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Reply 1
If you have a bf why would you care what any other guy thinks?
Reply 2
Personally the whole skirt things depends on what else you're wearing, if it turns into a slutty look then that's a real turn off.

So usually jeans and a smile :smile:
Reply 3
Short skirt! :wink:
Reply 4

Jeans and a good band t shirt

I despise fake t shirts, ie: those topshop ones with completely random names/logos of bars and clubs. Whats the point?!
Call me a freak, but I like a long skirt on a girl, though jeans are great too. Short skirts seem a little too.........."forward".
u should wear shorts its a compromise of the jeans/skirts debate
Reply 7
I like those sort of long floaty summer skirts some girls wear, really short skirts send a sort of "I'm a quick pull in a club" message out, for me at least. Tbh though, I really don't care, girls seem to be much better at choosing outfits than I am, I only ever notice the clothes girls wear if they are really bad.
Reply 8
really short skirts send a sort of "I'm a quick pull in a club" message out.

That's not always the case. I think it depends on what else the girl wears with the short skirt. As long as the girl looks good, then it doesn't really matter.
Reply 9
Why dont you just wear what you feel comfortable in instead of what other people say/think you should?
I like to see a girl in something she is comfortable wearing. I show no interest in twits that wear short skirts when its been pissing it down for 3 days
Reply 11
Low-rise jeans are the way to go :biggrin: or a medium/long skirt. I don't really like shorts on girls...
Those denim shorts just look so cheap and tacky...
Short skirts make you look cheap...

Jeans or a (non denim) skir all the way...

And again nothing to revealing as a top either..i'm of the belief your body is for your Bf's (and yours obviosly) eyes' only
i like boyfriend jeans on girls
To everyone who is saying "oh why do you care what other boys think if you've got a boyfriend?" perhaps, just perhaps she was just asking purely out of curiousity? FFS!

I know my BF likes when I wear skirts and dresses, I think because it makes me look more feminine and girly but he is generally uncomfortable about me wearing short skirts without footless tights or something underneath.
I dont think guys really mind as long as you just wear a nice combination of stuff. And the boyfriends liking skirts is only because theyre more sexy + easy access...
wear whatfeels comfortable. And as for long skirts being better than short, i'm in ageement.
Reply 17
I find girls most attractive wearing skirts and strapy tops (if its warm) but not slutty skirts!! But to be honest I look further than what girls wear!!
Reply 18
To everyone who is saying "oh why do you care what other boys think if you've got a boyfriend?" perhaps, just perhaps she was just asking purely out of curiousity? FFS!

I agree with you there. Just because a girl has a bf it doesnt mean that they have to feel completely unattractive to the opposite sex. im curious on this one too. Im quite surprised at the answers actually...! well done boys. :smile:
Reply 19
Woo so you don't have to wear a skirt half-way up your backside to be attractive :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: