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confused about male friend

Basically, a fairly good male friend, who i do have quite a flirtatious relationship with sometimes, but also have very serious conversations with etc has told me in one of our more flirty moments that "if he was drunk he'd sleep with me" but since he was sober when he said that I'm kind of confused as to what it means. He's a virgin and has told me on other occassions that he's waiting for the right girl. Am i reading too much into this or might it mean that he maybe likes me? or maybe he would just like to shag me and use alcohol as an excuse haha!! Anyones opinion would be helpful :smile:
Reply 1
Heh I'm in a similar situation but we talked about it and in the end he was just joking and its was just playful flirting. So I suggest you kinda talk to him about it if possible so that whatever you're reading into it doesn't get any further or ruin the existing friendship, hope that helps :smile:
Reply 2
I'm not sure, maybe he is shy and is trying to give subtle hints rather than just saying he likes you.
Like i could say to someone jokingly, ahhh you'll do i suppose but what i really mean is, you are a very nice person.
Reply 3
I don't think he was joking because I think i responded with something like "yeh i probably would too" (because i do like him i think) but then it turned abit serious and we talked about whether it would be awkward after etc and he said it wouldn't but was then like "i can't believe we're talking about this haha"!! urgh i hate romance
Reply 4
maybe he wants to have sex for the first time with some one he trusts and doesnt want a full blown relationship and you seem perfect for this??if you like im in the same way back i say go for it. you only live once and you always regret the things you don't do or say more than the things you do. Dont let a good oppertunity go to waste because someone else might take it andthat would not be good!!xx
Reply 5
Tell me about it...if only it was possible to remove the feeling of love genes from our body...*sigh*

I think you should talk about it because it's better to get it out in the open rather than both not saying anything who knows you may be greatful its sorted whatever comes of it.
Reply 6
Poison Ivy
Tell me about it...if only it was possible to remove the feeling of love genes from our body...*sigh*

I think you should talk about it because it's better to get it out in the open rather than both not saying anything who knows you may be greatful its sorted whatever comes of it.

also we slept round my friends house on satruday night, where he had his legs sprawled all over me on the sofa and then he ended up lying on the floor next to me sharing my sleeping bag coz he didnt have one :rolleyes: it was nice
Reply 7
Awww well I guess he feels quite comfortable around you thats why....or he could possibly have a thing for ya!

Guys hate when they play these sorta mind games :p:
Reply 8
definatly talk 2 him u seem u feel the same way?
Reply 9
definatly talk 2 him u seem u feel the same way?

I really wouldn't know how to bring it up again, hmm i guess il just wait till we are both drunk at a house party and see what happens. I'd want to die if he turned me down, it probably isn't worth the risk. I don't know if u like him, I think i might just be bored of not meeting anyone so am eyeing up every man i know haha!
Reply 10
Hehe and I thought it was just me! actually I dont eye up every bloke I meet....
But the best thing to do is talk to him about it and see what happens if he does care about you that much then there shouldn't be no awkwardness between you 2 after!
Reply 11
i no how u feel.probly best wen ur drunk..truth is easier 2 come out th way. probly y he sed it 2 u drunk in the 1st place. gd luk with it. myt realise he is someone u cud b with!???
Reply 12
Yes good luck with it all :smile:
i think there could be a thousand possibilties to why he said it, if you want to know ask him! maybe on the net or when drunk if youre shy. always works for me! i never regret it cos sometimes i want to know things!