The Student Room Group
And you needed to tell us that because...?

Wash more, wear deodorant.

Sarah x
Reply 2
:ditto: put some d.o on your b.o!! don't take a genius! :biggrin:
Reply 3
And you needed to tell us that because...?

Wash more, wear deodorant.

Sarah x

Reply 4
I did have a shower this morning though and as for the deodorant, I tried lynx this morning. Could it be that I didnt spray it in the right place?
Reply 5
Try anti-perspirant if you're a more sweaty person, it'll help.
Reply 6
Or have your armpits amputated.
Reply 7
Could it be that I didnt spray it in the right place?

how could you :smile: its not hard to miss is it..under the arm pits...:p:
Try anti-perspirant if you're a more sweaty person, it'll help.

Agreed, the purpose of deodorant is to cover up the sweat smell, anti-perspirant reduces sweating and smells nice!
Reply 9
Lynx is ****...
Reply 10
It's often clothes that smell more than anything. In general, if you sweat a lot then it's best to wear a fresh shirt evry day.
powder :smile:
Reply 12
Or have your armpits amputated.


Get out if you have nothing useful to post, seriously.
Reply 13
Use a roll-on rather than a spray deodorant, they are generally much better.
Reply 14
Shave your armpits :rolleyes:

Not as much of a joke post as you might think - sweat is odourless, but what makes it smell is bacteria growth. Hairs trap sweat and promote bacteria growth, hence removing armpit hair removes this breeding ground for bacteria.

If that's not for you, use anti-perspirant as well as deodorant, as has already been mentioned.
Reply 15
Roll on's might work better, you have a control of where the deodorant is going. Which is better than spraying half of it into the air behind you.
Reply 16
I just had an exam, and realised the extent to which my armpits smell, maybe its just sweat but it really smells.

This is a joke right?


It's often clothes that smell more than anything. In general, if you sweat a lot then it's best to wear a fresh shirt evry day.

Spray your clothes aswell, so even if you do sweat that might cover it up
Reply 18
I used to have this problem when I was younger. I found Lynx to be crap.

Use anti-perspirant, it'll help with the BO and help get rid of the sweat.
Reply 19
lynx is crap - just shower more!
