The Student Room Group
I have the best one ever, and it doesn't involve raw egg or gelatine, so its safe and veggie:

150g digestive biscuits
75g butter or margarine
200g low fat cream cheese
125 ml whipping or double cream (NOT single cream, the recipe will fail)
50g caster sugar
1 lemon
fruit, etc for decoration

1) Crush biscuits to make crumbs
2) Melt butter or marg over low heat. Remove from heat- stir in biscuit crumbs. Press this mixture into your tin to form a base. Refrigerate.
3) Grate lemon rind and then squeeze out juice.
4) Whip cream until thickened.
5) Stir the cream into the cheese. Fold in lemon rind, juice and sugar.
6) Spread mixture over crumb base.
7) Decorate as required. Refrigerate.

Hope you like it!
Reply 3
Or, money+Sainsbury's.

Your call.
Actually, that's the easiest way, lol.
Reply 5
I just buy them too, much easier:smile:
Reply 6
I have the best one ever, and it doesn't involve raw egg or gelatine, so its safe and veggie:
You can get vegetarian gelatine, you know :wink:

I just buy them too, much easier:smile:
Baking one yourself lets you show off and is a cheap way of impressing people :p:
Making your own alcoholic concoctions is another way to make friends easily :biggrin: I had a lovely recipe for a vodka punch drink which I can probably find on my computer if anyone wants it :smile:

Depending on the price for the ingredients compared to the price of a store-bought one, I'd probably make my own :smile: I enjoy baking, it's fun...and although it's time-consuming, you can save quite a bit of money. I can spend 90p on a loaf of bread from Tesco, or I can spend 45p on enough flour to make five loaves of bread...comes in handy when you're on a tight budget :wink:
Reply 7
You can get vegetarian gelatine, you know :wink:

Baking one yourself lets you show off and is a cheap way of impressing people :p:
Making your own alcoholic concoctions is another way to make friends easily :biggrin: I had a lovely recipe for a vodka punch drink which I can probably find on my computer if anyone wants it :smile:

Depending on the price for the ingredients compared to the price of a store-bought one, I'd probably make my own :smile: I enjoy baking, it's fun...and although it's time-consuming, you can save quite a bit of money. I can spend 90p on a loaf of bread from Tesco, or I can spend 45p on enough flour to make five loaves of bread...comes in handy when you're on a tight budget :wink:

Me and a friend tried the whole making cocktails a thing a while ago...but we had no mixers...or alchohol.

Even though it costs more to buy the bread, surely it tastes better? I dislike having to eat peoples home made bread and pretend I like it.

On that bread is that Hovis thick cut...honestly, best toast ever, hands down.
Reply 8
Me and a friend tried the whole making cocktails a thing a while ago...but we had no mixers...or alchohol.

Even though it costs more to buy the bread, surely it tastes better? I dislike having to eat peoples home made bread and pretend I like it.

On that bread is that Hovis thick cut...honestly, best toast ever, hands down.
I've never been good at making cocktails. I always screw them up :redface: And you tend to be able to taste the alohol in them, so I don't like the taste of them anyway :rolleyes:

I personally think fresh homemade bread is gorgeous...but after it's cooled down and been out for a while it's not quite so good - not that it lasts that long with me, anyway :biggrin:
Cheesecake? CHEESECAKE? A cake made of cheese? Oh i'm going to be sick! :biggrin:
Reply 10
Victoria sponge + Cheddar cheese = cheesecake. of sorts.
Reply 11
Victoria sponge + Cheddar cheese = cheesecake. of sorts.
I don't think I'd like to eat that cheesecake...the victoria sponge or cheese separately, yes, but not together :wink:
Reply 12
theres always cheesecake bobby then.
Reply 13
Digestive biscuits aren't as good as Hobnobs for cheesecake. I hear the Ginger Nuts are the ultimate.
You can also melt chocolate and put it in the base mix. That's pretty nice.
Reply 14
Step1: Get in the car
Step 2: Drive to Tesco
Step 3 pick up a cheesecake...

Need I go on?
Reply 15
Cheesecake? CHEESECAKE? A cake made of cheese? Oh i'm going to be sick! :biggrin:

You beat me to it! I wondered how long it would take before someone did that! :smile:
Reply 16
I made a cheesecake recently. The ingredients were similar to those above, but it was a baked one, which was probably more hassle than it was worth, but turned out quite nice. In a heart-shaped cake tin as a Valentine's Day gift no less. (Adds a whole new meaning to the 'cheese' part :p:). I'll try and dig it out, but I can verify that Hobnob biscuits work very well for a base.
Reply 17
theres always cheesecake bobby then.
True...and he comes with an XBOX 360 too; real value for money there :rolleyes:
Smash up some digestive biscuits (not rich tea) n put some vanilla yogurt on and grated chesse