The Student Room Group

omg im totally stuck

some qus which i dont have a clue about

1. what is the term used to describe the final stable community at the end of sucession (is it climax community)
2. Explain y one community is gradually replaced by another during sucession
3. Describe ow each of the followin farming practices influences the process of sucession
* regular grazin by sheep
* ploughin fields each year

4. Explain why the ecosystem is likely to have more species in the later stages than in the earlier stages of sucession. If anyone can help it would be gr8 because im so tired after plenty of research and yet no answers:frown: :frown:
some qus which i dont have a clue about

1. what is the term used to describe the final stable community at the end of sucession (is it climax community)
2. Explain y one community is gradually replaced by another during sucession
3. Describe ow each of the followin farming practices influences the process of sucession
* regular grazin by sheep
* ploughin fields each year

4. Explain why the ecosystem is likely to have more species in the later stages than in the earlier stages of sucession. If anyone can help it would be gr8 because im so tired after plenty of research and yet no answers:frown: :frown:

1. Yes, it is Climax Community, such as a forest.
2. Competition for resources is one reason I can currently think of
3. Grazing - they are interfering with natural succession by eating the grass so it continually regrows - also, some sheep only eat certain parts, so the bits they leave will grow more abundant or vice versa.
Reply 2
2. Explain y one community is gradually replaced by another during sucession
The abiotic conditions change over-time and some conditions better favour one type of community over another.
Reply 3
3. Describe ow each of the followin farming practices influences the process of sucession
* ploughin fields each year

Encourages succesive replacement of communities.
Reply 4
Isn't the last question just about natural selection? Over time more species emerge?
Reply 5
4. Explain why the ecosystem is likely to have more species in the later stages than in the earlier stages of sucession.

The ecosystem is more stable and provides more producers (biomass) for consumers. (species)
Reply 6
:smile: thanks guys can anyone briefly sum up sucession, not in too much detail but enough.
Reply 7
Colonisers -> Pioneers -> Herbaceous plants -> Shrubs -> Climax
Reply 8
:biggrin: btw has axon got all tht correct lol, worse if i got it wrong
Reply 9
wouldnt a forest be a climatic climax?
Reply 10
Climax Community - The final, self-perpetuating stable community that develops from succession.

So woodland/forest is usually the climax community
Reply 11
some qus which i dont have a clue about

1. what is the term used to describe the final stable community at the end of sucession (is it climax community)
2. Explain y one community is gradually replaced by another during sucession
3. Describe ow each of the followin farming practices influences the process of sucession
* regular grazin by sheep
* ploughin fields each year

4. Explain why the ecosystem is likely to have more species in the later stages than in the earlier stages of sucession. If anyone can help it would be gr8 because im so tired after plenty of research and yet no answers:frown: :frown:

1. CLIMATIC climax community, afterall it is a climax community with respect to its climate, otherwise it is a deflected/plagio climax community
2. overtime the biomass of the community increases allowing it to support more species, thus increasing biodiversity leading to a new community
3. both inhibit succession, as in each of these one wants to maintain a certain seral stage beneficial to the job at hand. i) regular grazing keeps grasses low at various low heights, so that large plants don't develop
ii) this disrupts the local community so secondary succession to the desired seral stage can occur.

again in both cases the aim is to prevent succession into unwanted communities.
4.essentially larger biomass means ability to support more. larger plants provide more habitats, eg a tree can have many sub-habitats

best of luck tomorrow
Reply 12
thanks mr pink and axon, btw whats tmoz mr pink