The Student Room Group
Reply 1
apply to be a HCA, you definantly can get work experience im care homes under 18

dont worry about all the hospitals, just get in that care home you will be fine
Reply 2
Contact Red cross again. They seem to be notorious for not getting back to people (I had same problems and couple of my friends as well). Alternatively get in touch with st john ambulance. Try local hospice, they are usualy keen on volunteers.
Reply 3
Yeah, just keep trying different places - it is possible to work at a hospice or care home even under the age of 16, but different places have different rules and you may have to look around a bit to find one.

If you can't actually work at a place, you could ask if you could come in once a week and give a mini-concert or something if you play an instrument. This is still valuble experience and may be a good way of 'getting your foot in the door' for when you are old enough. They may be more relaxed if you're performing as opposed to helping people go to the loo, get dressed, and so forth.

Some websites which might help you find more places to try:
Millennium Volunteers
Volunteering England
Active Communities Directorate
Community Channel
Youth Action Network
The Media Trust
Business in the Community
Reply 4
Sit down with yellow pages and circle elder nursing homes volunteer to be an exxtra pair of hands write to matron personally. Under 18 you will not be permitted to "touch" residents but can read books newspapers ,write letters help in physio sessions you will prob need a crb as some residents will have neuro probs as well as physical probs . I had to provide refs from school and school gave indemnity ins in case I ran amok Co paid for crb it was great ! Nurse were really nice no one had ever asked to we with them before upshot offered job when 18 worked there 'til secured job as hcsw job in hosp ,didn't need full crb so hosp was pleased. Moral write personally and write thankyou letter afterwards or am I teaching granny to suck eggs!
Reply 5
Thanks for all suggestions. I think it must be a local bylaw then because i've tried lots of residential homes in my area. Maybe i'll try a different area.