The Student Room Group

Marks and Spencer

So i applied for a temporary job at Marks, the post is 33hrs per week.

Ok so i went through the screening process and managed successfully to get through, however this morning through the post i received a letter. The contents described the "assessment process" which will include two exercises that look at my ability to work in retail, my communication skills and how i help customers (which could be group work)

Ok.. so this is going to last an hour and a half.. and i am slightly worried!! Anyone have any advice/experience of a marks interview.

Much appreciated

Claire xoxo

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I had an assesement day (not for M&S but i'd imagine they're mostly the same) we were split up into groups of 6 or 7 and given some tasks like selling a product or deciding which quality was most important in customer services followed by a short interview. The most important thing my assessor told me is to talk you won't get the job if you sit there saying little so even if you don't like doing it say something because that's what they're looking for.
Reply 2
I filled out an online form yesterday for a job at Marks, will the same thing happen? Because yesterday I did the thing, at the end it said to ring a number and select option 2 to arrange something (interview, i assume), but i'm too kind of nervous to ring pathetic. Any ideas as to what this is?
Reply 3
Ring them! Its not scary.. just some indian people you dont understand who arrange a time for assessment in your local store. Thats what i did.

I hate group interviews, i had one for Lush and one girl wouldnt let us get a word in!! Gah :frown: Cheers for the tips.. but i was more specifically asking for marks and spencer.. I'll report back afterwards anyways!
Reply 4
To the first poster (twisted rose)- have you had the interview yet? (As in interview at the store). Or is this the interview?... Tell me which and i'll help.

And to no1moshin, all you do when you call up if give a few details and arrange your interview date - it's over v quickly!!

Actually hating M&S atm lol - but i'm here to help!

Reply 5
No interview as of yet.. just the internet screening thing. :smile:
Reply 6
Oh ok then, the 'assesment day' IS the interview then! My friend had one in the Derby store the other week, was a lot easier when i did mine 2 years ago!! Anyway you have to answer some pretty obvious questions and things like 'why do you want to work here? when have you previously shown leadership?' - can find out more questions if you like.

The whole 'see how you relate to customers' bit - you go down to the shop floor and you have to help 3 people, depends on who interviews you actually - you might just have to promote something e.g. Have you got the &more card? or just offer some help e.g. What are you looking for today? Either way, they interviewer comes down with you, so your not alone! It's just to make sure you can actually talk to people! If the customer asks you something you don't know, the interview person will help them instead!

I think that's it, my interview was crazy, had to look at people and guess what they were buying!! I'll ask my friend for more information on what he did if you want? It really isn't that hard, just be confident :smile: If for whatever reason there are more people there, like BloodyValentine said, make sure you speak up and things! Good luck for whenever your interview is!

Reply 7
Ring them! Its not scary.. just some indian people you dont understand who arrange a time for assessment in your local store. Thats what i did.

I hate group interviews, i had one for Lush and one girl wouldnt let us get a word in!! Gah :frown: Cheers for the tips.. but i was more specifically asking for marks and spencer.. I'll report back afterwards anyways!

Is the 'assessment' like a group interview thing? What is it i'm arranging for?
Reply 8
Thankyou so much babyemmy! Thats really helpful.. you couldnt possibly find out more could you? :biggrin: Pos rep coming your way :smile: Cheers again.
Reply 9
Just speakin to my friend now, he said that he basicially sat down in room, was asked loads of questions then had to do the talk to the customer thing!!
Below is an part of an e-mail i sent my friend before his interview, he said they asked all the questions in it - i know it pretty basic, but yeah...

*Why do you want to work here?
*Why do you think you are suited to this job?
*Tell me an example of when you have shown leadership.
*Tell me an example of when you have shown initiative. (I have no idea if that is the correct spelling! You know what word I mean though!)
*Tell me an example of when you have been a team player.
*Do you work well with individuals or with groups?
*Will you be able to adapt to a working environment?
*Why should the company employee you?

The most useful tip anyone can give you, just big up yourself and the company!!! Sometimes it impresses the interviewer if you know things about the company, it just shows you know what the company's about. If that makes any sense!

It's really not that bad of an interview!!

What would you reply to "how have you shown initiative?"..can't really think about how to go about answering that. great tips by the way ur great :smile:
Ah well, I rang up this morning, very friendly people and i've got to say i'm impressed with the system. However, it turns out that it was a backroom job for early morning and late nights - not really my scene and he said that it's not really ideal for me seeing as i'm going onto 6th form in Sept.

So anyway, I rang Tesco and they have vacancies so i'm going to send in my application form. Any tips for tesco lol?
when i had an interview for marks and spencers it was 3 hours long. there was a group of us there n we had to do different groups tasks. then we had to do a role play with one of the people interviewing in which they were a customer and we had to help them. then we had all the usual interview questions. wasnt really a very fun day lol
its easy the questions common sense and it aint exactly hard to talk to a customer. i currently work for them now.
Reply 14
So do i! I got the job.. they had 2 applicants at a time, and it took about 45 mins...

They just rang me 3 hours afterwards to offer me the job!!
they told me on the day...the process is ridiculous how to get a job there. the work load is nothing special
Reply 16
I see that m&s have this online application method....I have found a vacancy in cardiff, temporary contract, more than 30 hours.

If I took that job, I would be able to do more than 30 hours for 10 weeks, but after that I start 6th form and would need to take this down to something like 15 hours. How would I go about this? Would I apply for the position and if I get into an interview, mention it at the end of the interview? Or would I simply not be able to apply for the position?
ask therm to swap your hours around as you start shcool
Reply 18
Hi, I had my interview today at Marks and Spencers and it was definitiely not as daunting as this post made it out to be! I guess they must have different recruitment practices throughout the country. Basically, my interview was split into two stages a Questions and Answers session followed by a roleplaying scenairo.

The questions in the Q&A were similar to the ones posted earlier but not exactly the same. The main emphasis was on working in a team and coping with hardships with colleagues etc...

The roleplaying scenairo was the part I enjoyed, basically I was given a bunch of cards representing food items that were in stock and the interviewer impersonated a customer who was hosting a party at lunchtime in her office. I had to recommend the appropriate food products for her so it fitted her budget and requirements.

After she had "marked" that section for me she told me I had been successfully completed the interview and fit the requirements for working at Marks and Spencers and that I had got the job :biggrin: . The whole process only took 45 mins as well.

Good Luck anyone else who has an interview :smile:
^^ I had to do something like that, but no one at the store did that for 2 years after i had to!! Thought they stopped it! I had a bunch of cards some with people on and i had to say what they would want (how random?!) then other cards with pictures of the store and i had to say what i thought of the display etc!
