The Student Room Group

Sussex the left wing uni...

Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone could inform me about the reality of a stereotypical left wing uni.

I've read loads of stories about how the majority of students here are "extreme lefties" and how they like to promote this for all they're worth. This doesn't bother me in itself, I have nothing against the working class party but I'm not particularly left wing (I'm not particularly right wing either, I'm no wing:rolleyes: ) Anyway! My main point is that many of my friends rip the p*** out of me (in a nice way:smile: ) already because they think I'm "posh" and I was hoping leave all that behind at uni, do you think Sussex is realistically so 'left wing' people will think of me negatively?

Sorry if I sound like a complete worrier, it's just that one of the reasons I liked Sussex so much when I visited is that it didn't have that snobby atmosphere like some unis *cough-Exeter!* but now I'm worried it will work against me! Also sorry if my lack of knowledge in politics offends anyone I'm really not that clued up!:p:

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Reply 1
My main point is that many of my friends rip the p*** out of me (in a nice way:smile: ) already because they think I'm "posh" and I was hoping leave all that behind at uni, do you think Sussex is realistically so 'left wing' people will think of me negatively?
The thing about Sussex is that there's such a mix of people and generally people are really tolerant so you won't get bullied into changing your opinions or anything.

Sussex has always had a reputation for being a bit lefty but I don't know of anyone who has been bullied for being 'posh' here. I've got quite a 'Surrey' accent but no one has ever really commented on it.

Everyone here is too laid back to care most of the time :smile:

Jo x
It doesn't make a difference tbh. The only thing you will notice about Sussex students is that they like to protest about anything and everything!
Reply 3
There are left wing types, and a lot of 'posh' sounding upper middle class types. In fact, there's a lot of everybody. I certainly find that protest after protest starts to grate (bourgeois rebellion is almost offensive when you've seen real people get the hell on with it despite real hardship back home, but that's another debate) but you don't have to get involved, just walk past someone leafleting in Library Sq.
Reply 4
WTF is left wing and right wing types?
Reply 5
left wing is like, socialist/communist/anarchist etc etc. basic belief in trying to create equality within a society, though this differs with each strand of socialism there is. promoting the interests of the working class and the poor, etc etc.

right wing is conservative, fascism, religious right etc. promoting the free market rather than an equal society (but this is kind of irrelevant now because most "rightist" parties share some policies with the left, or vice versa).

that's about it lol. that's the bare minimum.
I've read loads of stories about how the majority of students here are "extreme lefties" and how they like to promote this for all they're worth. This doesn't bother me in itself, I have nothing against the working class party but I'm not particularly left wing (I'm not particularly right wing either, I'm no wing:rolleyes: ) Anyway! My main point is that many of my friends rip the p*** out of me (in a nice way:smile: ) already because they think I'm "posh" and I was hoping leave all that behind at uni, do you think Sussex is realistically so 'left wing' people will think of me negatively?

No, and if they do they're not the kind of people you want to be friends with.

The dreadlock brigade :wink: do have a fair presence here and there are a fair few left wing societies, and you will get flyers given to you all over the place, but I've never heard of anyone getting crap for it. To be honest, unless you're actually involved with the societies you probably won't notice it much.

Don't get me started on banning Coke products though :redface:
Reply 7
Yeah I heard something about that in the distant past I think, something to do with they're taking all your coke machines of campus or something?? :confused:

Thanks for the replies people, unfortunately though it has just made me love the uni and the Sussex people more but after the disasters that were my Summer exams I shall not be joining you in September :frown: ahwell, was a nice dream for a while!
Reply 8
No offence, but people dismissing their chances months before results is a pet peeve! Snap out of it! :p:

Seriously, you won't know til August. No need to get down about it for two months in the meantime. Hope for the best, being pessamistic is dull. What's the point?

As for the coke thing, Sussex isn't the only uni to have done that, nor was it the first. That said, I don't agree with it. At all.
Reply 9
Thanks for the replies people, unfortunately though it has just made me love the uni and the Sussex people more but after the disasters that were my Summer exams I shall not be joining you in September :frown: ahwell, was a nice dream for a while!

