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Reply 1
I think we get sent the actual list sometime in the summer?
Reply 2
I would have thought that we'd get sent the list once we have results and have confirmed our places. It'd be a bit pointless to spend all summer reading books from the list and then find out that you've missed the offer.
The Law Machine by Berlins and something. We were told to read.
I'd say enjoy the summer, and not get too stressed. First year is not too important, and although it is of course in your best interests to get a 2.1, it is not fatal if you don't. It is far more important to make solid friendships, and really enjoy the university experience.

P.S. Hope your exam results were good Paul!
Reply 5
when are your law exams at UCL for the 1st year -December or Jan; and also for the summer
when are your law exams at UCL for the 1st year -December or Jan; and also for the summer

Mid-sessionals in January (do not count towards your 1st year marks, nothing to get overly stressed about). The intermediate examination ran this year from 2/05-11/05.
Reply 7
hm did anyone get a letter from UCL confirming them as a first choice?
Reply 8
nope...even if I did after yesterday's exam performance i doubt I'll be going to UCL.
Reply 9
nope...even if I did after yesterday's exam performance i doubt I'll be going to UCL.

huh...was it really that bad?
nope...even if I did after yesterday's exam performance i doubt I'll be going to UCL.

Just remember examiners work in mysterious ways, it may turn out better than you think.
Reply 11
misinterpreted politics question-didn't answer the actual question at all, i wrote about a different topic altogether, its gonna take an A in unit 5, and about 2/3 of marks in my 1st question to try and level out- very possible though just feel my lucks going the wrong way-fingers crossed:redface: for the meantime I'm gonna enjoy the holidays
I don't think UCL will accept me with AAB,even though I've been interviewed and if I was to miss it it's likely to be by a couple of points.
misinterpreted politics question-didn't answer the actual question at all, i wrote about a different topic altogether, its gonna take an A in unit 5, and about 2/3 of marks in my 1st question to try and level out- very possible though just feel my lucks going the wrong way-fingers crossed:redface: for the meantime I'm gonna enjoy the holidays
I don't think UCL will accept me with AAB,even though I've been interviewed and if I was to miss it it's likely to be by a couple of points.

I did something similar in one of my English papers, not sure how damaging it's going to be- Good luck to us both i say!
Reply 13
I did something similar in one of my English papers, not sure how damaging it's going to be- Good luck to us both i say!

good luck to you!
The Law Machine as PD said .. gives you an idea about the English Legal system & our current state of affairs. You'll also probably get a nice property law extract which most people found interesting but a bit daunting.

On top of that, you can look forward to the Public law quiz & search which is oh so much fun :smile:
I got my law reading list through today. It's basically just as onearmedbandit has said. However on the list it says read either The Law Machine or Understanding Law- I'll probably try and read both but just in case which one would you recommend out of the two?
Haven't read the other one.. haven't even heard of it lol.
Reply 17
I got my law reading list through today. It's basically just as onearmedbandit has said. However on the list it says read either The Law Machine or Understanding Law- I'll probably try and read both but just in case which one would you recommend out of the two?

did you send them anything, like results etc.?
did you send them anything, like results etc.?

No, I don't have results or anything yet, it just came completely out of the blue.
Reply 19
No, I don't have results or anything yet, it just came completely out of the blue.

ah thanks, so I should get mine next week :rolleyes: :biggrin: