The Student Room Group
Reply 1
lol the 2nd jade work out is pretty good (lol yes, i do have them both, but come on jades lovely! :biggrin: )

erm, the liberty x one was suprisingly good, and cos theyr soo pants its like a quid in woolies or summit

is pump it up any good? i wanna gonna get that but it looked more aerobics-y and less dancey

love sam xxx

Pump It Up worked for me :smile:
Reply 3
I want an exercise DVD so that I can keep up some exercise now that I do less dance classes. Can anyone recommend any that are quite challenging because I usually find the movements quite easy.

Three that I have seen so far are pump it up, the hotpants workout and the new york ballet workout. Not sure what there like though. Can anyone help?!?!

New York Ballet Workout's good for pilates. I'd recommend the original one if you're a dancer though - it's more challenging, the most recent one was brought out with non-dancers in mind so the exercises aren't as good:smile:.
Reply 4
Ive got the pump it up dvd which is rlly fun not much dance but there is a bit of salsa at the end i didnt find it helped me lose weight tho but its v gd for toning up muscles u didnt kno u had lol!!:p:
Reply 5
obviously jade goody is the way to go! :smile:
Reply 6
Soooooo is the Jade Goody one exercise or dance?
Reply 7
Nell McAndrew is good cuz it comes wiv a 30minute toning dvd too in case ur not up to a full workout
Thanks...think i'm goin to go for the pump it up dvd because it sound like it will be more fun.
I have the pump it up dvd and really enjoy it! I did it only this morning actually- hope you get on well with it!:smile:
Reply 10
I like the charlie brooks one, really broad range of activities, only one ive got tho'
Pump It Up - The Ultimate Dance Workout is the best one!!
Reply 12
All are pretty crap really. It just seems silly to me for people trying to get healthy by standing in front of a TV. If you insist on staying indoors then use a skipping rope.
Reply 13
charlie brooks is highly reccommended! :smile: x
Reply 14
Charlie Brookes has one? Who next, Pavarotti?
I have the Pump It Up one - the music is great! It is a bit annoying because the girls doing it are super slim and don't bloody need to do it, but then I always think 'If I do this work out I'll have a body like that!' - yeah right, but it's good to hope! It is very tiring though!!