The Student Room Group

dont know what to do

I dont know whether to go out for my friends birthday night out or go out with some other mates because this guy I like is gonna be there, and we saw each other for a while and stopped because he just wanted to be friends, but i havent seen him in 3 weeks so i want to see him. Also my friend only told me about it yesterday and its on saturday? What should I do?
Go to your friend's!!! They come first!
Reply 2
yeah i know, just really wanna see this guy. sounds bad though cos he doesnt want me that way anymore. grrr
Reply 3
go and just stay out of his way. you should'nt let it dictate what you do
Reply 4
if he doesn't want you then why are you obsessing over him? Go with your mates, I'd be so pissed off if I was your mate and you blew off my birthday to go chasing a guy who doesn't even like you.
Reply 5
touché squirly! mates over boys, always!!!
if he doesn't want you then why are you obsessing over him? Go with your mates, I'd be so pissed off if I was your mate and you blew off my birthday to go chasing a guy who doesn't even like you.

I'd be pissed off even if he did like you, it's my birthday, you're my friend - I expect you to be there!:p:
Reply 7
I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to even ask that question!
Friends are friends for a reason, a guy who doesn't want you a perfect waste of time. If you were my friend and knew you were contemplating'd have to consider yourself dumped.
Reply 8
I know I should probably go with my friend..I dunno..I cant help the way I feel about him. Maybe i am being stupid
Reply 9
You'll probably have another chance to be at the same place as the guy. Your friend's birthday is only once a year
Go to your friend's!!! They come first!

from a guy i say ditto your friends come first.

if he's not even interested why are you bothering