The Student Room Group

Missing pills (Combined pill)

I'm on the combined pill (Microgynon 30), this month I've forgot taking 2 pills in the pack.
The last one I missed me and my partner were using condoms while having sex but the condom went and split! We rung around (as i wanted the morning after pill) and eventually got passd to the pharmacist whoi talked to and told about when and where in the pack i missed pills and he said I was ok and didn't need emergency contraception, just use another form of contraception for a further 7 days. (Which we have done.)

As I've never missed pills before could anyone tell me if they've had any side effects from missing pills. As in, stomach cramps, spotting, more hormonal!?

Last week I had bit of an upset tummy and spotting, then this week I've been feeling as if my periods going to come, but its not due until next wednesday ish... is this normal!?
Reply 1
Yeah I woudl get spotting and cramps.

Yeh don't worry, the side effects you've described just sound like normal to me :biggrin:

If you think about it, all the pill does is (very simply!) mess with your hormones hehe! So if you miss a couple it slightly changes your hormonal patterns and whatever, so you've gotta expect some side effects.

Woo snap! I'm on Microgynon as well :p:
Reply 3
Missing pills on Microgynon, had normally made me come on a day or so earlier. Ive got my pre pill symptoms back for one period, heavy, long and painful. Next month i was fine and back to normal.