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My childhood girlfriend developed feelings for another guy

I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 2.5 years i have loved her since i saw her, when i was 17. I broke her virginity. We have been through so much. I have kept every foto and special object. We alwyas side that we would be together for ever. I actully believed her. She was my heart. When we went to uni, we decided to stay together. It was going great. Until i moved to halls and exams came. We talked, but didnt see eachother as much. Then one week we had an argument, and i didnt speak to her for a week. The week following i oppoligised, and though everything would be fine. Instead she was being cold to me. For two weeks she said it was over, and i didnt understant why. I loved her soo much. I wanted to marry her. We were so close. everything was soo perfect. She even bought me an X-BOX360 for my birthday 2 week befoire the argument. Then i found out the hard way, that she had deveoped feeling for another guy. I didnt ask how it happened. I was sooo hurt. Everyday i dream about her. I love her SOO MUCH. All my firends said it was anothe guy but i didnt believe it. OUR LOVE WAS TOO SPEAICL. I have had soo many oppertunites in university , but i never went for them i just loved her.
Its been a week , i told her i dont ever weant to see her again.
I dont understand why she did it. I dont have the heart, to kiss another girl, because i live her soo much. But i know i can never be with her AGAIN . ITS OVER.
Do u think she will ever see how i felt, or the BIG MISTAKE SHE MADE??

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I dont have the heart, to kiss another girl,

i know i can never be with her AGAIN . ITS OVER. Do u think she will ever see how i felt, or the BIG MISTAKE SHE MADE??

Top thing) I have, though its not my heart that makes me kiss.

The "i know...." thing) You're contradicting yourself here. Sort yourself out and meet some chicks, or I'll set Stifler on you.
The sad fact is that most school relationships don't last and what you are currently feeling is natural.

I know this is hard for you but if she has admitted feelings for other guy, you own it her to allow her to explore that futher. You may feel that she has made a big mistake but what if she made the mistake of staying with you and trying to hide her feelings for this other person, would years down the line she regret that decision?

This girl feels that she needs this freedom to explore what life and love has to give her and I doubt she wanted to hurt you but to commit to someone for her entire life this young is a hard thing to do.

You need to give her as much space as possible for the present because if you go begging, create more agruements then the love you both shared with be tainted and become a horrible memory and you will lose her friendship.
If your feelings for her remain as strong as they do now in Sept/Oct, you may wish to discuss in a calm manner with her this if she is not seeing someone and see what her feelings on the matter are.

She probably still has feelings for you and doesn't want to hurt you but she wants to explore other possiblities and if you love her, I hope you can respect that and keep the peace between you and become friends.
I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 2.5 years i have loved her since i saw her, when i was 17. I broke her virginity. We have been through so much. I have kept every foto and special object. We alwyas side that we would be together for ever. I actully believed her. She was my heart. When we went to uni, we decided to stay together. It was going great. Until i moved to halls and exams came. We talked, but didnt see eachother as much. Then one week we had an argument, and i didnt speak to her for a week. The week following i oppoligised, and though everything would be fine. Instead she was being cold to me. For two weeks she said it was over, and i didnt understant why. I loved her soo much. I wanted to marry her. We were so close. everything was soo perfect. She even bought me an X-BOX360 for my birthday 2 week befoire the argument. Then i found out the hard way, that she had deveoped feeling for another guy. I didnt ask how it happened. I was sooo hurt. Everyday i dream about her. I love her SOO MUCH. All my firends said it was anothe guy but i didnt believe it. OUR LOVE WAS TOO SPEAICL. I have had soo many oppertunites in university , but i never went for them i just loved her.
Its been a week , i told her i dont ever weant to see her again.
I dont understand why she did it. I dont have the heart, to kiss another girl, because i live her soo much. But i know i can never be with her AGAIN . ITS OVER.
Do u think she will ever see how i felt, or the BIG MISTAKE SHE MADE??

