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Hey all,
I was wondering, GNVQ ICT... how many points do you get on this? Many people have asked me whether if it's worth 4 GCSEs or just 1 or how many points they would get for this subject. Does anyone even know? Some have said to me in the past that it is only equivelant to 4 GCSEs :rolleyes: . What do they mean by this? Would I get 28 points if I get distinction? or would it just be 7? (AAAA or just A)
Does anyone know anything to do with this? :redface:
Take care.

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Reply 1
You get 4 grades, so schools say you get 4 GCSEs when in fact its not actually equivilent to AAAA at GCSE
Yes it's the same as 4 GCSEs in league table terms but many people don't rate it highly.
Reply 3
Yes - it's "worth" 4 GCSEs, but it's actually more like a government ploy to ensure that people look as though they are getting cleverer.
Reply 4
The 6-unit Intermediate GNVQ is designed to be of a standard equivalent to 4 GCSEs, at grades A* to C.
Reply 5
Its not worth 4gcses in terms of difficulty but it is in terms of workload.
I got AAAA this year when doing GNVQ ICT and it totalled out to be 200+ pages:eek:
Reply 6
When I did GNVQ ICT I received two overall grades :confused:
Reply 7
I wish there were gnvqs which were worth 4 AS levels:p:
Reply 8
I think that getting highest grades on the GNVQ is equal to 4 normal C grades... So you would get 24 points. Then again, that sounds ridiculously high for a GNVQ so i think they may only count it as 6 points...

Im just repeating what i remember, I havent actually checked
Reply 9
OMG some fellow GNVQ It'ers!

You wouldn't beleive how badly this subject is taught at my school. I know what it takes to pass more than my teacher does. At the end of Year 11 it had got to the point where i would walk into the lesson and my teacher would go "What are we doing today?" or "What does this mean?" (points at mark scheme).

This course has put me off IT for life. Still, hopefully I'll end up with a Distinction :wink:
Reply 10
GNVQ ICT was an absolute nightmare at my school, the coursework workload was ridiculous and we had a change of almost 3/4 teachers through the course and to top that all off we only had one 50 minute lesson a week! most of the work had to be done outside lesson at home. As you can guess the class didn't do that fabulous, dispite all that i still managed to get my distinction (hardly!).
Officially it's worth 4 GCSEs, with a Distinction being like AAAA, a Merit being like BBBB and a Pass being like CCCC. Most people don't see it like that though and recognise it as a government initiative to improve pass rates.
Reply 12
Some people in my class found it hard to even achieve a pass in some units due the the sheer lack of time we had in class to do the work! Its no surprise my school scraped GNVQ and now does shortcourse ICT.
Reply 13
I did this course a couple of years ago. When I chose to do it I was quite attracted by the fact that it was equivalent to 4 gcse's or so they told us. When I was doing it it really did feel like the work load of 4 gcse's but when I finished and got the qualification it seemed like most of the universities weren't any more interested in this than they were in the gcse's I had done so I felt like I wasted my time doing it. In the end it's A levels the universities want so my advice to anyone thinking of taking up gnvq ict is to take another gcse instead, even plain gcse ict. As long as you get decent results in whatever you did in your gcse years and good AS levels the universities will most likely give you an offer, they don't seem to give you extra credit for the massive amount work involved in doing the gnvq.
Reply 14

Ah, that's a shame... anyhow i hope to get distinction. :redface:
Reply 15
People seemed to struggle to get a pass in my class due to the sheer lack of intelligence throughout, rather than the worldload. It seemed to end up being a course people picked where they didn't know what else to do, so they did IT. In the first 4 Units, ou of 20 people in the class 2 people were averaging passes and 2 people were averagind Distinction. Everyone else was failing.
Reply 16
OMG some fellow GNVQ It'ers!

You wouldn't beleive how badly this subject is taught at my school. I know what it takes to pass more than my teacher does. At the end of Year 11 it had got to the point where i would walk into the lesson and my teacher would go "What are we doing today?" or "What does this mean?" (points at mark scheme).

This course has put me off IT for life. Still, hopefully I'll end up with a Distinction :wink:

It's exactly the same at my school. My teacher just points at the mark scheme and mumbles stuff at me if I ask him for help. Hopefully I'll get a Distinction too as I never wanted to even take this. My Geog. teacher said at the end of Year 9 that I would get an A* even then but my school made the top two sets take GNVQ ICT and get only one actual option.

The workload is pretty intense but whenever I've finished early and asked to move on to the next unit, my teacher has made me help the others in my class and wait until they've finished too.

Don't you find it stupid how to get a Merit (I think) you often have to show evidence of correcting errors? In my case I had to purposely go back and create and print mistakes and then pretend that I'd corrected them later on. It's like a total joke really.
Reply 17
In my case I had to purposely go back and create and print mistakes and then pretend that I'd corrected them later on. It's like a total joke really.

:ditto:. I feel your pain :wink: . This course stopped being about doing IT and started being about pleasing the exam board by looking through the mark scheme.

I was in a similar situation with Geography too, I got the highest marks in the Year 9 exam, but chose to drop it because it was boring (and because I don't like colouring in maps :biggrin: ). I suppose I should count myself lucky I had the choice.
its extremely stupid...just doing some work, which is practically done for you by the teacher, i.e. in the worksheets etc, where instructions are given, and all you have to do is printscreen them and annotate them and the "more you annotate, the more marks you get". Sounds a bit stupid..i know..well its basically spoon-feeding, if anything else..and usually provided to those who do not have much of choice, or to the less academically able.

I was made to do it in my school.
Reply 19
4 easy As if you ask me:p: