The Student Room Group
Mix up some salt, some lemon juice (cif will do) and some olive oil until it makes a paste. Use it to really scrub your body and hopefully it will remove the worst of it :smile:
Reply 2
Don't thank me, thank This Morning :adore:
Reply 5
exfoliate and put whitening tooth paste on the really streaky parts. I know you said you never want to use fake tan again but fake tanning over it will make it less obvious. Just make sure next time you - a) exfoliate well before b)moisturise well before c)then apply lightly. The perfect fake tan takes lots of practice! :smile:
Reply 6
i know how u feel, ive had this with a whole host of different tanners, but the one i've founde really does work is garnier summer body, lovely natural colour and moisturises too, much better than dove and johnsons and cheap 2.

it wil give u a glow and disguise bits of the streakiness, its pretty foolproof
Reply 7
You can get fake tan remover wipes from chemists. St Tropez do them, as do Superdrug.

Next time when you apply fake tan make sure you exfoliate and mositurise beforehand, that should hopefully avoid the same thing happening.
Reply 8
apparently tomato ketchup works on the really streaky parts.
Reply 9
pearl drops toothpaste or any whitenning toothpaste will do the trick. just keep rubbing it into the streaks and it'll go in no time xx