Am I the only one who sees how arrogant this really is? "She even bought me an X-BOX360" my god. That's love? You wanted to marry her at the age of 19 and a half? Face it - you loved this girl, she doesn't or didn't love you back. **** happens. I feel sorry for you but come on - you act like you're the only person in the world she's allowed to go for. If I had a boyfriend who thought I would be making a "BIG MISTAKE" by going for someone else, I really wouldn't hesitate in doing so. Love is selfless.

I'm sorry, but that's just what I think. I really do feel sorry for you. But if it was me, I'd leave you too.
If I had a boyfriend

you'd be a gheylord. whatcha think brimstone? anyway, the boy who made the thread seems like a stage 5 clinger. he so (almost) lost his virginity with her :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Im sorry, I know it is painful. You will get over it though eventually. Listen to some good music, see your friends and watch lots of comedy TV shows. :smile:
Am I the only one who sees how arrogant this really is? "She even bought me an X-BOX360" my god. That's love? You wanted to marry her at the age of 19 and a half? Face it - you loved this girl, she doesn't or didn't love you back. **** happens. I feel sorry for you but come on - you act like you're the only person in the world she's allowed to go for. If I had a boyfriend who thought I would be making a "BIG MISTAKE" by going for someone else, I really wouldn't hesitate in doing so. Love is selfless.

I'm sorry, but that's just what I think. I really do feel sorry for you. But if it was me, I'd leave you too.

you shoudl be more concerned if a boyfriend DIDN'T think you were making a mistake by going for someone else.
A partner in a proper relationship should always think that they are the best one for you, and that you wouldn't feel the same if you were with someone else.
That is unless you systematically destroy their self-esteem...
Am I the only one who sees how arrogant this really is? "She even bought me an X-BOX360" my god. That's love? You wanted to marry her at the age of 19 and a half? Face it - you loved this girl, she doesn't or didn't love you back. **** happens. I feel sorry for you but come on - you act like you're the only person in the world she's allowed to go for. If I had a boyfriend who thought I would be making a "BIG MISTAKE" by going for someone else, I really wouldn't hesitate in doing so. Love is selfless.

I'm sorry, but that's just what I think. I really do feel sorry for you. But if it was me, I'd leave you too.

Maybe your opinion is the reason why you dont have one... either that or you are a moose.
I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 2.5 years i have loved her since i saw her, when i was 17. I broke her virginity. We have been through so much. I have kept every foto and special object. We alwyas side that we would be together for ever. I actully believed her. She was my heart. When we went to uni, we decided to stay together. It was going great. Until i moved to halls and exams came. We talked, but didnt see eachother as much. Then one week we had an argument, and i didnt speak to her for a week. The week following i oppoligised, and though everything would be fine. Instead she was being cold to me. For two weeks she said it was over, and i didnt understant why. I loved her soo much. I wanted to marry her. We were so close. everything was soo perfect. She even bought me an X-BOX360 for my birthday 2 week befoire the argument. Then i found out the hard way, that she had deveoped feeling for another guy. I didnt ask how it happened. I was sooo hurt. Everyday i dream about her. I love her SOO MUCH. All my firends said it was anothe guy but i didnt believe it. OUR LOVE WAS TOO SPEAICL. I have had soo many oppertunites in university , but i never went for them i just loved her.
Its been a week , i told her i dont ever weant to see her again.
I dont understand why she did it. I dont have the heart, to kiss another girl, because i live her soo much. But i know i can never be with her AGAIN . ITS OVER.
Do u think she will ever see how i felt, or the BIG MISTAKE SHE MADE??

OMG!!!! it is normal for people in relationships to develop feelings for other men or women!! you are never gonna talk to her again because of that- that just makes you an *******! It sounds like she made a wise choice!
Reply 9
It's over, like you said. Get over it and find someone else. Life goes on.
Reply 10
why the caps?
why the caps?

i think it's to say how shocked and disgusted he is! stresses the point.... because it really is a serious situation!!
Reply 12
unfinished sympathy
i think it's to say how shocked and disgusted he is! stresses the point.... because it really is a serious situation!!

I mean the thread title. ah well.
I mean the thread title. ah well.

so did i!!!
Teenage relationships rarely work out. Yours hasn't, it isn;t the end of the world. You'll meet plently of people at uni.
Reply 15
It was going great. Until i moved to halls and exams came. We talked, but didnt see eachother as much. Then one week we had an argument, and i didnt speak to her for a week. The week following i oppoligised, and though everything would be fine. Instead she was being cold to me. ??

Ok, so you had an argument, and you didn't speak to her for a week: why? Surely after 2.5 years you should have been able to communicate somewhat better than playing the rather juvenile trick of ignoring her. You can't always just apologise and think everything will suddenly be fine. I'm not suprised she was being cold to you, after being ignored for a week then getting some lame apology.

For two weeks she said it was over, and i didnt understant why. I loved her soo much. I wanted to marry her. We were so close. everything was soo perfect. She even bought me an X-BOX360 for my birthday 2 week befoire the argument.

So, despite the fact she had been treating you well and you wanted to marry her, you felt the best way to solve an argument was to ignore her for a week. Are you that inconsistant all the time?

Then i found out the hard way, that she had deveoped feeling for another guy. I didnt ask how it happened. I was sooo hurt. Everyday i dream about her. I love her SOO MUCH. All my firends said it was anothe guy but i didnt believe it. OUR LOVE WAS TOO SPEAICL. I have had soo many oppertunites in university , but i never went for them i just loved her.

So she found someone else to talk to while you were ignoring her. If you loved her, why not deal with her in a mature and considerate fashion?

Its been a week , i told her i dont ever weant to see her again.
I dont understand why she did it. I dont have the heart, to kiss another girl, because i live her soo much. But i know i can never be with her AGAIN . ITS OVER.
Do u think she will ever see how i felt, or the BIG MISTAKE SHE MADE??

Will you see how she felt, and see you made mistakes as well? I'm sorry that you feel upset, and I don't mean to be too harsh with this post, but you need to learn from this. Do not take someone for granted and act like they will never leave you, as unfortunately, as this proves, they can always move on. By alternating between ignoring her and professing undying love you managed to alienate her completely and prompted her to find stability and support elsewhere.
Jason Mraz
you'd be a gheylord. whatcha think brimstone?

Clearly the fact that I talked about myself having a boyfriend means that I am gay, I didn't really think it needed explanation.

Robot Chicken
you shoudl be more concerned if a boyfriend DIDN'T think you were making a mistake by going for someone else.
A partner in a proper relationship should always think that they are the best one for you, and that you wouldn't feel the same if you were with someone else.
That is unless you systematically destroy their self-esteem...

The best, longest lasting couples I know are made of two people who love each other to bits but don't really think they deserve each other. There are no exceptions I know of. There are crap couples of arrogant people and there are very good, strong couples of people who aren't. Maybe this is my bias, but that's what I see.

Maybe your opinion is the reason why you dont have one... either that or you are a moose.

Ok. So what's your opinion? I'd have thought it was more to do with the fact that practically everyone my age that's gay is still scared of coming out. But I guess you're entitled to tell me your spin on my life.
why is everyone (most people) on this thread having a go at him? hes just broken up with his girlfriend cut him a bit of slack folks!
Because he treats his girlfriend like a piece of meat; like she doesn't have a mind of her own. She bought him an X-Box and he assumes that means they will be together forever. He is certainly upset that she's left him but he's also angry and resentful, and to be honest, he caused it by ignoring her for a week, the arsehole. If any boyfriend of mine ignored me for a week I would be hard pushed to do no more than dump him.
Reply 19
Okay in the end as people have said these things do happen :frown:. Its a sad fact in life. Girls come and go, you get attached to some and it hurts when they go, but you learn from each one.

But don't ruin the memories, or the time you had by hounding her or chasing after her. You really should try talking to her about this all, because i am sure she is not the happiest right now, and if she needs a friend anytime, i am sure that time is now.

There is nothing stopping you from loving her, but if its meant to be it will be. If she feels like she loves you enough she will come back. You cant rush nor force that. So best thing to do is be patient.

Good luck!