The Student Room Group

Illness / Chickenpox

i've been feeling like a bag of crap for a few days and have been diagnosed with chickenpox ! i have 3 exams left, which ill probably have to sit in isolation but obviously my performance is going to be severely hampered. what sort of consideration does the examination boards give to fairly serious illness. chicken pox is pretty bad once your not a child........ im worried about missing my uni offer by a grade or something silly.
Reply 1
A friend of mine had glandular fever during exams, so felt pretty crap too.
If you have special consideration it means the examiners arent so strict and take into account that your performance will be altered due to illness, when marking your paper.
You need to talk to your school about it, and make sure you have a letter from your GP.
Good luck :smile:
Reply 2
yeah, i've done that ! apparently i get dispensation, which means if i am well enough to attend the exams i get marked compassionately, if im not they consider my as grades, predicted grades and exams sitten this year.
Reply 4
Ive just had a screening for glandular fever and my teacherhave basically said that if it is that, theyll inform the boards that i had it, and they can take it into consideration. I have felt pretty tired and crap while doing exams so special consideration would make me feel better lol, but to be honest since i went to all the exams i dontt knwo how much consideration i get.
Ive just had a screening for glandular fever and my teacherhave basically said that if it is that, theyll inform the boards that i had it, and they can take it into consideration. I have felt pretty tired and crap while doing exams so special consideration would make me feel better lol, but to be honest since i went to all the exams i dontt knwo how much consideration i get.

I was told that if you had some type of illness but still sat your exams then they add 2% on to your raw marks which is what it says in the document I posted above.
Reply 6
they also do compassionate marking. my chickenpox has gotten bad enough that im writing this from hospital. got a flatscreen pc! and who said the nhs was crap?