I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 2.5 years i have loved her since i saw her, when i was 17. I broke her virginity. We have been through so much. I have kept every foto and special object. We alwyas side that we would be together for ever. I actully believed her. She was my heart. When we went to uni, we decided to stay together. It was going great. Until i moved to halls and exams came. We talked, but didnt see eachother as much. Then one week we had an argument, and i didnt speak to her for a week. The week following i oppoligised, and though everything would be fine. Instead she was being cold to me. For two weeks she said it was over, and i didnt understant why. I loved her soo much. I wanted to marry her. We were so close. everything was soo perfect. She even bought me an X-BOX360 for my birthday 2 week befoire the argument. Then i found out the hard way, that she had deveoped feeling for another guy. I didnt ask how it happened. I was sooo hurt. Everyday i dream about her. I love her SOO MUCH. All my firends said it was anothe guy but i didnt believe it. OUR LOVE WAS TOO SPEAICL. I have had soo many oppertunites in university , but i never went for them i just loved her.
Its been a week , i told her i dont ever weant to see her again.
I dont understand why she did it. I dont have the heart, to kiss another girl, because i live her soo much. But i know i can never be with her AGAIN . ITS OVER.
Do u think she will ever see how i felt, or the BIG MISTAKE SHE MADE??