The Student Room Group
well i dont mean to worry you but ill tell you this.

Nose bleeds (excessive) which medically defined is more than 5 times naturally a month can be caused by-
Brain Tumour
Brain Heamoraghe *which you definetly do not have. dont worry!
Bursted Capillary damage in the nose (will repair over time)
Picking at it!:biggrin:
and a few others.
is there somehtign wrong? i mean i don thave any illnesses n stuff... i do have hayfever and so i blow my nose quite alot... is it cause of the hot weather?
should i see my gp? by the way ive have nose bleeds before by never like 4 in a row.......

Hayfever does indeed cause nose bleeds (due to the weakening of the blood vessels from all of the sneezing, etc). However, it may also be caused by something you're taking for the hayfever - I was using the 'Beconase' nasal spray up until a few days ago but had to stop due to the fact my nose was running like a (literally) bloody tap. It had the same effect on my Aunt this year too.
if it Hayfever giving you grief try-

Applying Aloe Vera Vaseline to the base of your nostrils.
it works wonders
Reply 4
when i was younger i used to get nose bleeds all the time due to my hayfever! i had my nose cauterised (dont know the spelling) to strengthen the blood vessels in my nose but it didnt work for me. if its really annoying go see your GP. luckily ive grown out of it.
They can also be caused by stress. (One of my friends had one during an exam last year :s-smilie:)
Are you doing exams? Might be something to do with that!
Could be the hayfever, i got nose bleeds 2 days ago. I dont get many, but i do tend to from time to time.

I find they tend to reoccur, if i have one today i may get one again in a few days but then wont get one for a year or something like that.
Reply 7
probs stress lol.... i had 2 during my exams and i dont think i have ever had one before that.... I THOUGHT I WAS DYING.. :frown:
but yeah, i wasnt
Reply 8
If it's bothering you, go to the doctor's and they'll stick a match-like thing up your nose which will stop nose bleeds.

Sounds to me though that its more likely to be from hot weather rather than capillaries being unfused.
Reply 9
I woke up in the middle of the night a week or so ago with one. Took about an hour to stop it. I've had a few more since. I'm fairly surely that they are being cause by a capillaries being weakened by all the sneezing I'm doing due to hayfever.
vaseline helps
Reply 11
I have hayfever induced nosebleeds fairly frequently.
Reply 12
me too
Reply 13
vaseline helps

This is so true. I started getting a load of nosebleeds last summer and was told to put some vaseline up my nose. After doing it I got no more for ages. Give it a try
Reply 14
Dont worry...ive been getting loads too. I think its the sudden heat and exam stress.
Reply 15
hehehe i got 5 nose bleeds for each single day during a span of 5 days