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Reply 1
whoa, bloody hell.
i once did that - think i was gonna drown... but mine was different, i was about 7... stil, it was damn scary!
whoa, bloody hell.
i once did that - think i was gonna drown... but mine was different, i was about 7... stil, it was damn scary!

Reply 3
Thanks for the hugs....I appreciate that.

It is bloody frightening isn't it.....and it's hard to comprehend unless you actually experience it. Fear in its purest form you might say.

Saying Ive lost consciousness 5 times before, I probably would have fainted:redface: Wasn't your mate there to help?
Reply 4
OMG how terrifying - you're amazing for keeping going like that. I guess you've learnt your lesson though, now, eh?!

But seriously, don't dwell on what could have happened. It didn't happen, be grateful, learn from it and move on. One time I was on holiday with my family, and one night my dad tripped on a stone, fell backwards onto this really narrow wall and almost fell headfirst backwards down a 10ft drop onto rocks. Luckily he managed to pull himself back up. I was absolutely terrified...I couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened. My dad was driving back to the hotel and I was just shaking all over, thinking that if it had gone differently, he wouldn't be driving and our holiday would have turned into a nightmare. The thing was that we were all so close to him...but if he had gone over the wall we couldn't have saved him. Anyway I couldn't sleep that night, it got to me so badly. It sounds pathetic, but I dwelled on it, and it pretty much spoilt the holiday for me.

Don't do what I did! Just be grateful - you did really well today and you know you won't do it in future, and just learn from it.

I agree though, your parents would have gone ballistic with worry.


Reply 5
I did pretty much the exact same thing minus the cramps.

I felt like a wuss for not getting to the buoy, but I was also pretty depressed until the next day, and I'm NEVER depressed. Weirdest feeling ever.

I eye the sea with suspicion
Reply 6
This has been one strange day.....

Today I was at the beach with friends and we decided to try and swim to a bouy right out to sea. Don't ask why the hell i did it because I know I was stupid now.:redface:

Anyway, two of us started swimming really far out and for a while it seemed fine.....thought I was going to make it easy. But then it hit me like a brick wall.....and I suddenly felt really tired and got CRAMP! I started to panic immediately and couldn't move my legs well after that. It was all up to my arms......

I was really close to the bouy at this point but fear took over and I decided to turn back and head for shore. It was the most horrendous feeling when I did turn though.....because it was then that i realised how far I really was from the beach. I tried to swim slowly to save energy, but the crampt kept on coming back in small, frequent shocks. By this time my whole body was aching and my feet felt numb from all the kicking.

It seemed to take forever getting back as well. Because the tide was going out, the current was against me on the way back. It was also carrying me in a diagonal direction, meaning I was taking longer to get to the shore......

There was a point when I was in that water when i genuinely thought I was going to drown.....and die. I was absolutely terrified and it is the worst feeling I have ever experienced. I kept thinking "any second now that cramps is going to get really bad and your going to lose it....your going to sink under these waves and not get back up!"

When I realised I had made it, I think I actually thanked God for real.
However, it didn't end there, because once I was back on the beach I couldn't walk properly for ages and I went into a really violent, uncontrollable shiver and my legs were in real pain. It was just.....awful.

I had to share this in some way and didn't want to get my parents worried about me. Sorry if I depressed you or something.....but I feel really weird this evening, knowing that it could have gone much worse...

Please don't do what i did! Don't go too far out in the sea or do anything else like that! It was the most scared ive ever me:frown:

Sounds scary. Just how far was it? I have a fear of the sea, it's bloody massive.

I thought I was going to die recently. Was standing on a traffic island when a massive dumpster truck thing swerved round a parked bus at about 35mph and for a few seconds was heading right for me. Froze. Terrifying.
This has been one strange day.....

Today I was at the beach with friends and we decided to try and swim to a bouy right out to sea. Don't ask why the hell i did it because I know I was stupid now.:redface:

Anyway, two of us started swimming really far out and for a while it seemed fine.....thought I was going to make it easy. But then it hit me like a brick wall.....and I suddenly felt really tired and got CRAMP! I started to panic immediately and couldn't move my legs well after that. It was all up to my arms......


What happened to your friend?
Reply 8
I have had a similar experience, caught in a rip current, and to top it off having major cramp in my leg. Very scary. But as others have said dont dwell on what could have happened, just feel lucky that you are ok.
...Fear in its purest form you might say.

Nah, fear in its purest form is flying across the Alps in an Italian propeller plane (I don't know, Crashio Airlines or something), where the propellers keep feathering to a standstill and then chug back to life again a couple of seconds later. I still shudder at the thought of that journey.

Allow me to express my genuine sympathies. It's strange realising that you're mortal, isn't it? My mortality stared me in the face this February when I drove my car James-Bond style (or maybe Coldplay-style) down a hill, having misjudged my speed on black ice. You go you're entire life thinking you're invincible until some incident rudely informs you that you're not (well, if you're lucky).

Still, better the tide dragging you out to sea than your malicious older brother. At least the tide isn't evil.

What happened to your friend?

Reply 11
ah, parental strife. it just never ends, does it?!
ah, parental strife. it just never ends, does it?!

Quite right lol:smile:
Reply 13
Sounds pretty awesome, it's all about extremes of emotion which end well!
Reply 14
This is exactly the reason i still cant bloody swim, the absolute fear when you are quite sure your sinking under

When i was a kid of about six, a swimming instructor believed the best way to teach swimming was to chuck em in the pool-it didnt work for me tho lol, only terrified me, a pain cos id been learning really happily with another instructor up til then

Then a few years ago in the Canaries we went on a Booze Cruise, where, plied with vast amounts of sangria and beer, i blagged my way onto a banana boat even tho you werent meant to if you couldnt swim. i was totally convinced id be grand cos i was wearing a lifejacket, but no, we fell into the sea and i totally panicked!! waves kept washing over my head and i felt like i was being towed out to sea. one of the guys i was with had to pull me over to the speedboat, and the people in that tried to coax me back on the banana boat, but i was hysterical! then the just pulled me up into the boat by the arm and everyone on the ship cheered when i got back:p:

But i sooo thought i was going to die, and i know if id fallen off the banana boat by myself and the rest of them had zoomed away and i had to wait for them to come get me i would have drowned...:eek:
Haha, its happened to me before once or twice.. Was just swimming after a game of Beach Tennis and just got cramp. I just layed on my back for a few minutes and relaxed, then I was alright after that.

At least its something to tell the Grandkids...
u still can kick with cramps?

i cant :frown:
Reply 17
Augh I'm so sorry for you- it sounds terrible!

I did a similar thing a few years back on holiday in Holland. We spent half the day travelling to this beach, and eventually when we arrived my sister and I just ran to the water. It was odd, because it was really shallow and it stayed that way without deviating in depth at all. We kept walking out further and further wondering if the depth would change at all, when suddenly it felt like we'd stepped off the edge of something, and it got really deep. Then the waves swept us further out; my sister and I panicked and got separated; I was quite young so wasn't that strong a swimmer; my sister swam back to shore only to find our parents had moved. Luckily I was saved by a kind Dutch man and his son.. but it was (one of) the scariest moment(s) of my life.

It turned out the beach was known for the fact it was on a shelf; it stayed shallow for ages and then suddenly there would be a drop of over 20 metres. Plus it had undertows, which were what pulled us out even further once we were off the shelf.

Anyway, I'm sorry it happened to you. *Hugs* I'm sure in the future you won't do it again, but don't let it scare you off going in the water completely. It's rare that things like this happen if you consider how many people were probably in the water yesterday and how many of them it probably happened to.
Reply 18
glad you're ok gyrator! as i don't have any tit-for-tat sea faring tales to tell (swimming and tomatoes being the roots of all evil in my world) just wanna say hope you feel better about venturing back into the water some time soon

my only adivce: infatable arm bands

love sam XXX
Reply 19
Glad you're okay mate. I tried something silly like that when I was in Poland, swimming out ridiculously far. I didn't believe the pish everyone was saying about currents and such, but I saw how hard it became to get back and thought "never again."

Curiousity, eh? Don't let it put you off the beach/sea though. Great places :biggrin: