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Original post by joshyboyXD
Hey guys,
To save me having to hand it in each time to get marked, does anyone have a copy of the answers to Latin, Beyond GCSE by John Taylor? I've heard there are copies floating around...
If you can't help with that then can you share with me the best advice you've got for AS Latin?

Hello there. Good to see other people taking the best subject for AS. :tongue: (I got an A last year, currently enjoying A2.)

I emailed John Taylor at the beginning of the year, and he sent me the answer key for Latin Beyond GCSE, which was very helpful. His email address is: [email protected]

As for advice, I highly recommend this website for learning vocabulary - it's brilliant:

For the language paper, just concentrate on learning the vocab and grammar. Practice the past papers and the unseens in the John Taylor book, and you should be fine.

For the literature, I pretty much memorised the translation (when looking at the Latin) by the time the exam came. If you can do that, it means you can whizz through the translation, and save lots of time for the essay questions.
Original post by Darth_Newdar
Hello there. Good to see other people taking the best subject for AS. :tongue: (I got an A last year, currently enjoying A2.)

I emailed John Taylor at the beginning of the year, and he sent me the answer key for Latin Beyond GCSE, which was very helpful. His email address is: [email protected]

As for advice, I highly recommend this website for learning vocabulary - it's brilliant:

For the language paper, just concentrate on learning the vocab and grammar. Practice the past papers and the unseens in the John Taylor book, and you should be fine.

For the literature, I pretty much memorised the translation (when looking at the Latin) by the time the exam came. If you can do that, it means you can whizz through the translation, and save lots of time for the essay questions.

Hey man, thanks so much for this, I didn't get a notification for a reply so I apologise for the delay!
I'll try that site and I've sent him an email.
Thanks also for those tips, that's pretty much what I've been doing and I'm on course for an A.
Latin is the best subject FULL STOP
Hey could you send me the answers
I am trying to find answers for essential gcse latin second edition can anyone help - i do not have access to a teacher.
I have Essential GCSE by John Taylor second edition. I am learning on my own there is no-one else i can ask to help me. I would like to purchase the answers to the exercise questions to make sure i have the correct answers. I am also working from the Oxford Latin books and have the teachers book to help so that i can correct my mistakes. CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHETHER THERE IS AN ANSWER BOOK?
Is there a answer book for latin beyond gcse by john taylor. If anyone knows could they let me know please.i am a senior lady , learning latin at an older age . There are a group of 6 of us with a teacher . We meet at a members home .i am loving it but struggling. From joan
I would also love to have the answer book as studying by myself. If you find the answer book please let me know.
Reply 9
Hullo Joan. I also am learning - with two other senior ladies, all in our 70s, and we are now struggling alone, having lost our lovely teacher to foreign fields. She assured us we are now beyond GCSE level and recommended the John Taylor, but we really need the answer key to get us over tricky sections. Amazon states that
We need to ask John Taylor to write and publish an answer book for us.
Reply 11
There is an answer key on the companion website. You need to request access
Original post by Darth_Newdar
Hello there. Good to see other people taking the best subject for AS. :tongue: (I got an A last year, currently enjoying A2.)

I emailed John Taylor at the beginning of the year, and he sent me the answer key for Latin Beyond GCSE, which was very helpful. His email address is: [email protected]

As for advice, I highly recommend this website for learning vocabulary - it's brilliant:

For the language paper, just concentrate on learning the vocab and grammar. Practice the past papers and the unseens in the John Taylor book, and you should be fine.

For the literature, I pretty much memorised the translation (when looking at the Latin) by the time the exam came. If you can do that, it means you can whizz through the translation, and save lots of time for the essay questions.

Hi mate can you please paste a pdf of the answer key in this discussion? Cant find the answers anywhere and hate asking my teachers to mark the whole time. Thanks!