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Reply 1
Breast fed until I was about 6 months old when i was weened onto *semi*-solid food.

My overall health seems to be better than most people I know, and my immune system seems stronger. I am never ill.
Reply 2
I was breast fed in combination with semi solids until 9 months
Breast fed, but ****e health (I had cronic fatigue sydrome and recently had a tonsilectomy because I had tonsillitis about 10 times in six months etc.)

Seriously, I wouldn't think too much about it. From what I've heard it is only important when you are young (i.e. less than a year) so you can recieve the antibodies you need then. It also contains all the proteins and energy needed at that age which is why women are encouraged to do it in third world countries. However if you were bottle fed instead the only thing you miss out on is the antibodies and therefore it is then that you would be ill.
Reply 4
Breast fed, but ****e health (I had cronic fatigue sydrome and recently had a tonsilectomy because I had tonsillitis about 10 times in six months etc.)

Seriously, I wouldn't think too much about it. From what I've heard it is only important when you are young (i.e. less than a year) so you can recieve the antibodies you need then. It also contains all the proteins and energy needed at that age which is why women are encouraged to do it in third world countries. However if you were bottle fed instead the only thing you miss out on is the antibodies and therefore it is then that you would be ill.

I keep finding articles like this though:

''Ample scientific evidence supports the contention that breast-fed babies are less vulnerable to acute infectious diseases, including respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, experts say. Some studies also suggest that breast-fed babies are at lower risk for sudden infant death syndrome and serious chronic diseases later in life, including asthma, diabetes, leukemia and some forms of lymphoma, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Research on premature babies has even found that those given breast milk scored higher on I.Q. tests than those who were bottle-fed.''
Reply 5
Breast fed. I'm never ill or anything like that (it's got to be a really strong bug to even give me a slight cold).
Breast fed, but ****e health (I had cronic fatigue sydrome and recently had a tonsilectomy because I had tonsillitis about 10 times in six months etc.)

Seriously, I wouldn't think too much about it. From what I've heard it is only important when you are young (i.e. less than a year) so you can recieve the antibodies you need then. It also contains all the proteins and energy needed at that age which is why women are encouraged to do it in third world countries. However if you were bottle fed instead the only thing you miss out on is the antibodies and therefore it is then that you would be ill.

nah, breast feeding has an effect lasting your whole life. it is of course by miles best in those crucial first 13 weeks though.
i think most people probably were breast and bottle fed, even if they don't know it. I mean wheres the cut off point. i think you can say you were 'breast fed' if you were solely breast fed for at least the first 13 weeks.
after that it makes much less difference.
Reply 7

There are articles for And against. Breast feeding is best in nature, but these days its hardly a nature environment. There are so many pollutants and c*** in the air that can be passed via breast feeding its probbably better to bottle feed.

There are articles for And against. Breast feeding is best in nature, but these days its hardly a nature environment. There are so many pollutants and c*** in the air that can be passed via breast feeding its probbably better to bottle feed.

You're wrong.
Reply 9
I was breast fed. I had poor health in my teens with tonsilitous. Although i barely get colds now that i had them removed 4 years ago, i think my tonsils controlled my health more than how i was fed as a baby.
Reply 10
i was bottled fed as me mum couldnt breast feed...shes anaemic.
Reply 11
is bottle fed the same as formula fed? I didn't get a drop of breast milk.
Reply 12
i don't know- maybe for 2 months i was breast fed- then i was shoved in an orhpanage and probably bottle fed till my parents came and got me when i was 10 months- by then it was way too late. so yeah, i'd say i was bottle fed. and i'm fine now. nothing wrong with me.
I was on baby rice and bananas by 6 weeks, because I needed more food. N.B. that I'm writing this after having returned from the pub where I had a 16oz mixed grill, so nothing has changed! :biggrin:
Reply 14
I was breast fed- I don't know the details.
Am I healthy? That depends on a whole load of other factors. I am very rarely ill, to put it that way, though that may be due to my vegetariansism and cycling addiction.
Reply 15
I was breast fed for about 6months and then I was bottle/semi-solid fed. My health has not been the best, but I think that is more down to genetics and clumsiness, I was epileptic up until the age of 8, I dislocated my left knee and required 4years of physiotherapy and when I was 14 I was diagnosed with a thyroid disorder which in turn makes me more susceptible to colds etc. However despite all my medical mishaps I have never had the flu (touch wood), I am rarely absent from work/school with illness (touch wood), I have never had hayfever (touch wood), I don't have any allergies (touch wood) and I am not asthmatic (touch wood again).
i was breast fed

I was breast fed, and am rarely ill, no asthma etc. though I do think I've developed a dust allergy... :redface: *sneezes*
Reply 18
breast fed and to be honest I have not been majorly ill ever. Never missed a day of school !!!!!!!! (that something to be proud of?)
Reply 19
Bottle fed and am perfectly healthy, have great metabolism.