The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Think of questions you'd like people to ask you and fire away to get a conversation started. A good one for me is always "what is you're name" followed by something along the lines of "do you have a job/go to college". Remember to ask questions that are gonna require more than a yes or no answer, so for example if you find out that they go to college you could ask them how they feel about the course or to describe which bits they like.

Many people like meeting people with energy. If you take the initiative and start the conversation people are gonna realise that you have something going on inside - girls may respect this.
Reply 2
Think of questions you'd like people to ask you and fire away to get a conversation started. A good one for me is always "what is you're name" followed by something along the lines of "do you have a job/go to college". Remember to ask questions that are gonna require more than a yes or no answer, so for example if you find out that they go to college you could ask them how they feel about the course or to describe which bits they like.

Many people like meeting people with energy. If you take the initiative and start the conversation people are gonna realise that you have something going on inside - girls may respect this.

Aye. You obviously want to make conversation: what do you want to know about the person?

There are some boundrays of course, but I'm sure simple questions like finding out about where they're from, what university/school they go to, what they paln to do for the future etc. will be suffice.
Heres a tip, dont get to personale at first and dont be random. Talk about relivant things, if you are on holiday there should be loads to talk about! Oh and asking many questions is not the best way to go about it (thou an easy trap to fall in to) make a comment about something, or tell a short story about something that happened, and if the person has any interest in talking to you, they will reply with something and the convo kinda just leads on.
Another point is you need to be quite forward, if you are going to wait for the other group to come forward and talk to you and thnew hen they do you wait for your freind to answer, then it is no suprise that you are not going to be the center of it all.

Initiate the conversation, be the person to introduce yourself first.
Reply 5
Reply 6
well complimenting a girl is a sure winner dont be sickly but say something nice - works for me any way, take an intrest always make eye contact never look at their breast when talking to them thats a no no :rolleyes: