group

fat stomach

okay i have acquired a bit of a gut in the last few months and have decided i want to rid myself of it

couple of possible sources - i have drank quite a bit lots of 18th's lately - mine included (boy was that a heavy night! lol)
also my aunt kept bringing over these really fatty chocolate cakes that i was eating loads of plus i used to do loads of exercise and had a phenomonal metabolism (eating like 6 normal sized meals a day and still ebing massively underweight) only problem was i was doing much less exercise when revising but still eating the same

anyway so i am now snacking much less and just scoping for 3 meals a day (in some cases 2 if i wake up late i just have brunch) however i am diabetic so i cant eliminate snacks entirely)

i have now finished school and am unemployed so i do try to exercise and am searching for employment but still i find myself slkouching around watching daytime tv

so here's what im gonna do:

breakfast - bowl of muesli usually with extra fruitty bits
don't eat till lunch
lunch - tuna sandwich with lots of vegetables and with coleslaw and salsa
possibly with soup if very hungry
snack - muffin or just fruit or plain biscuit
tea- normal meal and pudding (just 1 helping now)
supper - unless starving i eat nothing if starving i would have soup or cornflakes

in terms of exercise i walk the dog twice a day usually
i do very intense swim training 4 times a week
i do cycling once maybe twice a week

i am 18 year old male 12 and a half stone 6 foot 5 inches tall
i used to have the old six pack now its like a four pack the bottom two are concealed by my gut (i know it's v dissapointing girls - a travesty one might say)

anyway i really want to get rid of this and get a ncie flat stomach back

i only drink if i'm out for a party i never drink at home- although i ususlaly end up drunk although last time i was out was my prom and i surprisingly reisisted the urge to get wasted

im not sure its the alcohol though cos lots of my friends dont have guts and they drink bascially daily i drink maybe once every motnh or two although this motnh i have drank like twice a week but its a very busy month

anyway any advice on me losing my gut is appreciated

note i have a passion for fruit and find myself gorgin on it - althoug i understand this doesn't puit on weight regardelsss of how much u eat
Reply 1
also i am trying to cut fat out of my diet but i hear this is abd cos then when i do eat fat it willl be stored
Reply 2
Looks like you have a clear idea of what you want to do, well done :smile:

Imho, six-packs can look strange. Shows that a guy thinks too much about what he looks like. Keep with the four pack!
Reply 3
also i am trying to cut fat out of my diet but i hear this is abd cos then when i do eat fat it willl be stored

you still need fat in your diet, certain nutrients only come in fat, sugar is way worse than fat
I would not cut fat out of your diet- it can actually help your body to metabolise fats (if you eat the right kinds). Nuts, seeds and fish are the bets way to include these fats. Maybe try having some seeds on the museli. Although they are calorific they are filling so can help prevent over-eating.

Also rather than trying to eliminate snacks, have smaller meals but snacks in between. This keeps your metabolism ticking over all day and helps prevent energy slumps and cravings.

Also do make sure that you do eat enough for the exercise that you are doing. You will need the energy to perform properly and if you don't fuel your body you will just lose muscle, which slows down your metabolism thus preventing fat loss.

Make sure that you eat plenty of low fat protein, good carbs (wholegrains), loads of fruit and veggies, and a small amount of good fats.

If you eat well and exercise, you will have a nice bod! :biggrin:
ok im a girl who used to LOTS of exercise, i wasnt happy with the way i looked but then are many teenage girls??? but now im really lazy, and i have a TRUE belly, much worse than the flattish stomach i used to have. so my point... if you have a 4 pack than thats great without doin anythin! but im impressed by your determination, my advice is even if you struggle to get your 6pack back you probably look great as you are. ( i agree with ywiss anyway, 4pack is enough! too many defined muscles are not nice.) good luck! x