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Reply 1
see your doctor and he will prescribe you some drugs if they are that bad
Reply 2
its not that bad, its minor acne, but still its been on my face for like 4 months, basically i keep geting little dots with white stuff inside, that need to be poped every now and then, and i get that red mark which disappears and reappears with another dot etc etc, cycle keeps going..

anyway, its not very bad, basically would like to stop the cycle and have a clean face.
Reply 3
Make sure you cleanse twice daily with a good soap. Try not to overdo it though, a good cleanser and moisturiser (if you need it) should be enough. Personally I wouldnt bother with toner as I found it made my skin worse. I use Clinique now and find it has really cleared my skin up. I always find a dab of tea tree oil on a cotton bud works really well when I have spots breaking out and to get rid of the white infection.

Also make sure you drink plenty of water to help flush the toxins out of your body. Never touch your face unless you wash your hands first as you are just transferring bacteria onto your face. You might also want to make sure you change your pillowcase/towels regularly to make sure you arent transferring any dirt everytime you use them.

If all that fails then see your doctor, they should be able to give you something regardless of how minor you think your acne is.
Reply 4
I have had spots on my face since I was about 11 on and off; (I'm 18 now) not hugely bad or anything- but I have recently started using this homeopathic stuff for exam stress would you believe it and it's cleared up my spots too! It's called Silica 30c and you can buy it from most pharmacies.

It's amazing!
Reply 5
I've suffered with acne for the last few years and have just had a really horrible breakout. My face is greasy at the best of times but what with the hot weather we've been having the extra sweating has really put a strain on my poor complexion. One of the reasons it's been difficult to control is because after hearing that it is potentially harmful to use St Ives Apricot Scrub twice a day I stopped using it and switched to Clean and Clear. While using this other brand the pores around my nose became dreadfully blocked because the micro granules just didn't cleanse enough. I'm now using St Ives again and feel a lot better!

Throughout the day try to splash your face with water just to clean off any excess oil and sweat. Also see your doctor now before the spots spread further. I had to see a doctor a few times before I eventually found a cream that works for me. It's Duac Once Daily Gel and has benzoyl peroxide in it which clears spots. I also tried antiobiotics but they had no effect whatsoever. I think it works for some people and not others, we're all different!
Reply 6
One of the reasons it's been difficult to control is because after hearing that it is potentially harmful to use St Ives Apricot Scrub twice a day I stopped using it

Why is that?
Reply 7
to advese_reaction:
maybe too harsh on your skin? doesn't get time for oil levels to recover?

doctor could perhaps perscribe oxytetracyclone or something similar.
Reply 8
The only thing that worked for me was the roaccutane - the tetracyclines only cleared things up short-term. If you're not afraid of liver failure or potential mental imbalance - i suggest a good old (verging on poisonous) dose of retinol. It'll kill those pesky sebacious glands - and the spots shouldn't come back. My lips are still very dry though three years on...a bit annoying when they bleed in winter :redface:
Reply 9
One of the reasons it's been difficult to control is because after hearing that it is potentially harmful to use St Ives Apricot Scrub twice a day I stopped using it

Why is that?

Well, on a thread in the Fashion and Beauty section people were saying that it can age your skin prematurely and things like that. This may very well be true for people who don't really need to use the product for problem skin, but masses of spots age skin anyway.
Reply 10
I've suffered with acne for the last few years and have just had a really horrible breakout. My face is greasy at the best of times but what with the hot weather we've been having the extra sweating has really put a strain on my poor complexion. One of the reasons it's been difficult to control is because after hearing that it is potentially harmful to use St Ives Apricot Scrub twice a day I stopped using it and switched to Clean and Clear. While using this other brand the pores around my nose became dreadfully blocked because the micro granules just didn't cleanse enough. I'm now using St Ives again and feel a lot better!

Throughout the day try to splash your face with water just to clean off any excess oil and sweat. Also see your doctor now before the spots spread further. I had to see a doctor a few times before I eventually found a cream that works for me. It's Duac Once Daily Gel and has benzoyl peroxide in it which clears spots. I also tried antiobiotics but they had no effect whatsoever. I think it works for some people and not others, we're all different!

I used duac for a bit but it didnt really work for me. Benzolmyciline (check spelling) gel cream works a treat though!
I found tetralysyl (spelling) worked a treat for me. i had the same sort of acne as you, and it began to get worse so i went down to the doctor and he prescribed the stuff. clerasil etc dont work, and tbh, often contributes to it as the stuff has a habit of blocking the pours further
Reply 12
A paper bag over your head should help.
The only thing that worked for me was the roaccutane -

Accutane has sum reli nasty side effects.
i got a product called "acne getaway" from a chinese herbalist, and its worked was about £10 but the spots go within a its far more cost effective than paying loads for clearsil etc
Reply 15
I found that using the Evian Range of facial washes etc clear up spots in like a week. They are really really good but cost quite a bit!! I spent £40 in selfridges the other day just on facial wash.

I know its excessive but i wanted clear skin and it seems to be working!!

LOL Hope u find someting
Reply 16
I found tetralysyl (spelling) worked a treat for me. i had the same sort of acne as you, and it began to get worse so i went down to the doctor and he prescribed the stuff. clerasil etc dont work, and tbh, often contributes to it as the stuff has a habit of blocking the pours further

Yeah I think face washes like Clearasil, Oxy etc are really horrible. Whenever I use stuff like that my skin gets really tight and feels like it's going to crack!
Reply 17
OK keeping it simple, sudocreme, yes it's or babies bums, but if you want a really quick and effective way of removing redness and shrinking down bulges and getting soft smooth skin, I recommend it from personal mild acne experience, I owe clear skin to a £3.50 tub of sudocreme. Not much to loose.

A doctor can help if thats not enough, in my experience clearsil is rubbish, made my skin dry and worse if anything! If you are female get on the pill it is fantastic for clearing skin but will take anothing up to 3-4months to work effectively. Combining this with sudocreme offered me clear skin completely within 3 months.

If male, you can ask for antibiotics although in my experience they did not work (evidently not for everybody). There are some nasty side effects to other medications so it would be my suggestion you try sudocreme, it's simple and effective and I bet you'd never had thought it coul work!

Hope it works for you! x x x
Having seen all the earlier posts on this thread, you can draw the conclusion that perhaps different types of skin are helped (cured) by different remedies.

I would just keep trying different ones until one works.
Reply 19
hi, what is the best way to get rid of acne, i am 19 and i have acne, i using clearsil ultra but i dont think thats designed for acne removal or is it?

Three things regularly:

1. "simple" face wash
(For lads use an electric razor)
2. moisturise
3. Freederm (Yes it does work) or Tetracycline (get it from doctors)

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