The Student Room Group

should i go 4 it?

theres a boy who I really really like:smile: , i don't know much about him apart from his name.. i have a slight feeling he likes me because ive seen him looking at me and then being embarssed. the thing is we don't know eachother and i could'nt just go up to him and talk to him as i would look like a prat and what if i did go up to him, I wouldn't know what to say.
plz any advice would be grateful, should I just leave this crush and move on
Reply 1
Reply 2
If you "really really" like him, then definately! At least if it goes nowhere you will have still tried.
but im really shy, i couldn't just go up to him, what could i say to him arrrr i want to really say something to him but he will probably think im weird for talking to him and if he liked me would he not make a move first:frown:
Reply 4
What is stopping you?
stopping me
1)looking an idiot by going up to him
2)not knowing if he REALLY does like me, in fact not knowing any thing about him if he has a gf for example
ask ur friends to do some research 4u, like talk to him on ur behalf
thanks for the advicexx
boys bit of help, do you think its weird for the girl to make the first move?
Reply 8
First of all, is this someone from school? I completely understand that you'd feel uncomfortable just randomly going up to him and talking to him. What I suggest is finding something in common to start up a conversation then taking it from there.

If this is indeed at school, does he study in the library at all? Do you share any classes? If you are in sixth form do you see him in the common room? in any of these place you could go sit next to him, not necessarily go and straight up to him and say hi, I like you. If he is reading something, ask what he is reading as it looks interesting. Just an example but there are a few things you can use to break the ice and after that speaking to him again will be much easier. Once you're properly introduced you could get contact details and if he shows interest then perhaps try to take it further.

I know I'm making it sound much easier than it is, but I tell you if you don't do anything at all you might regret this later so at least have a go. Hope this helped.
he works where i work, but its a HUGE debenhams store and the fact we work on different departments SUKS
Reply 10
I'm not sure how big exactly this debenhams store is, but I worked in debenhams for a little while and at the one I was at you generally saw most people at least every now and then at lunch breaks in the staff room. Maybe if you see him in the staff room you could sit near him and say something along the lines of "busy day today isn't it" just to get the conversation started. You could possibly even do that if you walk past him in the store with a nice smile. Even saying a single line as you walk past would make you at least acquaintances and start things moving so you could then speak more later.
Reply 11
You are aware that you need to click the 'post as anonymous' box if you don't want us to see who you are?
Reply 12
Just go up to him and start chatting. You could start off by saying that I saw you around and thought I'd introduce myself. Ask him by saying what class he's in and whether he'd like to get to know you? Take it from there. Good Luck! :smile:
Do you have lockers, you could just pop a note into his locker say something like


I am blah and I work on the blah dept. I would really like to get to know you better. My MSN is [email protected] if you would like to add me which you don't have to.


Also, if you have locker no. put yours on their so he can reply if he wants.

Or maybe try and arrange a meal or something for the staff and if he goes then you maybe get to know him better. At the cinema I worked at we used to go bowling together.

Maybe he likes you..maybe he doesn't but you could end up being good friends.
Reply 14
There is propably a "chain" of about 3 people between you and this guy. What i mean is one of your friends is a friend of a friend of this guy. So you should arrange with your friend to go to the pub and tell them to invite one of their friends and if they invite the friend of the guy you like they might invite him. You'll get talking and discover that you either really like him or that he's an ass. Failling that, you could push him off the roof of Debenhams, give him a concussion, wait for him to awake from his coma with amnesia, and tell him that you've been his girlfriend for years.
i would leave it personally, but if you want to and think it could go somewhere, then i'd have a go :smile:
Reply 16
I would go for it.Actually, I would probably wimp out but that isn't the right attitude. The problem is, it very easy for us all to say go for it - but you're the one who has to do it. But still - do it! *

* Probably my least helpful post ever.
I would go for it.Actually, I would probably wimp out but that isn't the right attitude. The problem is, it very easy for us all to say go for it - but you're the one who has to do it. But still - do it! *

* Probably my least helpful post ever.

any advice is better than no advice *looks condescending*