The Student Room Group

Motivate me

motivate me pleasee, come on u can do it

I've got these essay type bio subject to learn and i cant write long sentences, how do people construct such good sentences, with their full-stops and all the neat punctuation?

I just cant find the abiklity to be a good writer and i'm so sick of my gay pens and so sad of the ink that it spits out on the poor quality paper i have.

Don't make me think about the upcoming exams, cus I'm so tired of wishing, I could start all over again and just wanna cry and sleep.

motivate me please. :frown:

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Reply 1
motivate me pleasee, come on u can do it

I've got these essay type bio subject to learn and i cant write long sentences, how do people construct such good sentences, with their full-stops and all the neat punctuation?

I just cant find the abiklity to be a good writer and i'm so sick of my gay pens and so sad of the ink that it spits out on the poor quality paper i have.

Don't make me think about the upcoming exams, cus I'm so tired of wishing, I could start all over again and just wanna cry and sleep.

motivate me please. :frown:

Are you a greenday fan? Anyway if I were you I would take a break or try again tomorrow.
Reply 2
sober up???
Reply 3
Go to bed, have a lie in tomorrow. Don't do any work.

That's my plan, and my exams have been going swimmingly :smile:
Reply 4

I just cant find the abiklity to be a good writer and i'm so sick of my gay pens and so sad of the ink that it spits out on the poor quality paper i have.

New stationery would be a start. :rolleyes:
Reply 5
motivate me pleasee, come on u can do it

I've got these essay type bio subject to learn and i cant write long sentences, how do people construct such good sentences, with their full-stops and all the neat punctuation?

I just cant find the abiklity to be a good writer and i'm so sick of my gay pens and so sad of the ink that it spits out on the poor quality paper i have.

Don't make me think about the upcoming exams, cus I'm so tired of wishing, I could start all over again and just wanna cry and sleep.

motivate me please. :frown: cant blame the pen and paper for not being able to write....get away from distractions.....take breaks, you cant write everything in one go....maybe try having a bath or shower, i know it sounds stupid but it works for me, i find that i get most of my ideas when im having a bath or a shower.....just take it easy and you'll make steady progress...i hope...anyway good luck:smile:
motivate me pleasee, come on u can do it

I've got these essay type bio subject to learn and i cant write long sentences, how do people construct such good sentences, with their full-stops and all the neat punctuation?

I just cant find the abiklity to be a good writer and i'm so sick of my gay pens and so sad of the ink that it spits out on the poor quality paper i have.

Don't make me think about the upcoming exams, cus I'm so tired of wishing, I could start all over again and just wanna cry and sleep.

motivate me please. :frown:

Okay, well here's a start. Let me re-write your post in the style you yearn after:

"I'm wondering if anyone out there has the capacity to motivate. I'm confident that at least one of you has the requisite talents.

I'm afraid that the (biology)? course involves writing long essays. However, the problem I'm faced with is my inability to craft half-decent essays. Essentially, it comes down to the difficulty I suffer writing coherent sentences. I need people to tell me, succinctly, how to construct effective sentences, with all the appropriate grammar, and ultimately create a strong essay.

I just don't seem to have this ability. What's more, I'm tired of struggling with my writing implements. The dismal material that splutters its way onto the paper (which is poor quality at that, although I must look into buying some decent paper to start with) makes me utterly depressed.

Despite all this, I'm not asking for anyone to remind of the forthcoming exams. I'm tired of yearning; all I want is to make a fresh start. If I cannot do this, my only resort is to hide behind my tears and my dreams.

So, please, I beg of you: motivate me."

All the best.
Reply 7
awww i know EXACTLY how you feel, i can relate to your post so well lol especially the bit about gay pens and crap paper.

i don't know what to say to motivate you, it all sounds so cliche when i type it. i think you should have a break and start again tomorrow so that it's all fresh and you are thinking clearly. you know fine well you have the ability to do it, it's just the way you are feeling right now, it's a phase and it will pass! imagine in your head the feeling when you have completed all this work successfully and aim to work for that feeling!
Reply 8

Firstly, get some decent A4 file paper, a folder and some pens that write nicely for you. If you like writing in pencil, Muji do erasable biros!
Secondly, who said you have to write in long sentences? There's nothing wrong with short sentences. Short sentences are easier to read and you haven't lost concentration by the time you get to the end.
Thirdly, regarding punctuation, use a full stop at the end of a sentence, a comma where you'd want to take a breath when reading it out loud, and that will do. They're testing your biology knowledge, not your use of semi-colons. :smile:
Lastly, get someone to test you out loud on the material; if you can recite it from memory then you'll be able to write it down in the exam and you won't have to worry about what your revision notes/essays look like!

Good Luck!

love danniella
Firstly, don't use a writing implement and manuscript. It can be most infuriating having to re-write something because of one error. Word-process whatever you require on the computer and use the integral thesaurus (shift + F7 if my memory is operating accurately), it will endow you with lexical items you never knew existed.

[But it can make you sound verbally incontinent]
Reply 10
Anthony Arundel
Okay, well here's a start. Let me re-write your post in the style you yearn after:

"I'm wondering if anyone out there has the capacity to motivate. I'm confident that at least one of you has the requisite talents.


So, please, I beg of you: motivate me."

All the best.

Reply 11
:biggrin: Lol Anthony; I can type proper sentences, it's just that Biology is such an overwhelming subject that when combined with Chemistry and given 2-3 days of time to re-run through 2 years worth of A-level work to revise so much material for the exams and also going through all the past papers, all hell breaks lose. I just want to get through this upcoming week!!

:redface: Thank you zain88 and others, so helpful to see others in similar situ. Hope everything goes well for others and thanks for the advise so far!!
Reply 12
Anthony Arundel
Okay, well here's a start. Let me re-write your post in the style you yearn after:

"I'm wondering if anyone out there has the capacity to motivate. I'm confident that at least one of you has the requisite talents.


So, please, I beg of you: motivate me."

All the best.

nice one :yy:
Do your work or i'll kick your teeth in!
Do your work or i'll kick your teeth in!

Aren't you the one who punches people in the throat? Why do all your posts seem to involve physical assault? :wink:
Do your work or i'll kick your teeth in!

That's the kind of motivation I need!
Reply 16
if you are trying to run through 2 years worth of work in 2-3 days, why the hell are you writing stuff!!! do past paper questions, they will take time and are far far more constructive than writing notes. anything you get wrong from them, go and look in your coursework notes and write down the correct answers so you remember. i repeat, do NOT try to write all your notes down again. it is pointless, time consuming and impractical in your time period. questions are the way forward, answer questions!!
Reply 17
if you are trying to run through 2 years worth of work in 2-3 days, why the hell are you writing stuff!!! do past paper questions, they will take time and are far far more constructive than writing notes. anything you get wrong from them, go and look in your coursework notes and write down the correct answers so you remember. i repeat, do NOT try to write all your notes down again. it is pointless, time consuming and impractical in your time period. questions are the way forward, answer questions!!

Well I wasnt like writing notes for every bit, just bits that I didnt know v. well.
But you're right, learning from answering questions will now help.

thanks. :tsr2:
Reply 18
no problemo, good luck!!

on the subject of motivation, does anyone remember Mr Motivator? he used to have something to do with airlines and he used to do mad exercises and stuff lol
Reply 19
no problemo, good luck!!

on the subject of motivation, does anyone remember Mr Motivator? he used to have something to do with airlines and he used to do mad exercises and stuff lol

yeh i remember him...with his weird coloured clothes :smile: