The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I think, generally, everyone has on and off days with their friends... but is this like, a very common feeling you have, or is it just lately?
you say they mean a lot to you, so hopefully this won't prove to be too big a problem within your friendship group...*hugs*
Reply 2
I want to punch some of my freinds all the time... but i still love them to pieces!
Reply 3
ive recently got mad with my friends they;ve stopped doing what i tell them to do, im so glad im going to uni now :mad:
i have days of being frustated with freinds, when they do daft things and then come looking for advice when there antics mean theyve done something wrong.

but i find freinds-freinds can be more annoying though: the people you just "dont get" or just dislike, yet your own freinds think they are the bees knees and they hang around like flies round...its particularly annoying when these freinds blatently treat your freind badly, yet he/she doesnt see it, and is STILL freinds with them grrr

and you dont like to say too much for fear of falling out with freinds, so have to put up with the annoying freinds of freinds

thats my worst "freind" issue
Reply 5
In my experience, it seems that some friends in friendship groups can be very selfish - always looking out for how their friends can help them, rather than helping their friends and having an equal relationship. To a certain extent this is true of all of us - generally your family wants what's best for you, whereas your friends want what's best for themselves, and if that means putting you out or making you feel inadequate, then that's what they'll do.

Of course, this is a gross over-generalisation. Some friends are lovely, always thinking of other people and never pressuring you, and I'm aware that not all families will be perfect.

If you feel that your friends are taking advantage of you a lot, try asking yourself why - are you seen as a more sensitive member of the group who doesn't often say no and is uncomfortable at hurting other people? Is it totally one-sided, or do you sometimes take advantage of them as well? Do you sometimes think that you annoy them and make them want to punch you? Nothing is ever totally one person's fault; usually there are other factors involved.

Saying that, I often do want to punch my friends. But then, I'm a bit of a violent person :biggrin:
ive recently got mad with my friends they;ve stopped doing what i tell them to do, im so glad im going to uni now :mad:

You shouldn't tell your friends what to do. Mabye they've stopped doing what you say because you're getting on their nerves by telling them what to do, and they've finally realised they don't have to do what you want them to do :mad:
Sometimes I just can't stand my friends, they give me rubbish advice, manipulate me into doing things and generally make me feel like ****.
I can't get rid of a friend though and yes they do mean a lot to me.. just is it normally to feel like this and just want to punch them?

I know how you feel.

I hope it's normal or we're in the same boat... :smile:
Reply 8
ive recently got mad with my friends they;ve stopped doing what i tell them to do

I'm pretty sure the feeling is reciprocal. :smile:
Reply 9
''Keep your friends close and your enemies closer''
Reply 10
''Keep your friends close and your enemies closer''

But that would make you a sad, pathetic, suspicious person.


P.S. Thanks to whoever repped me!
Reply 11
yeah sometimes things can get hard like that and its normal to want to punch them. do they know this is how you feel?
Reply 12
I always give daggers @ my frend'z frend
I've had 'friends' who after a while i finally reasiled were actually ******* so i just stopped hanging round with them. Its not hard to do. If you don't feel comfortable with sum1 then they're really not a true friend
surely if they manipulate you and make you feel like **** theyre not doing a particularly good job of being friends anyway?