The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There's not really much you can do for them I'm afraid. Keep a box of plasters on you and keep replacing them. Wear flip flops til they've healed? I gave myself the biggest blisters the other week, they were horrible. If you pop them and get all the goo out of them they are less painful, but I don't know if you're meant to pop them. I just couldn't wait any longer for them to stop hurting!
normally i would just do as you suggested and wear different shoes but this blister is actually on the bottom of my foot. i dont think your ment to pop them but i decided to walk on it and it popped anyway.
Reply 3
Ooh ow! Think you just need a bit of TLC or a piggyback really :p:
lol good plan. i should prolly get a bell to ring when i need maid service XD
Reply 5
if its poped, just put one of those big fabric plasters on it, it will stay on and shouldnt be too much of a problem, talking from experience, blister plasters are overrated.

something like this, so you can cut it to size:
Reply 6
All you can do is let them dry out I'm afraid. This may happen quicker if you burst them but in doing so you risk infection.

If its really bad, see a doctor.

Edit: Let me add that I think you should avoid plasters unless you're going for a long walk. They wont dry out as quick if they're covered in plasters. Trust me, drying them out should be your top priority!
Go to boots and get some Zinc Oxide tape. Works wonders.
Reply 8
Spiral Architect
Go to boots and get some Zinc Oxide tape. Works wonders.

thats usually to stop blisters from happening on sore spots
thats usually to stop blisters from happening on sore spots

Also effective when blisters have developed.
If you get more and they don't pop, heat a needle in a candle or lighter flame to sterilise it and then pop them.

I ahv eone huge one on the side of my big toe where its been rubbing against the inside of my steelies, and so when i get time...
Reply 11
Ugh, I must admit I've never had a blister which had anything inside?! I just thought they were like pockets of air!! Still v. sore, but I don't think I've ever had one with anything in mean like pus?

To OP, avoid wearing the shoes which developed them in the first place?
There isnt really a cure for blisters...........if its painfull and you've gotta walk try puttin some of the Gauze stuff (white sorta bandaging type stuff with tiny holes in) and putting it over the blister and attaching it with either some medical tape if you can get it or those plasters you can cut to size...........this seems to be the best thing to let it dry out and it helps with the pain................while you've got a blister make sure you don't wear socks at night and whenever possible don't cover it................a good way of preventing blisters hapening is to soak your feet in white spirit before you do something that could lead to blisters..................i have feet that blister really easily and tend to go running around in the forest wearing boots quite often...........and you aren't meant to pop them aparantly..........they heal quicker if you don't and you don't run the risk of them getting infected.........although they hurt less if you do........if it does burst accidentally make sore you keep it clean........good luck with it and purlease let me know if you do find a cure i certainly need it..........the nearest ive got is the white spirit to toughen your feet and that doesn't help much with feet that blister as easily as mine :frown:
I had 7 blisters on my feet the other day! Its a new personal record, not thats its an achievment. I just left mine wore different shoes from then on. One of them popped straight away and was really sore and am sure its going to leave a scar.
thanks for the suggestions everyone :smile:
angel wings
There isnt really a cure for blisters...........if its painfull and you've gotta walk try puttin some of the Gauze stuff (white sorta bandaging type stuff with tiny holes in) and putting it over the blister and attaching it with either some medical tape if you can get it or those plasters you can cut to size...........this seems to be the best thing to let it dry out and it helps with the pain................while you've got a blister make sure you don't wear socks at night and whenever possible don't cover it................a good way of preventing blisters hapening is to soak your feet in white spirit before you do something that could lead to blisters..................i have feet that blister really easily and tend to go running around in the forest wearing boots quite often...........and you aren't meant to pop them aparantly..........they heal quicker if you don't and you don't run the risk of them getting infected.........although they hurt less if you do........if it does burst accidentally make sore you keep it clean........good luck with it and purlease let me know if you do find a cure i certainly need it..........the nearest ive got is the white spirit to toughen your feet and that doesn't help much with feet that blister as easily as mine :frown:

Melolin pads are supposed to be really good for blisters... they're basically like gauze but a bit thicker and one side is very smooth.
Thats the ones!..........i couldnt remember the name...........aparantly you can get ones specially for blisters 2 with healing stuff in em
Reply 17
Use Compede and leave it on for about a week. If you're going to use a plaster on it, you should burst it first, otherwise the plaster isn't letting it heal. I think.