The Student Room Group


Hi all, I'm a 16-year-old bi-sexual boy and I'm very happy with who I am etc. However, I have (what I think as somewhat strange) kind of fetish with other boys' hands & arms - or maybe it's just a favourite body part? Is that a common kind of fetish? :eyeball:

How hard is it to get a boyfriend at this age? I'd like to hear some other people's experiences as I've found no one that's really open in real life about this.

Very nice to be open about it here as none of my friends/family know, even if I am 'anonymous'. :smile:
Reply 1
it's cool about the fetish lol, i have a fetish for necks. and other people have really weird fetishes, im sure there was someone on here who had a thing for girls' feet a long while ago. and hands come next on my list of fetishes :smile:

at 16 i think it's going to be hard to find a boyfriend of similar age because at this point they are probably still realising their sexuality and still afraid to be open about it. the older people get though the more open they will become. there is probably still a lot of stigma attached with open homosexual relationships in the minds of people your age.
Hi all, I'm a 16-year-old bi-sexual boy and I'm very happy with who I am etc. However, I have (what I think as somewhat strange) kind of fetish with other boys' hands & arms - or maybe it's just a favourite body part? Is that a common kind of fetish? :eyeball:

Yeah, it's not a fetish, fetishes (despite being a nasty word) are obsessions with things like leather - things not associated with the body. It's a partialism, which sounds much nicer. :smile: And it's perfectly common. I like hands and arms.

How hard is it to get a boyfriend at this age? I'd like to hear some other people's experiences as I've found no one that's really open in real life about this.
Very difficult. :smile: That's my experience. I know people who have managed to go out with uni students and so on but... nah, not for me. I'd rather wait and find someone I genuinely like. (Generally, I only really go for people who are about my age to a year or so younger. Older is almost definitely out of the question really.) I'll go out with a student when I am one, and so on. :p:
Reply 3
I like bums, teeth and eyes. Am I weird too? :biggrin:
I like bums, teeth and eyes. Am I weird too? :biggrin:

God, yes. Don't touch me.

Reply 5
Shake that salami and swing.