The Student Room Group

Thrush :S

Hey all,

I had thrush a couple of years ago caused by an oral antibiotic I was taking. I've just finished an antibiotic cream for Impetigo and I appear to have Thrush symptoms but they're nowhere near as bad as last time. Can you have more intense symptoms one time but only slight ones the next and can an antibiotic cream give you thrush? Thankyou!
ouch, it could be due to the diff ingredients?
Reply 2
I've used this cream before with no problems. Saying that, I've used the antibiotics that first gave me thrush since without any problems.
Reply 3
I've just kinda had the same situation! In January i got thrush from an oral antibiotic and the other week i got it again but with hardly and symptoms like i had the other time, it was v random! :s-smilie: I got the pill and cream (didn't really need the cream - just incase though) and i was reading through the leaflet. It does say the symptoms can just alter and thrush can be cause by anything really, from a pill - to bad eating!! So i wouldn't worry too much about it, and you can always to a health clinic!

Reply 4
Ahh you got the Canesten stuff? I think I may pop into the clinic tomorrow...don't know if they do STI testing but I'll phone.
Reply 5
I think the antibotics just make you more susceptible to it. You could of caught it from public toilets.
Reply 6
You can't catch Thrush from toilets
Reply 7
Yeah i got Canesten, just one pill and it's sorted :smile: Best to get everything checked out like your doing so as you seem quite worried, in the leaflet it said something like unless you get it twice within two months then theres not a serious issue. Think if i get it again though i'll go to the doctors - it is annoying!!

Reply 8
Hmm I'm not too was just because last time I had it, I couldn't sleep because I was so uncomfortable but this time it's just occasional discomfort throughout the day.
yeh same here, the first time was baaadd - v. uncomfortable. but ive had its loads since :/ , and like you said - just occasional discomfort throughout the day. you def dont have to always have all the symptoms
I feel your pain!! Lol, it's always best to get things checked out, just that my doctors is ages away - other wise i would! Either way get some sort of treatment for it soon - i hope it goes away quickly for you!!

Reply 11
Cheers me dears! x x