The Student Room Group


Can you be stressed without knowing it?

I've been feeling a very jittery lately and feel like i'm being mentally tugged most of the time. Its like i can't relax and always fussing about things. I feel like a yo-yo, one minute i'll be the chirpy person that i usually am....then the next minute im plunged into the other end of the mood meter.:frown: My friend said that i could be stressed without knowing it?

Sure, i mean i'm currently working, got several reports to write up and maybe there are some other things on my mind too but im handling these stuff well. i doubt that could be the cause...could it?:confused: or does everyone feel like this at some point in their lives?
Well... certainly your change of personality will have been triggered by something. Stress or otherwise, it can happen without you realising. It could well be symptoms of depression or, depending on how severe this 'jump' of emotion is, bipolar disorder.

If it keeps going for a couple of weeks, I'd see a doctor. Otherwise, just try and relax... put some music on once in a while, tell yourself you've finished with your work for the night, plan it out so that you know you'll have it all finished and stick to it, and then just relax... and you'll be fine. :smile:
I think it's part of life really.

There are times when we all feel like we've got a lot to do and are always thinking about something rather than being able to pass.

I hope it passes,

Sarah x
Reply 3
Hmm maybe it is stress. I have been stressed before but they were obvious stressing like in revision situations when im tearing my hair out etc. I've never had a 'hidden' stress before if you know what i mean :s:
I just looked up bipolar disorder...and i do have certain depressive episodes....i just randomly burst into tears:frown:

Maybe i just need to relax and blank everything out of my head. Its so hard, you know?
I agree. just stick on some good music thatll cheer u up. Dont spend too much time on work. During the past month, i have been doing revision sessions that last till 4.30am, this means that i was revising for about 14-16 hours a day straight for days on end. The only way to get out of it is to sleep for like a week after.

Its best to take regular breaks (although i refuse to myself!). Arrange set times when u work till and set days with some mates, where u can go out down the pub/cinema/club, whatever u fancy.

U are on to something though, people have mentioned about being stressed about things for no reason. Some theories are that they are phsychic etc... personally i just think that your not 'finalising' things. So maybe you begin a task, but dont finish it to th extent that it plays on your mind.

Kind of a less extremem version of closure.... if u know what i mean.

Hope ths helps buddy.