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Depends how close they let you get. Is there an actual question here? Everyone has their own smell, it's just that you probably pay more attention if you're absolutely infatuated with someone than if you're just casually hanging around with them...
Reply 2
nah even when youre just huggin them you can smell them and its so nice.

doesnt happen with my other guy friends
Reply 3
and the question is, is it normal lol
Reply 4
Reply 5
nah even when youre just huggin them you can smell them and its so nice.

doesnt happen with my other guy friends

He he! I know what you mean, I really fancy someone (well trying to get over him, as we have just left school and I won't see him anymore) but I never got to hug him :frown:
Reply 6
Perhaps he's flatulent.

I've just realised how inane and pointless it was to say that.
Reply 7
Perhaps he's flatulent.

I've just realised how inane and pointless it was to say that.


Yes, maybe.

Nothing like a smell like that.
Reply 8

i think they mean a nice smell but if you think flatulence gives off a nice smell.. whatever rocks your boat ^^
I think people probably do give off pleasant smells when they are attracted to someone
Reply 10
Ohhh yes. I know exactly what you mean. My gf smells so good.
nah even when youre just huggin them you can smell them and its so nice.

doesnt happen with my other guy friends

Yeah, I'd say hugging was pretty damn close. I don't mean close sexually. I mean close geographically. Do you hug all your male friends? As I said, you pay more attention to details of people you're obsessed with. So yeah, I know exactly what you mean, and yes, it's normal. And it's nice. :smile:
Reply 12
its probably the lynx effect
it's the pheromones reaching the sensory receptors and transmits the signal via the olfactory nerve to your anterior perforating substance
Reply 14
hmm the lynx effect is nice... apart from when they use too much of it and try to suffocate me.
it's the pheromones reaching the sensory receptors and transmits...

What transmits what? Hey? HEY?!
Reply 16

i think they mean a nice smell but if you think flatulence gives off a nice smell.. whatever rocks your boat ^^

Everyone loves the smell of their own brand, don't they?

And given the topic of this discussion, that leads me inevitably to the conclusion that I... oh. Oh dear!
to be precise the pheromone molecules bind vomeronasal receptors (which are G-protein coupled) in the olfactory epithelium, this establishes action potentials through the olfactory nerve, through the olfactory bulb via the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, then through the olfactory tract, to the anterior perforating substance and thence to the reticular formation and so the cerebral cortex
Reply 18
to be precise the pheromone molecules bind vomeronasal receptors (which are G-protein coupled) in the olfactory epithelium, this establishes action potentials through the olfactory nerve, through the olfactory bulb via the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, then through the olfactory tract, to the anterior perforating substance and thence to the reticular formation and so the cerebral cortex

Woah! I did Biol a-Level and still don't understand half of that!:confused:
I take it you do Biol or something to do with Biol at uni?
to be precise the pheromone molecules bind vomeronasal receptors (which are G-protein coupled) in the olfactory epithelium, this establishes action potentials through the olfactory nerve, through the olfactory bulb via the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, then through the olfactory tract, to the anterior perforating substance and thence to the reticular formation and so the cerebral cortex

Wow, you read like a biology textbook and still can't speak English. It amazes me. :p: Why can't you just use "smell" like most people?