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I hate SUVs.

I was talking to a friend yesterday about how there is almost never a legitimate reason as to why their owners actually have one. People that really need to go off road for access to their land or homes, fine. If it's necessary for your job, that too is okay. If you need the power to regularly pull large trailers or similar, I guess that's not such a problem either. Overall I can appreciate there are some reasons where it is necessary for practicality, if you can't get something more specifically designed for the job.

However I really can't comprehend why anyone would want to spend so much on what is essentially just an extravagant penis extension (and on purchase, submitting to the commonly held, but unfortunately rarely expressed view that by possessing such a vehicle, you are in fact a complete tosser); with increased danger posed to other road users, pedestrians and themselves, the detrimental effect on the environment, and simply the amount of space they take up.

So often you see hundreds of these things in often built up, urban areas, the 'Chelsea Tractors' driven by your UK equivalent of 'soccer moms' taking their children two miles to school, or the insignificant businessman trying to enhance his image with a car bigger than his front room.

This article- I thought was particularly interesting and definitely worth a read (despite the length); it really emphasises the futility and wastefulness of these ridiculous vehicles. Quick excerpt-

Fred J.Schaafsma, a top engineer for General Motors, says, "Sport-utility owners tend to be more like 'I wonder how people view me,' and are more willing to trade off flexibility or functionality to get that." According to [Keith] Bradsher, internal industry market research concluded that S.U.V.s tend to be bought by people who are insecure, vain, self-centered, and self-absorbed, who are frequently nervous about their marriages, and who lack confidence in their driving skills.

They're not necessary. It is pathetic.

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Reply 1
As a cyclist, I don't like them either; mainly because they're so wide and big you feel quite in danger when one speeds past you.

The school run's the worst. Almost every day I see some rather chunky children being driven 500 yards to a primary school on my route into my school. I know where the owners of that 4x4 live and I can't believe they actually drive their children to school. It's not like it's a rough area - the only instances I can remember of young people being hurt or killed are all from being hit by cars, ironically!
Reply 2
SUV's what? Who is SUV? What is it they possess? :p:
Reply 3
I always thought it was a "I have big vehicle, get out my way" kind of thing?

I think what you say about increased danger to other road users, pedestrians and cyclists is true, but I thought these suv's were safer for their drivers because they just inflict the damage onto other things. In which case it's a selfish thing.
Reply 4
I could understand someone getting one who has a large family (though, why not get a people carrier??), but they're so high on fuel consumption, it seems an incredibly daft vehicle to buy. With road tax now starting to depend on emissions, they seem even more pointless!
Reply 5
i say people that drive large vechiles for no reason are compensating for something ......................... :p:
Reply 6
I despise SUVs. Here's my blog on them, it's about half way down:

Edit: It's not JUST about them! Not that obsessed..
Reply 7
Great, the same old re-hashed arguments with the same old disingenuous statistics. You can't criticise the SUV without also criticising sports cars and luxury saloons - many of which are larger than 4x4's and have worse fuel consumption. But I suppose we should all drive the Toyota Prius shouldn't we? After all, having 2 production lines to make two separate engines and then having the problem of used batteries to dispose of at the end of the car's life is really environmentally friendly...

And before anyone has a go at me; yes I drive a 4x4. You know what? It goes offroad and is still going strong after 15 years. Oh, and when I go on holidays with my mates, we only need to take my car as opposed to two smaller cars, as we can fit 4 people in it plus their luggage. I can prove that all of the anti-arguments are flawed, and they in turn can prove my arguments are flawed; statistics prove nothing in this case.
Reply 8
/me loves SUV's. SUV's ftw!

Reply 9
meh they suck:eviltongu
Great, the same old re-hashed arguments with the same old disingenuous statistics. You can't criticise the SUV without also criticising sports cars and luxury saloons - many of which are larger than 4x4's and have worse fuel consumption. But I suppose we should all drive the Toyota Prius shouldn't we? After all, having 2 production lines to make two separate engines and then having the problem of used batteries to dispose of at the end of the car's life is really environmentally friendly...

And before anyone has a go at me; yes I drive a 4x4. You know what? It goes offroad and is still going strong after 15 years. Oh, and when I go on holidays with my mates, we only need to take my car as opposed to two smaller cars, as we can fit 4 people in it plus their luggage. I can prove that all of the anti-arguments are flawed, and they in turn can prove my arguments are flawed; statistics prove nothing in this case.

No you can't, because you clearly aren't the type of person the OP was moaning at. The OP "forgave" those who use it offroad and who have large families (you said about taking lots of people) so you're not who everyone's targetting.

Are you going to defend the mums who can't drive at the best of times driving armoured cars to take their kids to school half a mile away? They're really the people that everyone who moans about SUVs hates.
Reply 11
You're missing my point though - if somebody drives their kid to school in something like an Audi A8, BMW 7 Series or Mercedes S-Class, then they don't get criticised. However, these cars are bigger than most 4x4s and have worse fuel consumption. My main argument is that it's unfair to target 4x4s specifically when other cars are just as large/polluting. Oh, and if somebody can't drive a 4x4 properly it's their fault for being an inept driver - not the 4x4's fault.
You're missing my point though - if somebody drives their kid to school in something like an Audi A8, BMW 7 Series or Mercedes S-Class, then they don't get criticised. However, these cars are bigger than most 4x4s and have worse fuel consumption. My main argument is that it's unfair to target 4x4s specifically when other cars are just as large/polluting. Oh, and if somebody can't drive a 4x4 properly it's their fault for being an inept driver - not the 4x4's fault.

Yes, and don't get me wrong, it's the drivers i hate, not the cars.

And you're right, but people who buy A8's and 7 series to drive their kids to school get called *****. My ability to hate people isn't limited, don't you worry about that :p:
Reply 13
I don't like them 'cause they look ****e.

Apart from the landrover defender of course, which is quality as a bastard.
Reply 14
which is quality as a bastard.

A lovely turn of phrase....and true too!:biggrin:
Reply 15
Why don't you all **** off. I hate suvs being driven by "soccer moms" just as much as anyone, everyone but them can see they don't need them and there is no good reason they are not in a estate or big saloon.


Everyone can drive what they want and that's end of

There are people out there who don't want you driving anything that's not electric, but we live in a free country you can drive what you want so dont forget that.

But yeah suvs suck REALLY REALLY BAD, however as long as douches with lots of money buy them they will keep building them, because car makers like money.

I know they're so annoying. At the primary school near my school nearly all the mums have big SUV's or LandRovers. It's ridiculous
Oh who gives a toss?If that's what they want to drive then so be's none of your business if they 'need' it or whatever.
Oh who gives a toss?If that's what they want to drive then so be's none of your business if they 'need' it or whatever.

It is when they turn roads into single lane, one way systems cause the only thing that can get past them are motorbikes.
I have an SUV and drove it for the first time today(I'm a learner)....I didn't turn any roads into single lane ones.....I stuck to my side of the road...the only problems I had were on little country roads where it was a little tight...but then again I imagine it would have been tight even in a smaller car.

Fair enough there are some selfish,thoughtless SUV drivers but then again there are selfish,thoughtless drivers of all other types of car soo...