Great, the same old re-hashed arguments with the same old disingenuous statistics. You can't criticise the SUV without also criticising sports cars and luxury saloons - many of which are larger than 4x4's and have worse fuel consumption. But I suppose we should all drive the Toyota Prius shouldn't we? After all, having 2 production lines to make two separate engines and then having the problem of used batteries to dispose of at the end of the car's life is really environmentally friendly...
And before anyone has a go at me; yes I drive a 4x4. You know what? It goes offroad and is still going strong after 15 years. Oh, and when I go on holidays with my mates, we only need to take my car as opposed to two smaller cars, as we can fit 4 people in it plus their luggage. I can prove that all of the anti-arguments are flawed, and they in turn can prove my arguments are flawed; statistics prove nothing in this case.