The Student Room Group

regaining eyesight

i wear glasses .wen i was maybe 8 or 9 a bb gun pellet hit me in hte eye and since then my eysight has satrted detriorating. i visited the doctor he operated on my eye but now my sifght is still -3. im 15. i got hit on 1 eye but the reduction in sight is in both. i dun like lens. coulsd u guys recommend sum other way i could regain my eyesight wid sum herbs or natural methods?
i saw this website dunno if it works if any1 has tried it tell me. im really desperate and sick of my glasses.

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Reply 1
I really don't think there's much you can do herbally. If you want to improve your eyesight the only way to do it would be to have laser eye surgery. -3 isn't awful though. Obviously it's not perfect, but it's not next to blind :p:
Reply 2
i wear glasses .wen i was maybe 8 or 9 a bb gun pellet hit me in hte eye and since then my eysight has satrted detriorating. i visited the doctor he operated on my eye but now my sifght is still -3. im 15. i got hit on 1 eye but the reduction in sight is in both. i dun like lens. coulsd u guys recommend sum other way i could regain my eyesight wid sum herbs or natural methods?
i saw this website dunno if it works if any1 has tried it tell me. im really desperate and sick of my glasses.

Type properly, for Christ's sake; I'm beginning to wish my eyesight would deteriorate.
i wear glasses .wen i was maybe 8 or 9 a bb gun pellet hit me in hte eye and since then my eysight has satrted detriorating. i visited the doctor he operated on my eye but now my sifght is still -3. im 15. i got hit on 1 eye but the reduction in sight is in both. i dun like lens. coulsd u guys recommend sum other way i could regain my eyesight wid sum herbs or natural methods?
i saw this website dunno if it works if any1 has tried it tell me. im really desperate and sick of my glasses.

Firstly don't use contact lenses, they're expensive and hurt.

Just get used to glasses, like me, they're not so bad. Your eyesight is better then mine though, I'm -4 and -4.25, dunno how big that gap really is, if it means you don't need to wear them constantly or whatever...
if its detioration of your eyes as in your get more short/long sighted then you´ll just have get used to wearing glasses. count yourself lucky that you have got macular degeneration, theres no treatment for that.
Im 15 and -7,-7.

Feel lucky...

**** happens. Those vision exercises do work, but they require time and patience. Dont expect perfect eyesight back, but you can get a couple of diopters off with a bit of effort and time. I would advice you not to buy anything... there are enough resources available on the internet for free. I have bought vision for life, and if you need help or have questions you can ask me.
english would be good. I would love to help you out, and give some advice but am having trouble reading your post.
Reply 7
Im 15 and -7,-7.

Feel lucky...

**** happens. Those vision exercises do work, but they require time and patience. Dont expect perfect eyesight back, but you can get a couple of diopters off with a bit of effort and time. I would advice you not to buy anything... there are enough resources available on the internet for free. I have bought vision for life, and if you need help or have questions you can ask me.

That all

Im 18 and Im -9 in one eye and -11 in the other. So that is pretty well every safety critical job closed to me

Oh and at -15 I cant drive. Lovely

Soon I will be getting a guide dog next. :eek:
Is it free to get your eyes tested? i dont have any problems seeing stuff but have always wnated to get tested to make sure i got 20/20 vision, but im not gona do it if it costs money, i think i heard it doesnt because thats the opticians way of getting you through the door so you buy glasses. Am i right?
Im 15 and -7,-7.

Feel lucky...

**** happens. Those vision exercises do work, but they require time and patience. Dont expect perfect eyesight back, but you can get a couple of diopters off with a bit of effort and time. I would advice you not to buy anything... there are enough resources available on the internet for free. I have bought vision for life, and if you need help or have questions you can ask me.

Why don't opticians tell you about these eye excercises? and do they really work if you are patient?
Type properly, for Christ's sake; I'm beginning to wish my eyesight would deteriorate.

You are so disrespectful, she finds it hard to type because of her eyesight well even if it isnt because of that, you still shouldn't slag a post off, i mean she isn't trying to hurt people with posting that is she.
Reply 11
Firstly don't use contact lenses, they're expensive and hurt.

Just get used to glasses, like me, they're not so bad. Your eyesight is better then mine though, I'm -4 and -4.25, dunno how big that gap really is, if it means you don't need to wear them constantly or whatever...

I was just going to suggest trying contact lenses if you don't like glasses- (I hated mine- looked like a RIGHT wally!) I got them when I was 14 and have had absolutely no problems at all and certainly no pain. :smile:
Reply 12
You are so disrespectful, she finds it hard to type because of her eyesight well even if it isnt because of that, you still shouldn't slag a post off, i mean she isn't trying to hurt people with posting that is she.

I concur... people try and find every excuse to be nasty.... why?
Reply 13
I concur... people try and find every excuse to be nasty.... why?

Quite!!!!! I got negged like -47 points by some person because of a JOKE I made about 7 months ago- BLATANT joke too! That person must have saved up ALL their rep for months just for sad....woo...
1. get off the computer, it does nothing for your eyesight

2. Take a look here:
Reply 15
You are so disrespectful, she finds it hard to type because of her eyesight

My eyes are +6 and +5.5 respectively; hers are -3. I seem to get by; and, with all due respect, she should have even less difficulty perceiving than I do.

well even if it isnt because of that, you still shouldn't slag a post off, i mean she isn't trying to hurt people with posting that is she.

Nor is she taking the modicum of due care and attention which would serve to make her garbled prose more than passably legible: in short, she is being negligent; all the while requesting what are, in essence, favours from perfect strangers on an internet forum. The least she could do is to ameliorate that endeavour by scrutinising her syntax prior to submission.

And don't even get me started on 'trying' (viz. intention, et cetera).
Reply 16
My eyes are +6 and +5.5 respectively; hers are -3. I seem to get by; and, with all due respect, she should have even less difficulty perceiving than I do.

Nor is she taking the modicum of due care and attention which would serve to make her garbled prose more than passably legible: in short, she is being negligent; all the while requesting what are, in essence, favours from perfect strangers on an internet forum. The least she could do is to ameliorate that endeavour by scrutinising her syntax prior to submission.

And don't even get me started on 'trying' (viz. intention, et cetera).

WHAT is abbreviation Profesh- whatever has come over you? Are you ill???? :confused:
Reply 17
Is there a website where I can test my eyesight o or something?
Reply 18

Nor is she taking the modicum of due care and attention which would serve to make her garbled prose more than passably legible: in short, she is being negligent; all the while requesting what are, in essence, favours from perfect strangers on an internet forum. The least she could do is to ameliorate that endeavour by scrutinising her syntax prior to submission.

And don't even get me started on 'trying' (viz. intention, et cetera).

hmmmmmm ^o) i suppose you expect everyone to talk like this? :bird: and ithought this was a student forum not something from legal case judgment. What you trying to prove? Does it even make sense?
There's always that thing those monks did by sleeping with bags of sand on their eyes....