Aww, try not to think like that! A lot of people underestimate how exams go! I know I do, I'm not sure I've got ABB because this year has been a bit screwed with teaching but I am certain that I will be bugging Sussex non stop till they let me in, never underestimate the power of persuasion, I got Exeter to lower my entrance grades just by writing a persuasive email, you never know, the worst thing is so give up! Give all the excuses under the sun, make up reasons why you underperformed in exams etc!

I'm sure you tried your hardest, don't give up hope yet, Sussex have said that they prefer to take people who've narrowly missed their grades than take people through clearing so you never know, you've just got to wait and see, I hope you get what you need xxx!!
Reply 10
No offence, but people dismissing their chances months before results is a pet peeve! Snap out of it! :p:

Seriously, you won't know til August. No need to get down about it for two months in the meantime. Hope for the best, being pessamistic is dull. What's the point?

As for the coke thing, Sussex isn't the only uni to have done that, nor was it the first. That said, I don't agree with it. At all.

Give her a break :rolleyes: ! Exam time is mega stressful, I've been a nervous wreck for the past week and not knowing we're you're going to end up for 3 years is a scary thought! You were there once!
Reply 11
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone could inform me about the reality of a stereotypical left wing uni.

I've read loads of stories about how the majority of students here are "extreme lefties" and how they like to promote this for all they're worth. This doesn't bother me in itself, I have nothing against the working class party but I'm not particularly left wing (I'm not particularly right wing either, I'm no wing:rolleyes: ) Anyway! My main point is that many of my friends rip the p*** out of me (in a nice way:smile: ) already because they think I'm "posh" and I was hoping leave all that behind at uni, do you think Sussex is realistically so 'left wing' people will think of me negatively?

Sorry if I sound like a complete worrier, it's just that one of the reasons I liked Sussex so much when I visited is that it didn't have that snobby atmosphere like some unis *cough-Exeter!* but now I'm worried it will work against me! Also sorry if my lack of knowledge in politics offends anyone I'm really not that clued up!:p:

Don't worry! I think everyone has little concerns about fitting in due to something or other. I've worried about the opposite, that I sound real cockney, which I don't notice at college because everyone is way more cockney than me but I think my cockneyness would be noticeable outside south london lol!

Seriously, I think it's different at Uni. Sixth form still has the cliqueness of school, my college was a bit better as everyone had come from different schools but I think it's only once you get to uni, everyone comes from completely different places, and backgrounds and so there is less of a 'norm' and everyone accepts eachother and there is less of the school vibe because everyone has grown up a bit.

I haven't a clue what left wing means either! Just go and be yourself and I'm sure the majority of people will be cool! I think everyone is worried about fitting into uni in some respect. The main reason I didn't choose Exeter was because I reallllly knew I would stick out like a sore thumb because of it's reputation. Sussex seemed more liberal and down to earth and friendly!

Hey how about you can teach me to speak nicely and I'll help you with your cockney rhyming slang so we can both strike a balance haha only kidding :p:
Yeah I heard something about that in the distant past I think, something to do with they're taking all your coke machines of campus or something?? :confused:

They're banning all Coke products, in the bars, shops, everything. :rolleyes:
Give her a break :rolleyes: ! Exam time is mega stressful, I've been a nervous wreck for the past week and not knowing we're you're going to end up for 3 years is a scary thought! You were there once!

I wasn't having a go, just pointing out that there's no need for it. And really, there isn't.

Please, there's nothing you can do now but wait. Why make the next two months hell for yourself?

I said the same to my best friends, and was a lot less nice about it too. :wink:
Did they really ban the Daily Mail for a bit? I hate the Mail, but if that's true it's pretty dumb.

I'll make sure my mini fridge is stocked with coke then!
Reply 15
And why are they.did they banning coke? I assume you mean the tasty fizzy drink...
Reply 16
OMG, then I'll have to snap out of my diet-coke addiction...:p:
Reply 17
Vodka n RedBull > Vodka n Coke
The dreadlock brigade :wink: do have a fair presence here

I am thinking about getting dreadlocks and I'm not really a left-wing person :frown: lol

Don't get me started on banning Coke products though :redface:

I wouldn't really mind as long as I'm still allowed Pepsi :wink:
They're banning all Coke products, in the bars, shops, everything. :rolleyes:

WHAT!..i hope your kidding me lol!.. i :suith: coke, nearly as much as beer!.. cant be on surely?!?!